Where to go in Yevpatoriya: sights and entertainment

Rest for most tourists is not just happy doing nothing, but entertainment, excursions, visiting interesting places. Therefore, questions about where to go with children in Yevpatoriya, what to do in the evenings, and what you definitely need to see, arise for almost 100% of vacationers in this city. We will tell you about the best attractions and places of recreation of this city.

where to go in Evpatoria

History of the city

The lands of the western part of the Crimean peninsula have always been attractive to people. Therefore, the first settlements appeared here even 5 millennia ago. The documented history of the city, known today under the name of Evpatoria, begins in 3-2 centuries BC. Then the ancient Greek settlement was named Kerkinitida and belonged to the Greeks. The city was a major commercial and industrial center of the region. Rich and comfortable, he was a constant target of attack, in order to protect himself, he had to accept the defense of Chersonesos. Fortress walls are being erected around the settlement, residents are building spacious houses, accumulating benefits. All this could not but attract the invaders.

In the 2nd century BC, this territory was captured by Scythians, they did not last very long here. At the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennium, the city was destroyed by the invasion of the Huns, and for several centuries there were only small centers of settlers, but the raids of nomadic tribes from different directions, including from Kievan Rus, did not allow building a solid settlement here. The new history of Yevpatoria begins in the 14th century, when the city of Gezlev with a reliable fortress appears here. Gradually, he became the second most important in the Crimean Khanate. The city grew rapidly; merchants and artisans lived in it. For many years, the richest city tried to capture the troops of Ivan the Terrible. But only in 1783, together with the Crimea, Gezlev became part of the Russian Empire and acquired a new name - Evpatoria.

In 1798, one of the largest ports in the region was opened here. The development of the city contributes to the right to duty free trade. In the 19th century, Evpatoria accepts a large community of Crimean Karaites. At the end of the 19th century, the territory began to develop as a sea and balneological resort. In Soviet times, the city continued to function as a major port and Russian health resort. Many sanatoriums and boarding houses are being built here for the relaxation of Soviet citizens. In the post-Soviet era, the city retains its role, and today more and more tourists come here, who are interested in the question: "Where to go in Yevpatoriya?" The long history of the city has left many interesting sights in it, so no one will be bored here.

where to go to Yevpatoriya with children

Historical sights

The mixture of cultures and historical eras left many interesting places on the map of Yevpatoria. First of all, an inquisitive tourist should go to Karaite street - the ancient heart of the city. Today, there are many interesting things: exhibition halls, souvenir shops, cafes, street musicians. Here you need to pay attention to ancient buildings. First of all, on the Karaite kenasses - the current temple of one of the smallest peoples of the world - the Karaites. It is worth going inside, feeling the atmosphere of a place in one of the cozy courtyards entwined with grapes, and considering the murals of marble slabs that depict the history of the people.

The next historically important place is the merchant synagogue, it was restored twice at the expense of the Jewish community, and at the beginning of the 20th century, Emperor Nicholas II entered it. An indicator of the amazing mixture of cultures is another ancient building on this street - this is an ancient Turkish bath, which has been operating here since the Middle Ages. It is also interesting to see St. Nicholas Cathedral in Yevpatoria, built in the 19th century, the Greek Church of St. Elijah of the early 20th century, the Armenian church of St. Nicholas of the early 19th century and the Turkish mosque of Juma Jami of the 16th century.

It is also necessary to inspect the monastery (tekiye) of the dervishes, which is more than 4 centuries old, the Geslevsky gates, which saw many attacks on the city, but retained their strength.

