Review of the game "The Sims: Stories"

Life Stories is one of the earliest additions to the Sims 2 game. It is the first part of the Sims 2: Stories series. These products are separate worlds and do not require other products to be launched, including the original game. They contain many different items, families and towns. All innovations and features will be described below.

What's interestnig?

Character Editor in the game

Unlike add-ons for Sims 3, Stories is a completely new and independent product. It’s worth starting with the fact that the game offers two modes:

- “Stories”: the player is invited to follow the finished plot, playing back the script already prescribed.

- "Classic mode": the standard type of gameplay for the "Sims" line, which everyone is used to.

The game also has the opportunity to take photos of any events occurring with your wards.

And the most necessary innovation for this game is optimization for working on laptops. The developers intentionally rebuilt the interface and introduced the “Smart Pause” function, which pauses the “Sims: Life Stories” process when the device’s cover is closed.

A set of hot keys has also been developed to simplify the game process. A new feature has been added in the settings. Now you can enable the display of the battery of the device during the game.

And the last element of optimization is the ability to switch the game to windowed mode.

What is the difference?

Game cover

This line of games is practically no different from the original Sims 2. However, there are some disadvantages. So, the game has fewer ready-made cards, but there is no way to create your own.

In terms of gameplay, some reductions also appeared. In “Sims 2: Stories” there are only two stories left, a free game mode and training.

Also, many interior and construction items were removed from the game. But so that the amount of available materials was normal for a comfortable game, the developers added standard items from the original and its DLC.

In terms of gameplay, there are other components already familiar to many:

  • mobile phone: the item first appeared in the supplement "Sims 2: University";
  • The restaurants present in the Nightlife DLC are listed.

Another difference is the presence of a full story mode.

City Features

City selection

The story addition for The Sims offers the player a choice of four cities. Although technically there are only two of them:

  • "Fifth Corner";
  • Bitnikville.

The remaining two cities represent the territory for training and Bitnikville without the regime of "Plot".

Since cards and families are the main elements of the Sims: Stories game, you should pay more attention to them.

"Fifth Corner"

Here comes one of the storylines presented in the first part of the “Stories” line. There are 16 sites on the map. Among them 5 public places:

  • Old park;
  • A corner shop;
  • Cafe "Milky Way" and a shop;
  • Old garden;
  • Gym "Lead muscles".

Plots with families

There are 6 family plots on the map. The following is a list with characteristics.

The Sinclair Family

The poorest family in the city is Sims: Stories. He lives at 22. Hyacinth Square. There are 1,164 simoleons in the family budget. You can play for the following characters:

  • Ada Sinclair;
  • Worgen Sinclair.


The site is located on Hyacinth Square, 10. The budget of the house is 1,325 simoleons. There is only one inhabitant here - Ritoletta Garlow.


Another lonely resident. The house is located at 24. Hyacinth Square. The character has at his disposal 9 970 simoleons. The owner of the house is Dylan Kicks.


The site was built on Hyacinth Square, 7. Financial support 4,261 simoleons. Lives - Mickey Smith.

The Frisk Family

The house is located at 21. Hyacinth Square. In the budget of the characters there are 4 544 simoleons. The following characters live on the site:

  • Fortune Frisk;
  • Madison Frisk.


Also a lonely resident of the city. The house stands on Hyacinth Square, 25. The family budget is 5,728 simoleons. The owner of the house is Aurora Juche.

The City of Bitnikville

The second card of the game "The Sims: Stories." Here comes the second storyline. In total, there are 17 sections in the game. Among them are 6 public:

  • Simulyakrov Square;
  • Don Kalamar;
  • Pub "Hub";
  • Cliffside Park;
  • Bollywood Alley.

Residential plots

Gameplay game

On this map, there are 8 pre-populated areas. Each of them, along with characteristics, is listed below (with the exception of the Hunt family).


The site is located at Second Street, 22. At the disposal of the residents there are 19,860 simoleons. On the site you can play for Sasha Aires.


He lives on First Street, 18. The family budget contains 13,241 simoleons. The landlord is Kendra Blaze.


The family lives on Second Street, 19. 5,825 simoleons are available for the game. There is only one tenant here - Samantha Gayden.


The site is located on Podgornaya street, 104. The family budget is 13 057 simoleons. Lives here - Cardman Gool.


The house is located at 299 Cliffside Boulevard. The family budget has 13,166 simoleons. You can play on the site for Alexandra Starr.


You can find the site at: Podgornaya street, 102. There are 21,150 simoleons available to finance. The owner of the house is Greg Chomsky.


The richest site in the game. Located on the Super-duper-duper square 1. The player has at his disposal 282 9078 simoleons. Play will be for Vincent Moore.

It is worth noting that with a certain choice during the game, the character may lose all of its state.


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