The drug "Epin extra": the use of a biostimulator in your garden

Gardeners who are well versed in biostimulants and various inorganic fertilizers are familiar with a drug like Epin Extra. Reviews about it can be found on almost any forum dedicated to caring for the garden. But the situation is different with inexperienced summer residents.

epin extra application

They often consider all chemicals without exception, including the Epin solution, harmful to their garden. Such people do not understand adaptogens and biostimulants of various origins, considering them poison, and prefer to fertilize the garden with exclusively humus. Nevertheless, many of them may well use the Epin Extra preparation, the use of which will help solve a number of problems with your plants. Moreover, both with decorative crops and with vegetable ones.

Means "Epin extra." Using adaptogen in your garden

This substance is a biostimulant created in the laboratory. It has the property of activating plant immunity, contributes to increased stress resistance of trees and shrubs. It has been proven that horticultural crops are able to withstand aggressive environments.

epin extra reviews
And with such crop-threatening phenomena as drought, frost and floods, they are quite capable of coping, provided, of course, they have good immunity - this is what Epin Extra will help improve. Its use increases productivity by fifteen percent. Fruits ripen faster if the tree is sprayed with this compound. And seed (corms and seeds), previously soaked in "Epin", is characterized by increased germination. Seedlings take root faster, the root system develops more powerfully and excellent immunity is formed in plants, which subsequently protects them from sudden changes in temperature. And this is not all the advantages of Epin Extra. The drug is able to breathe new life into adult plants that have already begun to age. With its help, they form numerous new shoots. I must say that not only the Epin Extra drug itself is not toxic. It also actively affects the fact that the content of heavy metals and nitrates in the plants that it is treated is reduced. What provides such a wide spectrum of action of the drug? It includes epibrassinolide - this substance is synthesized by Russian scientists. It is able to actively influence biological processes in all parts of the plant. And if a tree or shrub cannot cope with pests, then it’s better not to poison it with an abundance of chemicals, but to use the Epin remedy to activate natural immunity. In all cases, without exception, there is a positive trend.

epin solution

The drug "Epin extra." Application and dosage

In one ampoule of the drug - about forty drops. It is enough for breeding in five liters of water - this is the standard proportion, which should be suitable for almost all crops that grow in your garden. If you want to prepare the Epina solution in advance, then know that it will retain its properties for about two days (but not in the sun, but in a cold, dark place). Although when used on the same day, its chemical activity is slightly higher. There is no need to exceed the dose - if you want to intensively treat your plant with the Epin preparation, then you need to observe regularity in processing.


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