Residence permit: what is it and what gives?

Residence permit is a special document that confirms the right of a migrant to reside permanently in Russia. Its validity depends on the grounds for registration, but cannot be more than 5 years. Subsequently, a residence permit can be extended for the same period. Let us consider in more detail the features of the document.

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General information

In Russia, RVP (temporary residence permit ) and residence permit are the main documents of a migrant. The difference between them is as follows. The provision of RVP is stamped in the national passport of the citizen. Residence permit is a separate unified form.

A migrant, having received a residence permit, is considered to be permanently resident in Russia. Subjects who do not have citizenship use it as an identity card.

In some foreign countries, persons may be granted temporary or permanent residence permits. In the Russian Federation there are no such concepts. A residence permit in Russia is a temporary document. As mentioned above, it must be extended. If there are grounds, the document may be canceled.

Subjects of law

The legislation enshrines a list of persons who can obtain a residence permit. This is :

  • Adult migrants with RWP.
  • Highly qualified foreign specialists.
  • Disabled foreigners, if his guardian is a citizen of Russia or an entity with a residence permit.
  • Participants in the state resettlement program .
  • Citizens of Belarus.
  • Native Russian speakers.
  • Political refugees.

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Opportunities for people with a residence permit

In Russia, migrants holding a residence permit can:

  • Move freely around the country without notice to the Federal Tax Service. An exception is provided for visits to enclosed areas.
  • To leave / enter Russia without a visa an unlimited number of times.
  • Get a job at a Russian company without a patent or special permission.
  • Get general education, medical care, retirement.
  • Use credit offers of domestic banking organizations.

One of the advantages of a residence permit is that the migrant, having received it, remains a citizen of his country. Exceptions may be in cases where a renunciation of former citizenship is necessary.

residence permit

Prohibitions and restrictions

They are provided for in Federal Law No. 115. According to the provisions of the regulatory act, a migrant with a residence permit does not have the right to vote. In addition, he cannot:

  • To enter a municipal or public service.
  • Be a member of the crew of a Russian ship, including a military one.
  • Be a commander in a civilian aircraft.
  • Enter the state of enterprises engaged in ensuring state security of the Russian Federation.

A migrant with a residence permit is not drafted into the armed forces, is not accepted into the armed forces as a civilian employee.

Features of obtaining a residence permit

The document processing procedure includes:

  • Getting RVP. After a year of residence in the country, you can apply for a residence permit.
  • Collection of documents.
  • Applying for a residence permit .

residence permit rf

Some migrants do not need to apply for RVP. For these categories of persons a simplified procedure for registration is provided. Special rules can be used by:

  • Highly qualified foreign specialists and their close relatives (family members).
  • Native speakers of the Russian Federation.
  • Citizens of Belarus.
  • Political refugees.
  • Subjects who ceased citizenship of the Russian Federation.

A prerequisite for persons with a residence permit is a notification to the FMS about residence in Russia. It is necessary to inform the migration service annually.

The foreigner must submit the application in person. For incompetent or minor documents are handed over by their representatives.

residence permit in Russia

General order

Paperwork according to the general rules is a rather lengthy process. However, this is the only opportunity for most migrants to get a full-fledged residence permit for 5 years.

When preparing documents in a general manner, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • An application for a residence permit must be submitted six months before the expiration of the term of the RWP.
  • The maximum period for sending documents to a residence permit is 2.5 years from the date of issuance of the RVP. If the migrant misses this deadline, the permit must be issued again.
  • The migrant will be notified about the readiness of residence permit after 6 months. from the date of transfer of all documents.
  • An application for extension of residence permit is sent for 2 months. until the end of its validity period.

Package of documents

The application is executed in 2 copies. Attached to it:

  • 4 photos.
  • National passport.
  • Duty receipt.
  • RVP.
  • Documents confirming income. The migrant must have the means to live in Russia. The following documents serve as supporting documents: certificate on f. 2-PIT, patent with a receipt on the deduction of tax amounts.
  • A document confirming knowledge of the state language of the Russian Federation.
  • Medical certificate and certificate confirming the absence of HIV.

