Proper planting of peppers will provide a bountiful harvest.

Sweet pepper refers to products containing a large amount of vitamins necessary for the vital functions of the human body. That is why all summer residents are trying so hard to grow bell pepper in their area . But, unfortunately, many inexperienced gardeners make many mistakes both during planting and cultivation.

Planting sweet pepper, like any other agricultural crop, has its own characteristics. Most often, it falls at the end of May, and a cloudy day is chosen for this. Optimal conditions for growing pepper in open ground exist only in the southern regions. In the rest of the country, good results can be achieved by using greenhouses and greenhouses. Planting sweet pepper, as a rule, is done by seedlings, which can be bought or grown independently from seeds.

For successful and proper planting of pepper seeds for several weeks after sowing, you need to check them for germination. To do this, during the day, the seeds must be kept in moist bags, after which for the next 4-5 days, without getting out of the bags, placed in a warm place. If at least half of the seeds have sprouted during this time, they can be sown in prepared soil.

Before planting pepper, it is advisable to treat its seed with potassium permanganate, keeping them in solution for half an hour. Carrying out such a procedure helps to prevent the development of fungi, which often cause the death of seedlings.

With the seedling method, it is important to remember that you should never plant pepper seedlings in unheated soil, the optimum temperature is not lower than +15 ... + 16 degrees. In the ground, you need to make holes of such depth and diameter so that the roots of plants can freely settle in them. For the best development of pepper, it is advisable to put a spoonful of potassium fertilizer in each well. When buying it, you need to pay attention to the composition, since for a given crop, the content in the fertilizer of chlorine can be harmful.

After these preparations, the planting of bell pepper begins. Wells are plentifully filled with water and seedlings are placed in them. If the plants were grown at home, and not purchased at the market or in the store, they are buried to the level at which they grew in pots. In this case, it is necessary that the earth reaches the lower leaves. Peppers planted in the ground are poured with water and immediately tied to the installed support.

It is best when the pepper is planted directly from the pots in open ground, as this crop does not tolerate transplant very well due to the weak root system. Therefore, many gardeners are engaged in growing seedlings on their own. Indeed, in the market, as a rule, seedlings with an open root system are sold.

In order to prevent stems from decaying, you do not need to plant plants too close to each other. After planting over the next week, seedlings do not need watering. Pepper planting is considered ideal in low greenhouses, in which the air at night is not cooled as much as in high ones. Therefore, you can not be afraid of strong daily temperature drops, adversely affecting plants.

The light leaves of the planted bell pepper indicate its good health. In this case, gardeners can be absolutely sure that everyone is doing the right thing. Usually seedlings take root within 10 days, and an indicator that it has taken root is the appearance of new leaves.

Considering the fact that pepper is primarily a heat-loving plant, it is necessary to organize heating in greenhouses on cool days. It is also recommended to feed the plants every month, which will help to get a good harvest of sweet pepper.


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