School apron: anachronism or necessity?

Many parents who grew up in the Soviet Union, believe that the school uniform is simply necessary. And let it not be school dresses with an apron, as was customary in their childhood, but a decent trouser suit for boys, a jacket with a skirt for girls should be required. This helps in the fight against ultra-short skirts and transparent tight-fitting sweatshirts for girls, t-shirts with indecent inscriptions and shorts for guys who teenagers find it quite normal to wear in an educational institution.

School apron
On the other hand, it helps to erase at least a little the differences in material well-being of parents. Often, children who have not yet earned a penny love to brag about the high cost of the things they have purchased. Of course, many people like to talk about the dangers of egalitarianism for children, but in most cases this is only the discontent of the younger generation, who always wear jeans and T-shirts and don’t even know what a school apron looks like.

The expediency of introducing uniform costumes for each educational institution is evidenced by a long history. Indeed, if you recall, even 100 years ago in tsarist Russia, the form was a matter of pride, both for boys and for girls. Future men wore military- style clothing , and the little ladies had dark dresses that were decorated with a school apron on holidays.

School apron

Then, with the change of power for several years, the form disappeared from schools, but they began to talk about the need for its introduction as soon as the time of coups and experiments passed, and life began to improve in the country. Again, costumes for boys and dresses for girls were introduced, to which a school apron always went. It was black on ordinary days, and white on holidays. At these times, school leaders strictly monitored the length of dresses, aprons, the presence of collars and cuffs. During the existence of the Soviet Union, clothing for students was changed several times, the cut of jackets, jackets, and skirts changed.

But as soon as the Union collapsed, the form was canceled. A few years later, high school students spent a lot of time and effort to find a Soviet dress and a white school apron for him and put them on their last call. In many cities, this has become a tradition, and even now girls who know about the form only from history textbooks dress up on it on their last day at school.

School dresses with apron

Those who can not find options for a suitable size, often sew it to order. Indeed, in this case, you can independently choose the length, slightly modify the style of the dress, choose the fabric from which the school apron will be sewn. Some needlewomen even crochet them.

Many developed countries consider it necessary to introduce at least some leveling element in educational institutions. The most striking example is Great Britain and its former colonies: countries of South Africa, India, Singapore, Australia, Ireland. Also popular in Japan and Syria. In the USA and Canada, as a rule, only private schools sew the same clothes , in many ordinary secondary schools there is no uniform uniform, but a strict dress code has been introduced.


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