Karachaevsky breed horse: description and photo

Karachaevtsy have one interesting saying. They say that the horse is the wings of a man. And indeed, these people are kind to animals. The horses of the Karachai breed are famous all over the world. The horse raised by the highlanders stands out with grace and strength.

True friend

Man is very closely associated with nature. A strong and strong-willed character made him dominant over other creatures. Even 5-6 thousand years ago, he domesticated horses. Previously, they were a source of milk, meat and skin. This is evidenced by the drawings on the walls of the caves, which were made in the Paleolithic era. Later this animal began to play the role of a tractor.

Karachai breed horse
It took a long time before a man saddled a horse. Most historians claim that they were the first to learn how to ride the Scythians.

They started to breed new breeds that would best meet the needs of the time. Among them were mountain horses of the Karachai breed. A horse of this type appeared in the XIV-XV century in the North Caucasus.

Highlanders have long been breeding these animals. Full-flowing clean rivers, generous pastures and special love contributed to the process.

Muse of writers and researchers

The first to describe this type was the famous German scientist, freight forwarder, zoologist, geographer and traveler Peter-Simon Pallas. In 1793, he paid a working visit to the North Caucasus, namely the area where the Karachais lived. In the course of research, he described the pets of this people.

Pallas paid special attention to horses in his research. So, the scientist praised their amazing endurance, the ability to work long hours in mountainous terrain. The man also noted that they have a good character and unusual devotion. All this was said about the horses of the Karachai breed. The horse made a positive impression on the researcher.

Further, the historian of the Caucasian peoples Semyon Bronevsky took up the study of this type. In his work (20s of the XIX century), he noted that these are animals of low stature, but very strong and able to easily overcome long mountain roads.

Karachayev breed of horses

Highlanders Pride

Other researchers, as well as writers, turned their attention to these horses. Traveler Jean Charles de Bess in his essays spoke approvingly of this view. He was fascinated by the Karachai breed of horses. He noted that this type is in no way inferior to its European relatives and experts could give a tidy sum for them. The man also dispelled the myth that this subspecies is stunted, and indicated that their growth is identical to the parameters of other horses.

Often used stallions and in military affairs, as transport. Horses delivered important cargo through long mountain roads. Other horses could not do this.

The owners who bred this species received from 60 to 150 rubles per head (huge money at that time).

horses of the Karachay breed Karch exhibition in Moscow

In the rhythm of time

The situation changed at the end of the 19th century. The number of livestock fell, including those related to Karachai horses. Nevertheless, in the 1890s this type was considered one of the most beautiful, and it was very popular among horse enthusiasts.

The Civil War was a big blow. The number has changed. If in the pre-revolutionary period their number was more than 30,000, then already in 1925 this figure was only 10,000. This was a disaster for the owners of the Karachai breed. The horse, accustomed to respect, fell into inept hands. Care in state stables was different from private. However, picky horses could survive in harsh conditions.

Honored Winners

Representatives of this type of horses participated in various tournaments. For example, 10 horses of this breed participated in a race around the Caucasus Range, which was held in the winter of 1936. The length of the road was 300 km. She ran through difficult passes and wetlands. In the competition, these horses showed the best results and came to the finish line first and, most importantly, not a bit exhausted.

horses of the Karachay breed photo

For many years, the owners also engaged in the withdrawal and improvement of the horse of the Karachay breed. The photos that have been preserved since then clearly show how the external characteristics have changed. The height at the withers increased by 10-15 cm in 30 years. The reason for such changes was the selection of queens and stallions in the family and a rush of new blood, in particular thoroughbred English horses. Due to genetic changes, today among the horses there are no pure highlanders left.

It was then that the breed was divided into three main groups that exist even now: horseback, massive and characteristic. The first species is the descendants of the British. They can be seen at competitions. They differ from their brothers in higher growth. The massive type is used for work. They are described as mundane and bony. The latter feel great both under the saddle and in the harness.

Diplomatic twists and turns

In the midst of World War II, the Karachais fell into disgrace of the authorities. Repression was applied against them. Animals fell under a hot hand. In 1943, horses were stripped of their status. For almost half a century they were called "Kabardian."

But the people who remained in their native lands continued to raise livestock. The horses of the Karachai breed did not disappear. History has taken on new twists. After Stalin's death, many families returned from exile. They restored their rights and traditions. But only in 1989, this kind of horses was returned the deserved status.

After the collapse of the USSR, the hosts again faced difficult times. The number of livestock critically decreased, but the owners managed to save the breed.

horses of the Karachay breed history

Beauty and Grace

Today, the authorities are doing a lot to develop this type of business. All kinds of competitions and contests are held among various types of horses, both foreign and domestic. Horses of the Karachay breed - Karcha also take part in them. The exhibition in Moscow allows even ordinary lovers to get to know this graceful animal closer.

Although many skeptics claim that the beauty inherent in the Arab and English horses is not inherent in the species, experts disagree. This breed is harmonious. The horse is thin, but has a very strong constitution. Among others they stand out squat body and a long body. Profile of a head with a hump. A flat lower back and a short back are created under the saddle. They have very well developed muscles. Have a wide chest; the front legs are ordinary, but the hind legs are visually bent. Such a figure helps to move better in the mountains. The hooves are extremely durable.

These and other characteristics distinguish the type from others. Exposure is the secret of popularity with which horses of the Karachai breed are attracted. Dzhigit, an exhibition on the KCR, usually aims to show all the best sides of this breed.

horses of Karachai breed Dzhigit exhibition in KCR

Character traits

The hosts can tell a lot about them. The main characteristic is unpretentiousness. They do not need special conditions. This is very important, given how the economy is developing in the republic and the country as a whole. Another advantage is endurance. From time immemorial, horses have lived in highlands and their bodies have adapted to this land. Riding them on ridges and rocks is very easy. If a simple stallion can overcome no more than 20 km of such a road, then this breed takes great distances and can run for several days.

The advantages were clearly demonstrated by the exhibition of horses of the Karachai breed in Dzhegut. There you could not only look at the horses, but also buy one of them. Potential customers learned new information from good hosts. The riders said that the horse is well-versed in space, remembers roads and experiences stressful situations more easily.

exhibition of horses of the Karachai breed in jegut
An ancient proverb of this people teaches that a man, first of all after sleep, needs to visit his parents, and after that his stallion. It is worth noting that the Karachay breed of horses loves attention. For this she pays devotion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23105/

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