The apprentice is the first step to excellence

"There is no limit to perfection!" - as the famous saying goes. However, there are always those who can do some work better than others. They admire, adore, hate them ... But few people know that the painstaking work of his assistant, the apprentice, is often behind the work of the master.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The apprentice is a student of the master. In the old days, this was the name of any person employed. As a rule, boys from poor families who had no chance to make a career or inheritance on their own were apprenticed.

Initially, an apprentice could reach the level of a master. However, everything was complicated, firstly, by the fact that the origin of the assistant was important to the master: they took only the closest relatives into their students, who often might not have the necessary talent. Secondly, the fact that really talented young people who did not belong to the family of the master were obliged to pay a huge entrance fee, which not everyone was able to do.

It is for these reasons that the apprentice is a failed master. Most of these folk nuggets were not able to reach the top of their careers, even despite their talents and talents.

apprentice is

Eternal apprentices

The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad, and therefore the apprentice who does not dream of becoming a master is bad. Of course, most apprentices have always sought the position of master.

However, no matter how skillful the master was, most of the work always fell on the shoulders of the assistant. To reach the professional level, the apprentice needed to create a โ€œmasterpieceโ€. Of course, only a few could cope with this task.

Most wage laborers remained eternal students. However, this is quite natural. In the old days it often happened that an apprentice was a gypsy, a nomadic peasant, a master of a narrow specialty in search of a better life. However, in a new place, students rarely found recognition.

Riot of apprentices

Slave position was often a factor in rallying and uniting apprentices into groups that defended the rights and freedom of free workers. However, not a single association, be it a community of artisans or workers, has achieved due success. Moreover, many rioting and job-lost apprentices were left penniless for their souls, which means they were doomed to beggar.

Be that as it may, the rebellious workers began to wander, turning into a special estate. They became one of the main driving forces of the revolutionary masses.

Apprentice today

apprentice apprentice

Today, an apprentice is any employee. At the trial stage , such workers are called apprentices.

The most talented, diligent and attentive candidates today can reach the highest levels of the career ladder. The best of them easily master the path: apprentice apprentice-master.

How to become a master student

Today everything is much simpler than in the Middle Ages, and anyone who has the data necessary for a certain type of activity can become a student. Moreover, today everyone can say about himself that he is a student. Apprentices for any kind of activity are necessary links; this is today the starting point of a career. And it is right! Everyone can achieve a certain level of skill.

For example, an apprentice worker may well be considered a student of the master of the construction site . A person in a creative profession can fully count on a senior patron, and for a major businessman or politician, the closest assistant can become a student.

apprentice halfmaster master

However, the best teachers were and remain natural talents. This means that no masters are capable of raising a genius unless they find in him the gift given by nature.

Skill cannot be bought, raised or developed. It can only be revealed and improved throughout its life.


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