The most dangerous spider in the world (photo)

Some people believe that spiders are insects. However, it is not. Spiders are allocated in a separate class, and the structure of their body has some features. For example, insects always have three pairs of limbs. Spiders have one more, that is, four. The differences apply to the eyes. In insects, they are compound, and in spiders, they are singular, with lenses. You can distinguish representatives of one class from another by the presence of antennae. Spiders do not have them.

As a rule, arthropods cause disgust and fear in many people. And this despite its relatively small size. However, those spiders that live behind our closets and weave cobwebs do not pose any danger to humans. But they live on Earth and such representatives of this class, which should be ignored. These arthropods are terrible for humans. What are they, where can they be seen? Consider the top most dangerous spiders in the world. And let's start it with the most poisonous representatives.

Brazilian spider

This representative of arthropods is the most dangerous on our planet. For this reason, he was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. With it, we start the top 10 most dangerous spiders in the world.

Where does he live? A Brazilian wandering spider can be seen in the American tropics or subtropics. In this case, two groups of these representatives of the animal world are distinguished. The first of them includes jumping spiders. So they are called by the method of prosecution of the victim. These spiders catch up with their prey with abrupt jumps.

the most dangerous spider

The second group includes running arthropods. These Brazilian spiders very quickly pursue their prey. Representatives of the second group go hunting at night. In the daytime, they hide under stones or in places where they cannot be seen. Such spiders can live both on the earth and on trees.

Why are these arthropods called wandering? The fact is that the Brazilian spider does not weave a cobweb like its relatives. He constantly changes his place of residence, moving in search of food.

The most dangerous spider on our planet causes a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of South America. This poisonous creature climbs into their homes. The Brazilian wanderer is often found in food boxes or in closets with clothes.

What features does the most dangerous spider on our planet have? It is distinguished by its small size. The Brazilian wanderer can grow up to 10 cm in length. However, the small size does not prevent the fact that these arthropods are the most dangerous spiders in the world (see photo below).

They are wonderful hunters, representing a great danger to humans. It is worth saying that the bite of this arthropod leads to suffocation, often ending in death. The good news is that to save human life there is an antidote that should only be introduced on time.

the most dangerous spiders in the world photo

Of course, healthy adults can not worry about their lives after they are bitten by the most dangerous spider on our planet. They can only have a severe allergic reaction to its poison. But the toxins that have entered the body of a child or a sick person can lead to the most sad result.

What prefers to eat the most dangerous spider on our planet? His favorite treats are bananas. That is why Brazilian wanderers prefer to climb into the boxes in which these fragrant fruits are stored. For such love, this representative of arthropods is often called a "banana spider." However, the main food for him, of course, is not fruit at all. The most dangerous spiders in the world are hunting (photo see below) for insects.

Their victims are even relatives of other species. In addition, Brazilian wanderers attack birds and lizards, which are significantly superior in size.

The world's most dangerous spiders do not attack humans. They bite a person only for their own protection.

Sand six-eyed

Representatives of these arthropods continue the top 10 most dangerous spiders in the world. These are small individuals, reaching a length of 8-15 mm. Outwardly, such spiders resemble crabs. This similarity is given to them by relatively large paws bent at the knees, the length of which reaches 50 mm. It resembles a crab and a slightly flattened body shape of an arthropod. This most dangerous spider (photo below) got its name because of its inherent shade of brown color and the presence of six eyes.

the most dangerous spiders
Sand six-eyed places of residence are the territories of South Africa and the lands of South America. Depending on the habitat, these spiders have different concentrations of lethal substances in saliva. Thus, African individuals are endowed with more lightning and deadly poison than their American relatives. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the climatic features of the Namib desert.

A six-eyed sand spider hunts for small insects. Its scorpions also become its victims. The spider is waiting for its prey, buried in the sand. In disguise, the hairs located on the body help him. Sand grains stick to them, making the hunter a successful conspirator.

The poison of this spider acts on the body of its victim in an unusual and unique way. Until now, a toxin unknown to science has a negative effect on blood vessels, destroying their walls. This process occurs due to slow necrosis. The blood of the victim is also detrimental. It begins the active destruction of red blood cells. Thus, the poison of this arthropod is a very effective murder weapon. Fortunately, meeting a six-eyed sand spider with a person is very rare. Only two cases of fatalities resulting from the attack of this arthropod were recorded.

Sydney Funnel Spider

This representative of arthropods is small or medium in size. He was rightfully included in the top lines of the list, from which the top of the most dangerous spiders of our planet is composed. The fact is that his bite can cause death.

The sizes of the females of the Sydney funnel spider are in the range from 1.5 to 3 cm. Males, as a rule, are one centimeter smaller. The body color of these spiders has beige-brown, and sometimes black shades. Two dark longitudinal strips located on the back help to distinguish these arthropods from their relatives.

The habitat of the described spider is Australia. Most often it can be found in the state of New South Wales. This representative of the animal world loves to settle in the forests, as well as in the area developed by people. Funnel spiders often wander in the backyards and can sometimes end up in pools. It is undesirable for people to encounter these arthropods, since with a possible threat they become aggressive.

the most dangerous spider photo

Sydney funnel spider produces strong poison. Moreover, the toxic substance is produced by arthropods in large quantities. The danger of the spider lies in its long chelicera. These are peculiar “fangs” in which poison-removing channels are located near the tip. It is worth saying that the chelicera of the Sydney spider are larger in size than those possessed by the brown snake, which is also very dangerous for humans.

