Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia: description

The Republic of Karelia attracts tourists and travelers with its original uniqueness all year round. Lovers of outdoor activities and connoisseurs of architectural monuments come here. Karelia is called the "land of lakes", and in its forests there was a shooting of the famous film "And the dawns here are quiet."

The capital of Karelia - Petrozavodsk - is stretched along Lake Onega for 22 kilometers. The city is rich in squares, monuments, interesting sights. One of the historical places frequently visited by tourists is the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia. It has a unique, extraordinary story.

Where is?

The Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia is located on the second most important city square named after S.M. Kirov. Previously, it was called the Fortress, and then - the Cathedral, as three churches stood on it. The Resurrection and Peter and Paul Cathedrals burned down in 1924, and Svyatodukhovsky was destroyed in 1936. The area was renamed several times (of the Republic, Labor, the Palace of Labor, Freedom), and in 1944 it was again assigned the name of Kirov.

Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia
The Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia was founded in 1960. He rightfully occupied the building, which carried through itself several centuries later the spirit of enlightenment and culture.

History of the museum

The construction of the building, which originally housed the male gymnasium named after Emperor Alexander, began in 1788, and two years later a grand opening took place. The two-story brick building in the classical style at that time was the largest in all of Karelia. In 1802 it was subjected to fire and was restored only in 1810.

After the October Revolution in 1918, the gymnasium was abolished. But the building continued to host cultural and educational institutions: a library, the House of Pioneers, the school of culture. And since 1960, access has been open to all lovers of fine art. In 2002, the building was renovated.

Museum collections are much older than 55 years of age. The first attempts to collect exhibits were made at the beginning of the XIX century. The first exhibition "Museum" was held in Petrozavodsk in 1838. More than 300 exhibits presented at it were mainly samples and products of art casting.


Throughout the nineteenth - early twentieth centuries, museum work in Karelia continues to develop. At the end of the 1930s, the creative and urban public raised the question of opening an art museum.

in the museum of fine arts of the republic of karelia
The number of exhibits was constantly increasing, the collections were replenished after the war with icons returned from Finland. Storage and accommodation conditions required the creation of a separate museum in the city.

And in 1960, the museum hospitably received its visitors.

Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia: description of the collection

Let's start with the richest collections that are carefully collected and stored by its employees. They give an idea of ​​the development of domestic art, of the national and artistic traditions of Karelia. There are many works of foreign masters.

  • Ancient Russian art is represented by a collection of about two and a half thousand icons that reveal the spiritual world and religious representations of the peasantry of the North of Russia.
  • The collection of arts and crafts contains costumes, embroideries, woven products, wood carvings and paintings, utensils from birch bark, copper and ceramics of the 19th-20th centuries, as well as works by contemporaries.
  • Russian art of the 18th - early 20th centuries is represented by paintings by famous artists: Shishkin, Levitan, Korovin, Polenov, Aivazovsky and many others. The collection has three works by the mother of the last Russian emperor - Maria Fedorovna Romanova.

Museum of Fine Arts

  • About four thousand works by masters of Moscow and other art centers of Russia are collected in the collection “Domestic Art of the Twentieth Century”. Here are the works performed in the schedule. The Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala” is also reflected in works of art.
  • The Kalevala theme is dedicated to a separate collection. It is the most popular part of the museum funds. She is exhibited every year, participates in international projects.
  • Foreign art is represented by paintings and sculptures of Dutch, Finnish, French and other art schools, as well as a small collection of porcelain.

The Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia has exhibitions for lovers and lovers of the beautiful and the eternal. The personal exposition “Declaration of love” by the Karelian artist Badri Topuria has been opened, dedicated to its 60th anniversary.

Museum Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia Description
Until the end of May, everyone can visit the still life exhibition from the collection of the Vita Predmeta Museum. You can also see the exhibition "Petersburg in the works of children."


The Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia maintains the safety of its foundation. Its employees organized the action “Adopt a picture”. People who are partial to art pay for a baguette or frame, thereby giving the picture a new life.


The Museum of Fine Arts (RK) invites you to thematic and sightseeing tours, master classes for beginners and already experienced masters of the brush and cutter, all concerned to touch the history of the North, captured on the canvases of the masters of painting and graphics, reflected in sculpture and decorative and applied art.


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