Anastasia Parfenova: biography, bibliography

Anastasia Parfenova is a popular Russian writer. The main genres in which she works are science fiction and fantasy. We will talk about the main stages of her biography and main works in this article.

Writer Biography

Anastasia Parfenova

Anastasia Parfenova was born in 1982. She was born in the Arkhangelsk region in the city of Severodvinsk. The future writer herself admits that she was very lucky with friends and relatives, but not with the weather, because in those places it was very cold.

In 1997, Anastasia Parfenova moved to St. Petersburg, here she graduated from high school, and after that she immediately entered St. Petersburg State University. The direction that the heroine of our article has chosen is psychology. Studying at this faculty had a great influence on her work. The first books, in fact, were devoted to strange and mysterious psychological theories. In 2002, the first fantastic stories of Anastasia Parfenova were published.

Hobbies and professional interests

Books by Anastasia Parfenova

The writer herself admits that in her free time she loves to read most. And it can take absolutely any book that comes to hand. She also loves to listen to music and catch up on incredible fix ideas.

When Anastasia studied at school, she went to a music school and took music classes, practiced karate, attended design art courses, and even learned the basics of banking. But as a result, I abandoned all these hobbies for the sake of literature.

She has many literary idols, whose work she admires, but in the first place for the writer for many years is Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”.

In the sphere of her professional interests lies, first of all, of course, literature and the psychology of extreme situations. She is fond of this most of all. Parfenova also studies cross-cultural anthropology, is interested in linguistics, history and poetry.

Among the fans she is known primarily as a writer. All books by Anastasia Parfenova can be described as an alloy of fiction, fantasy, parody, philosophy, action and psychology. In her works, she tries to look at the people around her as if from the back of the mirror. The main thing that you can be sure of while reading Anastasia Parfenova’s books is that you will never guess what will happen to the characters in the next moment, and even the author herself does not know what secret comes up at the very end of the novel. In any case, you will enjoy a fascinating reading.

Fictional World

Dancing with Out

The fame brought to the writer a series of books "Dancing with Out." Anastasia Parfyonova wrote three novels in 2002 and 2003. The first was called the same as the entire series, and the other two were called “Unraveling Dreams” and “Dooming Life”.

The fictional world brought success to the heroine of our article. These novels tell of winged el-ins who are forced to seek salvation in a world of catastrophes and deadly dangers. To provide themselves with at least some kind of protection, they decide to take refuge in the shadow of the state of arrs. But to do this is not easy, since the el-ins and arr are too different, although they arose in the same biological laboratories on planet Earth.

To solve this difficult problem, the heiress of the ruling dynasty of El-Inov named Anthea tor Deriul succeeds. She is a popular fighter, and also a famous dancer. She has to plunge into a world filled with ingenious traps and fierce fights, often she comes to the aid of the sword Llygirlin, who knows no defeats, and her ingenuity often helps to be one step ahead of her opponent, to predict how palace intrigues will unfold. All this helps to solve the task of the eminent warrior.

In her country, which is floating among the sun's rays and clouds, peace finally reigns. But in order to preserve it, the dance of Haute must continue, because new conspiracies arise around, and evil witchcraft is gaining strength and power.


Roman Bright Scarlet

In 2003, another Parfenova’s novel, entitled “The Messenger,” was released; a year later, the work “City and the Wind”. She released her last novel in 2011, it was called "Bright Scarlet."

She is also known for her short stories and short stories. It is worth noting such works as “Owlet”, “Gastronomic sketch”, “My brother’s sister”, “Tears of the stars”, “Under the flag of my Lord Kugel”, “Sketch of the Winter”, “Straight”.


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