What is behind the habit of biting your nails?

There are many theories that explain in one way or another the habit of biting nails. But until the end, it is not known what makes people do this. What does a person “gnaw” ?

Several theories explaining the causes of onychophagia

1. The manifestation of childhood neurosis

So many doctors say, explaining that the child,

bite nails
which bites the nails, gets rid of discomfort and psychological stress in this way. This habit gives way out accumulated aggression, while giving pleasure. The fear of an “adult” life also plays a significant role (the child, holding a finger in his mouth, still feels small, having the right to weakness).

2. Domestic reasons

Another source is boredom, inability to occupy oneself. And often this also arises as a result of imitation of adults (if parents have a habit of biting their nails, then the child will do the same). By the way, this habit may also appear if the baby’s nails are poorly looked after. Dried barbs force the child to dispose of them on their own.

3. Suppressed desires

Followers of Freud consider this habit an analogue of masturbation. But, unlike the latter, this is a less provocative way of satisfaction, which, obviously, affects its prevalence.

So why is there a need to bite your nails?

nail bite

Onychophagy (the need to bite nails) most often occurs in people who are unable to express their negative emotions. This mode of behavior is referred to as auto-aggression, that is, to such aggression, which is aimed at oneself. This is a peculiar way of self-abasement, self-accusation, associated with a subconscious symbolic attitude to the nails as the claws of an animal, that is, as a means of protection and manifestation of strength. Thus, by biting his nails, a person, as it were, is trying to hide his aggression directed at those around him.

These features are typical, as a rule, for people who are unsure of themselves, timid, or vice versa, energetic, confident, but understanding that the situation will not allow them to express the full force of the feelings they feel, and that suppress emotions consciously.

The saddest thing in the habit of biting nails is that their untidy, depressing appearance makes a person even more disgusted with himself and, as a result, increases the desire to bite them. Here is such a vicious circle. How to break out of it?

What to do if you have onychophagia?

In order to help yourself cope with this habit, you need to want to get rid of it. Do not scold yourself for the fact that again and again your fingers are in your mouth. You need to create conditions that will make you abandon this.

what a man nibbles
Men are easier to get rid of this dubious pleasure. It is enough for them to apply a special varnish on the nails, which has an unpleasant taste, which discourages an obsessive desire. In addition, such a varnish has in its composition a vitamin complex that helps nails to take proper form. Doctors advise applying it every two days, after washing off the remnants of the old.

And women should make themselves a beautiful manicure with false acrylic nails. Any representative of the fair sex will be pleased to look at their fingers, and this will significantly increase self-esteem and help to refrain from a bad habit. In addition, acrylic is very uncomfortable for nibbling.

Those who observe increased irritability, insomnia, impaired appetite, impulsivity should seek the support of specialists. After all, a person biting his nails “bites” himself, which means that you need to find out the cause of this condition and prescribe treatment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23120/

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