Choosing a house plan. With or without a garage?

Dreams of your own country mansion at first are always somewhat vague, it is difficult to determine the overall layout and details.

House plan with garage
A preliminary schematic plan of the house with or without a garage , on which all the main premises, their location and area are indicated, will give a clearer idea of ​​how the future dwelling is seen. Designing is the business of specialists, but the owner himself must determine the main characteristics of the house.

Design options

Any architectural and planning organization can offer the customer one of two possible types of design. First of all, this is an individual project development , in which the customer himself dictates what, for example, the plan of a two-story house with a garage will be, independently chooses its parameters, is determined with details - that is, the work of architects begins literally from scratch.

Another option is standard, ready-made packages of documents for the construction of a house or a cottage. Such projects are created in advance and cost much less, and since they offer many planning solutions, any of them may become a compromise between the wishes of the customer and the time and money spent on design. Moreover, designers can make any changes to the standard plan of a house with a garage, if it is required by its future owner.

Projects of residential buildings with a garage

Plan of a one-story house with a garage
Life outside the city, sometimes far from public transport, makes it necessary to have a car, so when considering proposed projects, future owners of mansions primarily pay attention to the plan of the house with a garage.

At the design stage, the developer can choose the option of a building for the car built into or attached to the building.

The arrangement of a garage in the ground or ground floor of the house is not only a saving of the useful area of ​​the plot, but also of money, since the construction of a separate building for storing a car, even a small one, is fraught with additional costs for building materials and communications. The garage integrated into the building requires the installation of strong ceilings, additional gas insulation and powerful ventilation.

The car room attached to the house is a compromise between the built-in and separate garage, it does not require the above-mentioned additional measures, since it is isolated from the living area. The plan of the house with a garage, which looks like an extension to one of the walls of the building, always leaves the possibility of entering the garage not only from the street, but also from the cottage.

The advantages of a residential building with a garage

Plan of a two-story house with a garage
Most future homeowners choose projects of mansions with built-in or attached garages, and not only for practical reasons. Of course, such buildings can save usable land, reduce energy losses in the home and reduce the cost of construction and operation. However, do not throw off the scales and such an argument as additional comfort. Each homeowner is pleased to be able to get into the garage without going outside in bad weather, and if there are automatic swing gates, he can also return “without soaking his feet”.

If necessary, you can make adjustments to the plan of a one-story house with a garage, as well as a two-story one, and change the purpose of the room for the car, turning it into a workshop or pantry of agricultural machinery and equipment.

In conclusion, it should be said that the garage, successfully arranged with the house and having a similar facade finish, looks more aesthetically pleasing on the site than a separate building.


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