Evpatoria where to go what to see

Interesting places

There are many cities in Crimea that can provide great opportunities for obtaining new experiences and new knowledge, and one of them is Yevpatoriya. Where to go, what to see, except for generally accepted historical monuments? To get a general idea of ​​the city, you can take a retro tram named “Desire” and in a cozy atmosphere, at a table, drive through the most interesting places of the city. Be sure to any tourist need to walk along the embankments of Yevpatoriya. Many architectural and historical sights come out on them, and there are also worthy objects for a photo shoot, for example, the figure of Heracles or elegant rotundas in the Greek style. To complete the picture of the city, you need to go to Theater Square and visit the Krasnaya Gorka memorial.

where to go to Evpatoria in the evening

Fun with kids

Since ancient times, Evpatoria, like Anapa, was considered an ideal place for families with children. It will not take long to think about where to go with children in Yevpatoria, because there are so many places for entertainment and development of kids. First of all, these are museums and parks, they will be discussed later. Children will also be interested in spending time on the Fairy Tales Alley on Shevchenko Street, where they can view and take pictures with figures of characters from famous cartoons and frolic in the playground. You can have a good time with the kids in the Sun entertainment complex, where there is a beach, a water park, sports grounds, and much more, you can stay here all day. And while the children will have fun, parents can relax in the shade of trees or in a cafe.

banana republic aquaparkos


The largest water park in the Crimea “Banana Republic Aquaparkos” allows you to spend fun and active a lot of time for both children and adults. There are 8 pools of different depths, 25 different water attractions, including breathtaking slides of various shapes, a large food area, and an Internet cafe. Here you can spend some holiday or just have fun from the heart.

Amusement park "Dinopark" - a unique entertainment area. Here on the ground floor there are attractions, entertainment venues, thematic cafes and restaurants, on the second floor there is the most famous disco in Yevpatoriya, a bowling alley and a 4D cinema. In addition to these largest parks, the city has an aquarium, a tropicpark, a dolphinarium, as well as several parks for walking with cafes and playgrounds. Therefore, the question of where to go in Yevpatoria is complicated only in that there are too many objects and it is difficult to make a choice.

amusement park dinopark


For educational tourism , Evpatoria is ideal. Where to go, what to see in this city? The answer to this question depends entirely on the interests of tourists. The most significant museums of the city are:

- Museum of local lore with an open area of ​​archaeological excavations;

- Museum of the Crimean War, which will be very interesting for boys of any age;

- The Post Museum and the Pharmacy Museum, unique places that recreate the life of bygone days.

Of particular interest to the adult population is the House of Wine and Tastings, where you can learn a lot about winemaking in Crimea.

karaite kenassas

Natural attractions

When thinking about where to go to Yevpatoriya, one should not forget about the beautiful Crimean nature. The most important object to visit is Moinak Lake. This salt lake with unique black silt is not inferior in its healing properties to the famous Dead Sea. Saki resort park allows you to see all the variety of Crimean flora, as well as beautiful landscapes with lakes. Vorontsov Park was founded in the 19th century, all plants for it were brought from Italy and Greece. The park is a great example of a traditional English garden. In the Small Atlesh there is a unique place called the “Bowl of Love” - a natural pool in a rocky shore with incredible turquoise water. The place is striking in harmony and magnificence.

where to go in Evpatoria


Of course, the first answer to the question of where to go in Yevpatoriya will be: to the beach. Indeed, it is for their sake that most tourists come to the city. The most famous beaches of Evpatoria are:

- beaches on Sevastopol street: beach "No. 1", "Oasis", "Sunny Paradise", Knight's beach;

- Cote d'Azur on Kievskaya street;

- suburban beaches of Mirny, Storm, Zaoozerny.

Evenings in Yevpatoriya

Southern evenings and nights come quickly and are famous for fantastic views of the sky and the sea. Thinking about where to go to Evpatoria in the evening, first of all it is worth remembering about the embankments, which are just perfect for an evening promenade. A great place to relax is Central Park. Frunze, in which children frolic during the day, and in the evenings there is a disco, a lot of cafes. Also, in the evenings, the city’s excellent restaurants open their doors; among the best are the Empire, April, and Kerkinitida.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23109/

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