How to close loops on an elastic band with knitting needles? It’s not very difficult

When beginning knitters create their first products, at the very end of their work, technical questions necessarily arise. How to close loops on an elastic band with knitting needles? This seems to them an insurmountable difficulty, because not one scheme explains in detail how to cover the last row with knitting needles, because the schemes are a drawing by which not everyone can understand something.

Close the loop. Method one

So, the first work is almost done. The only thing left to do is close the last row. How to close the loops on the elastic with knitting needles will be described below.

First option. First you need to pay attention to the thickness and friability of the yarn. Only then will it be possible to understand how tightly the loop should be tightened, so that in the end a very even pigtail is obtained. In this way, you can use when knitting any pattern of any part. Then the edge will not stretch.

how to close loops on an elastic band with knitting needles

It is necessary in turn to stretch one loop through the other. So it turns out one loop. Together, you need to knit immediately the first and edge loops with a viscous face, grasping the back walls of the loop. So it turns out the loop, which must be transferred from the right knitting needle to the left, then knit it with the front viscous together with the next one and again behind the back walls of the eyelets. So you need to knit the whole row.

When the last loop remains on the spoke, it is necessary to break the thread. Insert it into the loop, leaving about four centimeters, and tighten. In order not to tighten the loop, you can use a short hook. But if using knitting needles, then this article will help to cope with the task.

how to close the loops of elastic 2x2 knitting needles

If knitting occurs on the wrong side, the edge loop must be knitted on the wrong loops. Through the second loop, you must knit the first. In exactly the same way you should knit one loop at a time. Through the received loop the previous one is knitted. Repeat everything exactly the same until the loop ends. At the end, the thread must be cut, and its tip stretched through the last loop.

Close the loop. Second way

If the knitter uses this option, you can get a special edge, similar to a pigtail that stretches. How to close the loop when knitting gum? This option is the best fit.

As a rule, the gum is closed this way, regardless of the number of front and back loops and embossed patterns. Apply this method to any pattern.

On the right knitting needle you should put on the first chain, the second knit the front or wrong. So it turns out two loops on the right. The second loop must be extended to the first, which is located on the right knitting needle. So knit to the end of this row. When only one loop remains on the left knitting needle, leaving about four centimeters should break the thread, insert it into the loop and tighten.

how to close gum loops 1x1 knitting needles

Third way

So, how to close the loops on the elastic with knitting needles? This option is called the "Jenny Method" - by the name of the one who invented it.

The first loop of the row is removed on the right knitting needle. Make the collar of the next loop, according to what kind of loop (front or back), then throw the previous loop with the collar. Now you can remove from the knitting needle. Repeat as many times as needed until the last loop remains on the spoke. The thread is cut, you just need to leave a small tip, which should be pulled through the loop that remains. The thread is fixed.

“Collar” for front stitches: put the working thread on your right knitting needle (this will be in the opposite direction from the usual yarn), knit the next stitch with the front stitch, then you need to raise the stitch over the knitted front stitch and throw it from the knitting needle to the stitch that is already knitted .

how to close loops of gum with knitting needles
“Collar” for the back loops: throw the working thread away from you on the right knitting needle (as with the usual yarn), the next loop must be knitted from the wrong side, then gently raise the yarn over the wrong loop, which is already knitted, and throw it from the knitting needle to the loop.

Elastic band 1x1

Read on to understand how to close the gum loops with 1x1 knitting needles.

Knitting is in the left hand. With the right hand to take the right knitting needle, it is inserted into the edge loop from left to right, removed from the left knitting needle without knitting. Knit the next loop. On the right are two loops. Insert the left knitting needle into the first loop from left to right, stretching it slightly towards you; Use the right knitting needle to extend the second loop through the first. Now on the right knitting needle remains one loop. The following loop is purl, which must be knitted with the usual purl. And then do as before - insert the left knitting needle into the first loop from left to right, and stretch the second loop through the first with the right one. Do this until the end of the row. Knit the last hem from the back and stretch through the previous one. Pull the resulting loop wider, cut the thread, thread the tail of the thread through the loop and tighten.

how to close loops when knitting an elastic band

Rubber 2x2

To learn how to close the loops of a rubber band with 2x2 knitting needles, see below This is done with the help of a needle, but we will consider the option with knitting needles.

Through the first loop of the right knitting needle, stretch the second using the tip of the left. Thus, the elastic will be elastic. Knit the next loop from the wrong side, having previously skipped the thread in front of the canvas. With the tip of the left knitting needle, grab the first loop from the right so that the second can be stretched through it. In the same way, knit each loop to the end of the row, following the gum pattern. At the end, cut the thread and hide in the last loop. It turns out an elastic and smooth edge.

Fourth way

How to close the loop of an English gum with knitting needles? Make it easy even for beginners This option is suitable for the above rubber bands, and even for the pattern. Apply it in case you need to get the edge of the part, which will stretch well. This applies, for example, round neck loops “under the neck”.

Edge must be tied with a double thread. Then throw it on the left knitting needle. They need to be knit together with the subsequent loop. If this is the front with a double crochet, then you need to knit everything together - hem, front and double crochet. If the second loop is wrong, you need to knit the wrong one. There is now one loop on the right needle. It is necessary to transfer it to the rest and knit it together with the next. Likewise, close loops throughout the row.

If such a detailed description on how to close the loops on an elastic band with knitting needles is not enough for someone, you can watch the video in the public domain. But, as a rule, even for beginner knitters, a few lines of help are enough. So, everything will work out!


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