Documents in a foreign language must be translated and certified by the consulate.

residence permit notification

If a residence permit is issued for a child, the package of documents is somewhat different. It includes:

  • Sv-about birth.
  • Consent of a minor over 14 years of age to permanent residence in Russia.
  • Documents proving the availability of a sufficient amount of funds for the maintenance of a minor.

The package of documents also includes a medical certificate and certificate, national passport of the legal representative, photographs.

Required exam

Migrants who receive a residence permit in accordance with general rules must present a certificate confirming that they have basic knowledge of the Russian language, the basics of legislation and the history of Russia. The corresponding requirement is enshrined in Federal Law No. 74.

The certificate is issued after passing the exam. It includes:

  • Test in Russian. Answers to questions are given 75 minutes.
  • History test. Its duration is half an hour.
  • Test on the basics of Russian legislation. It also takes half an hour.

Passing the exam is paid. If the change is unsuccessful, the money will not be returned.

No need to provide a certificate:

  • Disabled foreigners.
  • Women over 60, men over 65.
  • To minors.
  • Highly qualified foreign specialists.
  • To participants of the state program.
  • Foreigners trained in Russia.
  • Persons educated in Soviet times.
  • Citizens of countries in which Russian is considered one of the official languages.
  • Native speakers.

State program participants

These entities can receive RVP without taking into account established quotas. After obtaining permission, they are registered at the place of residence and submit an application for a residence permit. 2 months are given for consideration of the application.

Attached are photographs and a national passport.

Subsequently, the participant in the state program, having the appropriate certificate and residence permit, can send an application for citizenship.

Highly qualified foreign specialists

These subjects may not receive RVP, but immediately apply for a residence permit. However, the duration of the latter will be limited to the period specified in the contract. If the contract is terminated ahead of schedule, the residence permit will be valid for another month. This time is allotted to the migrant to find a new employer. If the contract is not concluded within a month, the foreigner must leave Russia.

Native speakers

For a migrant to be recognized as Russian-speaking, it is necessary to apply to the FMS. After consideration, a commission is formed. She makes the final decision on recognizing the subject as a native speaker. This decision has no validity.

Having received a commission conclusion, a migrant contacts the FMS with the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Photographs.
  • National passport.
  • Confirmation of renunciation of former citizenship.
  • Medical certificate and certificate of absence of HIV.

Residence permit for Russian-speaking migrants is issued for 3 years. Subsequently, the document is not renewed. Such foreigners must submit the necessary documents for obtaining Russian citizenship within 2 years from the date of obtaining a residence permit. Otherwise, the residence permit will be canceled upon the expiration of its validity.

Political refugees

For this category of people, the rules for obtaining a residence permit are even simpler. They must be provided with:

  • Statement. It can be written in free form. If asylum is also provided to close relatives, this must be indicated in the application.
  • 4 photos.
  • National passport
  • Sv-va about the birth of children and marriage.

Medical examination

To pass it, the migrant must present a passport, a migration card and a document confirming registration with the FMS.

application for residence permit

Inspection includes:

  • Fluorography.
  • Testing for leprosy, tuberculosis, chancroid, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Examination by a narcologist, dermatologist, TB specialist.

Medical examinations are carried out only by specially authorized healthcare institutions.

Refusal to applicant

As a rule, the reasons for refusal are:

  • Improper execution of the application, incomplete set of documents.
  • The presence of a criminal record, the detection of deportation, expulsion, the presence of dangerous diseases.
  • Providing false / invalid documents.
  • Lack of grounds for obtaining a residence permit.


If a foreigner who has obtained a residence permit has been outside Russia for more than six months, the document may be canceled. However, this situation is possible if the subject was absent continuously for 6 months.

In case of cancellation of the residence permit, the migrant must leave Russia within fifteen days. The document is not subject to recovery; the migrant will have to go through the whole procedure again.


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