The venom of the Australian arthropod includes a component that acts on the nervous system of the victim. Getting into human blood, it changes the functioning of all systems and organs. When bitten by males, even a fatal outcome is not excluded . In 1981, scientists developed an antidote to eliminate the danger of death for humans. Since that moment, no deaths from a bite of the funnel Sydney spider have been reported.

Black Widow

The top 10 most dangerous spiders in the world continues this small representative of arthropods. The length of his body is in the range of only 1.5-2 centimeters. And although the females of these arthropod representatives are two times larger than the males, they are also quite difficult to distinguish in natural conditions. Nevertheless, these are the most dangerous spiders, almost at the top of the corresponding rating.

The black widow is in constant “mourning”. Only sexually mature adults have red hourglass marks on their abdomen. Young spiders have a light color. Their body is sometimes white or yellowish white. Coloring becomes darker only with age. The body of these spiders acquires black color only by the second or third month of life.

This “most dangerous spider” (see photo below) got its “mourning” name not at all by chance. Females of this arthropod are characterized by cannibalism in relation to males.

10 most dangerous spiders

The place of residence of these spiders, as a rule, are the Central Asian deserts and steppes. They are less common in the Caucasus, as well as in the Crimea.

The black widow, occupying the third place among the 10 most dangerous spiders, prefers to hunt in the recesses under the stones, placing her snares at a small height from the ground. She also watches for victims in crevices and various openings, over squat plants and even in the thick of vine vines.

Representatives of these spiders go hunting at night. In the afternoon, they prefer to hide in their shelters. As a rule, insects serve as food for a black widow. However, these spiders are not averse to dine with wood lice and their own kindred.

The bite of a black widow is dangerous to humans. This is especially true of the elderly and children. The poison, spreading throughout the body, causes severe muscle cramps. Also, after a bite of a black widow spider, weakness and headache, shortness of breath and increased salivation, vomiting, a sense of anxiety and tachycardia appear. You can neutralize the poison by cauterizing a bite with a match. To eliminate the likelihood of an allergic reaction, the victim is also desirable to be taken to the hospital.

Red back

At first glance, a small spider is very similar to a black widow. The similarity with this arthropod gives it black color, a red stripe on the back and a red-orange pattern on the abdomen, similar to an hourglass. However, this spider is not a black widow, since its homeland is Australia. Today, this arthropod can be found in countries such as Japan, Belgium and New Zealand.

top most dangerous spiders

The poison of the red back (representative of the karakurt family) is more dangerous than the poison of the rattlesnake itself. In this regard, the bite of a small spider can cause serious consequences for a person. After the toxic substance enters the bloodstream, people experience pain, muscle cramps, nausea, and sweating increase. Fortunately, the main food for this spider is small insects, and sometimes even lizards. This dangerous kid does not seek out people, and therefore such meetings are very rare.

Chilean Hermit Spider

This arthropod is also among the ten most dangerous on our planet. Its habitat is the western United States. You can meet the hermit spider in the states of Iowa, Nebraska, as well as in Indiana and Texas. This is one of the largest arthropods of this species. The length of his body, taking into account the limbs, often reaches 1.5 inches. Translated from Spanish, the name of this representative of the animal world is “brown spider”.

10 most dangerous spiders in the world

Despite its small size, ranging from 6-20 millimeters, the bite of a Chilean hermit can cause a painful death. The toxic substances contained in his saliva cause paralysis of all internal organs, as well as hemolytic anemia and severe renal failure.

Spider mouse

This dangerous creature is found in Chile and Australia. This representative of arthropods got its name because of the erroneous opinion of people that spiders, like mice, live underground in burrows dug by them.

The size of this poisonous representative of the animal world is very small. The length of his body ranges from one to three centimeters.

top 10 most dangerous spiders

The victims of mouse spiders are insects. They also eat other spiders. In turn, these arthropods feed on scorpions, wasps, centipedes and bandicoots.

The poison of mouse spider has a protein origin and is considered very dangerous for humans. Fortunately, his specimens are rarely seen near human habitation. In addition, the mouse spider prefers to save its poison by making so-called dry bites.

Chinese tarantula

This spider belongs to one of the varieties of a large tarantula. The length of his body is about twenty centimeters. Arthropods of this species can be met in Vietnam and China. Due to their inherent size and fierce appearance, the locals call these spiders earthen tigers.

top most dangerous spiders in the world

The venom of a Chinese tarantula has been investigated in the laboratory. The experimental results proved that the toxic substances released by this arthropod in fifty percent of the cases lead to the death of small mammals.

Ornamental tarantula

These hairy and huge in size arthropods belong to the family of wolf spiders. Ornamental tarantulas can be found in countries of Southeast Asia. Their bite is very painful, and the poison that got into the human body can cause serious swelling.


What are the most dangerous spiders in tenth place in the ranking? These arthropods are called golden or gold. We are talking about yellow saki spiders, whose place of residence is mainly Europe. This small (up to 1 cm in length) arthropod builds a shelter, similar to a sack. Sometimes saki just sit inside their house. The bites of these spiders are clinically dangerous and cause extensive tissue necrosis. However, fortunately, golden saki is not at all aggressive. They can attack people only when a sense of danger arises.


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