Cucumber Garland F1: description of the variety, features of cultivation, reviews. When to sow cucumbers for seedlings

All varieties of cucumbers have their own advantages and disadvantages, and many gardeners plant exactly those varieties to which they are accustomed. But time-tested is not necessarily better; nevertheless, selection is constantly evolving and striding forward. Thanks to modern botanical developments, cucumber Garland f1 appeared.

The climate in Russia is quite severe, and gardeners here care not only about the good taste of vegetables, but also about how to protect the plants. Our summer is unstable, the temperature can change dramatically, soil frosts can return at any time. Cucumber Garland was bred in 2010. The variety was developed by the staff of the Gavrish company. And as soon as it began to be sold, it became quite popular.

cucumber garland

Grade description

Cucumber Garland is a precocious self-pollinating plant, which is characterized by powerful growth and a bunch of laying ovaries. Differs in high productivity and unpretentiousness in leaving. These cucumbers are used both fresh and for preservation.

It is important not to confuse the Garland with the Siberian garland variety. Although they are similar in name, the plants themselves are completely different. The variety is a hybrid, so you can’t breed it yourself with seeds.

Variety Garland has a female type of flowering. Cucumbers ripen early, 35-45 days after the first shoots. In the season itself, up to 35 fruits can ripen on one plant at a time.

The fruits themselves are cylindrical in shape, dark green in color. The average length of cucumbers is 10-12 cm, in diameter 3-3.5 cm, weighing 10 to 110 g. The leaves on the plants are small, have a serrated edge and a heart shape. Fruits are large-tuberous, have white pubescence.

Cucumbers garland

In the central and northern regions of Russia, it is recommended to grow a cucumber garland in greenhouses or greenhouses. In such conditions, the plants feel quite confident, and the yield will be quite high - 12-14 kg per 1 sq.m. Plants do not require sophisticated care, moreover, they are protected from the main diseases of cucumber crops. In relatively warm weather, the plants will bear fruit until the end of September.

As mentioned above, the seeds of cucumbers Garland can not be displayed independently, since it is a hybrid. All characteristics of the variety are realized only when purchasing high-quality seed.

Growing and when to plant cucumbers for seedlings

This variety is best grown in the greenhouse way. Plants tolerate shade well, besides it is self-pollinated, so it can easily be grown on the balcony or on the windowsill. Thus, you can get cucumbers even earlier. Seeds are planted to a depth of not more than 1-2 cm, at a temperature of at least 25 degrees.

cucumber seedlings

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings? Planting seeds for seedlings is in the second half of April. Seedlings are planted in the soil in the phase of 3-4 real leaves - this is approximately the end of May or the beginning of June. It is better to form plants in one stalk. The distance between greenhouse plants is 30 * 70 cm.

Already from the producer, the seeds come in a special shell and are pre-processed, so you do not need to further process and soak them.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in cups or peat tablets, with each seed sown in a separate cup. The temperature regime in the room must be observed at least 27 degrees, and when the first leaves appear, the temperature is lowered to 21-23 degrees at a humidity of 75%. Soil for sowing seeds is better to buy ready-made, universal use.

If seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, then it is important to regularly ventilate it to prevent moldiness of the soil. When 3-5 true leaves appear, plants can be planted in open ground.

Cucumber Seedlings

It is important to remember that cucumbers do not like drafts and strong temperature differences. Good precursors for cucumbers are onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, that is, they are best planted in those places where these plants used to grow. It is better not to plant cucumbers after pumpkins, watermelons, melons, squash and squash. It is undesirable to grow spices next to cucumbers except dill. A positive effect on the neighborhood of legumes and corn. Once every 3-4 years, it is important to change the place of planting of cucumbers.

The statistics of large farms shows that the share of commercial quality fruits reaches 95% of the total crop. In order not to damage the plants during transplantation, it is better to plant seedlings in peat tablets. There is a myth that the filler dries very quickly, but this is far from the case, and only irresponsible gardeners face this problem. If all the requirements are observed, then such a problem does not arise.


Description of the variety of cucumbers The garland suggests that these plants are quite productive and not demanding to care for. But in order to really get a good crop, they need to be watered daily under the root with warm water. Regular cultivation, weeding and weed removal are also required. It is enough to feed 1 time in two weeks. Suitable biological or organic fertilizers. When the cucumber lash grows, the plant can be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, and in the flowering period, it can also be mixed with nitrogen-potassium fertilizer.

growing cucumbers

It is good to prepare beds for cucumbers since the fall: add fallen leaves, needles, straw, branches of shrubs to the soil. After that, cover the ground with foil and leave it in the winter.

Cucumber Garland must be tied up, this can be done using a regular grid or trellis. So the plants receive more sunlight, it is more convenient to care for them, and the fruiting period can also be extended.

Some features of growing cucumber Garland

A few tips to help novice gardeners:

  1. It is important to monitor soil moisture; watering should be moderate. From planting to flowering, you need to water about 4 liters per bush about once every 4 days.
  2. The frequency and amount of watering should be increased with the beginning of fruiting by about 2 times.
  3. The garland feels good with economical drip irrigation.
  4. Weeding can be replaced by mulching.
  5. Cucumbers love warm water and strictly under the root.
  6. Feed once every two weeks with organic and industrial fertilizers.
  7. Grind the crust after watering.

Grade Advantages

Cucumber Garland has many advantages:

  1. It contains vitamins of group B, provitamin A, iron, calcium, ascorbic acid and enzymes that favorably affect the breakdown and absorption of animal fats.
  2. Differ in high productivity.
  3. Self-pollinating.
  4. They can grow in any soil and in any weather conditions.
  5. Bear fruit for a long period.
  6. Do not require sunlight.
  7. The variety is early ripe.
  8. Resistant to major cucumber diseases.
  9. It is well transported.

Variety disadvantages

As such, the variety has no shortcomings, gardeners note only the high cost of seed. But this deficiency is completely blocked by the high yield of the variety.

Pests and diseases of the variety

Cucumber Garland is resistant to many diseases. Even to such as powdery mildew, cladosporiosis. Less resistant to cucumber mosaic and downy mildew.

To make the plants less sick, it is important to plant bushes correctly. Close landing ensures the development of viruses and fungus. Weakened by disease, plants are attacked by pests.

If the plant is sick and dead, it must be dug up and burned. The earth needs to be treated with a solution of copper sulfate: 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

cucumber garland

Harvesting and storage

For a high and regular yield, you need to collect ripe cucumbers on time. Regular harvesting stimulates the growth of new fruits. The first crop is received after 45-50 days after germination.

Store cucumbers in the refrigerator or in a dark, cool place. Before you remove the cucumbers in the refrigerator, you need to hold them in the shade for about an hour. It is also not necessary to wash them before storage so that they do not become soft ahead of time and do not lose their presentation.

cucumbers garland

The opinion of gardeners

Gardeners leave a lot of positive reviews about cucumbers Garland. It was noted that they are very convenient to grow on the windowsill: every year they give a stable crop - about ten fruits from one plant.

The fruits themselves are delicious, juicy, suitable for both preparing summer salad and canning.

Gardeners also note its productivity, unpretentiousness in leaving and early ripening. Plants can bear fruit for a long time, up to the very frosts. Also, many note its versatility and excellent germination of seeds.

Another point noted by gardeners: seeds of the Garland variety are produced by many manufacturers. But on the products of the company "Gavrish", which brought this variety, the least complaints.

As a conclusion, we can say that the variety of cucumbers Garland managed to gain its popularity, despite the fact that the variety has recently been bred.


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