League of Legends: Suite Guide. Description, walkthrough and recommendations

The Lady of the Shining Lux has always been and remains a real headache for both the mid-player and the entire enemy team. She has literally everything in her possession: damage by area, mass control, a shield for herself and teammates, as well as an absolute skill with a short reload time, striking half a card. If you or your team members inadvertently gave her several kilos, then stopping this pretty beast will be extremely difficult.

guide to suite

Nevertheless, this champion is considered one of the most balanced in the League of Legends. Suite (guide, season 5) in the past was more suited to the role of support, but after some improvements this year firmly entrenched in the middle line. But sometimes (medium and low ELO) it can still be seen on botlein as a support.

So, we are fighting for the victory in the “Summoner's Gorge” and present to your attention Lux - guide (season 6) for the champion on the middle and lower lines.


All the skills of the hero spend mana, and on the first levels the indicator melts before our eyes, so you need to use all the skills very carefully, and extra procast for the enemy’s harass or farm can cost you your life. It is quite difficult to miss any skill of this champion. Sometimes newcomers experience certain problems with the Shackle of Light, but after a dozen games everything should return to normal.

luxury guide season 6

Unlike last season, LOL, Lux (guide, season 6) this year received some advantages, namely, the area of ​​damage of the “Luminous Singularity” was increased along with the slowdown effect, which allowed to dominate the line even more. Otherwise, everything remains the same.

Illumination (Passive)

Thanks to this passive ability, after the casting of each attacking skill, Lux receives pretty good bonus damage to its auto attacks, provided that one of the skills touched the enemy. Given that the champion’s two skills have control, getting through the enemy “from the hand” is not difficult.

The passive ability manifests itself especially well at the very beginning of the game, when each prokast counts, and any additional damage plays a large role in the online phase. It should be noted separately that only Lux can cause bonus damage to an enemy marked with "illumination", while for other champions this mark is useless.

Shackle of Light (Q)

This is the main control skill, with which you can issue a complete prokast and easily (if successfully hit), if you do not kill the enemy, then make him return to base. In combination with a passive ability, the enemy will significantly lose health.

lol lux guide

The only problem for many beginners is getting hit by the Shackle of Light. Last year’s guide to Lux didn’t take into account the mistakes of Q-shkoy, since the skill flew quite quickly and it was possible to get with almost eyes closed. But this season, the flight speed was noticeably increased, so throwing the skill falls on the course of the enemy.

Prismatic Barrier (W)

The only (apart from spells) defensive skill Lux, which, if used correctly, can help not only the champion, but the whole team. The ability can be casted at a decent distance and through various obstacles, and this is a great advantage in team fights and on ganks.

The pluses of this skill include the fact that Lux does not need to hit on its own to get a barrier, so you can throw W anywhere if you beat the online phase. It is also worth noting that the barrier is applied twice, that is, at the time of flight from the champion (once) and back (two).

Luminous Singularity (E)

Excellent combat skill, striking the area, and in addition, also slowing down opponents that got into it. The first caste forms a sphere on the earth, which interferes with the advancement of the enemy, and the second use of E explodes the singularity, causing damage to all those who are in it.

This ability allows you to keep the enemy at a distance and relatively easy to farm. Also, the ability is very useful if you need to escape from a large number of opponents. Guide to Lux in season 6 implies the dominance of the champion on the midline, since as a support on the botlein, it will open only at the end of the game, because it depends heavily on the farm and collected items. Therefore, the only thing you can provide your carry on the bottom line is a camp with Q and very little protection from the Prismatic Barrier, and as for the Luminous Singularity and absolute skill, they will be ineffective without the necessary magic artifacts.

Last Spark (R)

A very powerful absolute skill, striking a considerable distance. The beam has a rather impressive area in width, so there should not be any special problems with hitting. Due to the long range, ultimate can be used not only to finish off opponents.

luxury support guide

Here and lastit neutral monsters in the enemy forest, and dragons, and even Baron Nashor. If you accurately calculate the damage from an absolute skill, then the enemy team will be simply furious when you once again cover up some dragon, remaining at a safe distance from the place of the main events.

Hyde Suite (Mid)

As for the summoner spells, for Lux they are slightly different from the main set of magicians. In one of the slots, we must take the “Leap”, and in the other - “Healing”, or “Barrier”. “Ignition” is of little use for such a set of skills, because after a complete turnout and thanks to passive ability, the enemy simply will not have a chance. Moreover, Lux does not have built-in skills for escape, and therefore the “Ignition” will be simply useless when you are clamped in a vice.

league of legends luxury guide

A “barrier” should be taken if a champion with good burst damage, such as Yasuo, Sindra or Cho`gata, is on the line against you. In other cases, “Healing” is the best option to survive the enemy’s haras or another forester’s gank.

The order of pumping skills, talents and runes

Guide to Lux on the midline strongly recommends focusing on pumping the “Luminous Singularity”, since it has a very large cast range, and when the level increases, the damage of the skill increases significantly. Yes, and the enemy is much easier to get precisely this ability than any other of its arsenal.

In the second turn, we swing our control - “Shackling of Light”. If you can get your Q into the enemy, then send the opponent to the fountain with the remaining skills without any problems, since he will simply have nowhere to go, and this is an indispensable skill on ganks.

league of legends luxury guide

We pump W over last, because “Healing” and “Barrier” will help us survive the haras on the line and the ganks of the enemy forester. The absolute ability of the champion is raised, of course, out of turn.

As for the runes, here everything is, like all other magicians: fifths for AP damage, marks for penetration, and seals with signs in resistance. In talents, it is better to take "Lord of Thunder", which is ideal for Q, E and R.


Since past seasons, the magicalization of magicians has changed dramatically. This year (more specifically, this fall) AP pro-casters are gathered in a completely different way, and this is the whole League of Legends.

Suite (guide, season 6) is extremely demanding on mana and on reducing the cooldown of skills, so the ideal first artifact would be Athena’s Unholy Grail or, as an option, Morellonomicon, which will give us both the first and second.

guide to luxury mid

The next item will be boots for magical penetration and further on the circumstances.

If a champion with physical damage is standing against you on the line, then it’s obviously worthwhile to buy Zhonya’s Hourglass. In the middle of the game, you can buy a Rabadon Hat or Luden's Echo, and towards the end you can get something to penetrate, such as the Staff of the Abyss or the Mask.

In any case, one guide to the Suite cannot cover the entire expected composition of the enemy team, so if you have any doubts, then get together in this build by default. Otherwise, everything is simple - damage and penetration.

Suite - support (guide, season 6)

The difference between the support champion and the online phase is not that big. Runes and talents are similar, but instead of “Barrier” or “Healing”, it is better to take “Exhaustion” in the summoner's spells to help your carry survive the enemy burst.

The changes also affected the champion’s itemization. Instead of “Morellonomicon” or “Athene’s Unholy Grail”, you will have to collect “Claims of the Ice Queen”. Firstly, this will allow you to somehow improve your difficult financial situation as a champion of support, and secondly, it will greatly simplify all kinds of pursuits, thanks to the active ability of the artifact. If the forester stubbornly does not want to ward his forest, and Kerry does not buy pink wards, then it will be useful to buy the “Sight Stone” in order to successfully avoid the ganks and the counterjungle. Yes, and dragons with Baron Nashor also does not hurt to always keep in full view.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23053/

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