The names of the boys are Kazakh modern. How to name a son?

The modern multicultural world is characterized, among other things, by an unprecedented spread of various exotic and rare names. Therefore, there is a need for compiling lists of names of various traditional cultures. In this article, we selected the most, in our opinion, beautiful Kazakh names. Of course, a complete list of the names of this people is much more extensive, but our full listing is not included in our goals.

names of boys are Kazakh modern

About Kazakh names

First of all, it must be said that for quite a long time, the inhabitants of Kazakhstan have experienced the strongest influence of Islamic, and therefore Arab culture. Since Islam is very strict about the choice of a name, then most of the traditional, original names, alas, are almost forgotten. Rare Kazakh names, originating from the pre-Islamic period, are not so common. Their place was taken by the Arab-Persian onomastics. Therefore, the most popular Kazakh names today are mostly Arabic and Persian, to some extent subjected to local influence in pronunciation.

beautiful kazakh names

List of Kazakh names

This list will be divided into thematic categories, not alphabetically. This is done by us for the convenience of choosing a name, based on semantic considerations. So let's get started.


Agzam. Translated as "omnipotent."

Yerden. Kazakh name meaning "dear hero".

Aydar. Strength is the quality with which the names of the boys are often associated . Kazakh modern traditions have preserved this ancient name, which literally means "a bun of hair" - a special men's hairstyle that symbolizes the courage, strength and power of its owner.

Aryngazy. Kazakh name, which translates as "strong warrior" or "brave fighter."

Ahan. Literally translated as "iron." But it does not mean metal, but indestructible power, which is symbolized by iron. The name is of Iranian origin.

Barlas. “Bogatyr”, “brave man” is the literal meaning of this word of Mongolian origin.

Buttal. He is not talking about strength, but rather about aggression, hot temper and the fighting spirit of man. Its roots are Iranian.

Beren. The same symbolism as in the name with the meaning "iron". However, the literal translation of this option is "better steel."

Berik. Translated as "strong."

Hockey. This is a Turkic dialect, which means both a strong man and a hero.

Erasyl. Like the name "Erden", means dear hero. But, unlike him, not just expensive, but "the most expensive hero".

name is amir


Amir. The name Amir is a vivid example of powerful names. Actually, this word in itself means a ruler in Arabia. Therefore, the name Amir is translated as “master” or “sovereign”.

Wali. Like the previous one, literally means "ruler."

Akshora. This name means “master”, “master” - a person who not only owns, but also actively disposes.

Atabay. Not quite related to power, denoting, rather, the nobility of origin, fame, prosperity. In short, it can be compared with an aristocrat.

Ayan. Like the previous one, this name has little direct relation to power, but symbolizes one of its attributes, in honor of which the names of boys are also given. Kazakh modern traditions are ordered to translate this name as “widely known”, “glorified”.

Beyambet. This is an adverb of Turkic origin, and it means “prince”, “ruler”.
Bekzat. This name, if translated literally, will mean "a descendant of an aristocrat."

name azamat


Altynbek. Modern beautiful Kazakh names often correlate with the concepts of wealth and welfare. This name is one such. Its direct meaning is the golden rich man.

Ghani. The Arabic word for rich and prosperous person.


Haman. This name means “sound” or “unscathed”.

Yesen. "Safe", "healthy."

Jacquia. When they wish a child a long life, they give him that very name, because it means "long-liver."

modern beautiful kazakh names

Heavenly bodies

Anwar. One of the solar names, very popular in the East. Translated as "ray of sunshine." Arabian origin.

Idos. A compound name, the first root of which “ay” means the moon, and the second is a friend. The result is either a "moon friend" or a "friend of the moon."

Aytugan. This is another “moon” name that was given to that child who had the honor of being born on a new moon.

Aldair. This name is a modified name for the star Altair.


Danial. It means the gift of God. Has Hebrew roots.

Kashiman. Like many other beautiful Kazakh names, this name is associated with religion. It is translated as “having pure faith” and comes from the Arabic language.

Arcat. This word is a name, designation of a person chosen by the Almighty.

Zharylkasyn. Literally, this adverb is translated as follows: "God deigned."


Arystan. “Lion” - this is the translation of this Kazakh name. Since this animal is a symbol of courage, it can also be considered as belonging to the category of names associated with power.

Sean. This word means "wolf." The name is of Mongolian origin.

rare Kazakh names


Azamat. The name Azamat is one of the traditional in the Caucasus. It is there that it is most common. The name Azamat is translated as "real dzhigit."

Asmet. It means “noble” or “humane”.

Abai This name should be translated as “observant,” “prudent,” “vigilant.”

Abzal. Translated as "respected", "highly esteemed."

Adil. An option that, in popularity, can lead the names of boys. Kazakh modern names are often associated with the best qualities of a person. For example, this word means an honest and fair man.

Aybar. It means "authoritative", "impressive."

Akylbay. It is given to the child as a wish of a great mind. Literally translated as "rich in reason", that is, a very intelligent person.

Aldiyar. A very noble name, the meaning of which is "majesty", "nobility".

Anuar. Options related to trustworthiness and hard work are perhaps the most beloved names of boys in Kazakhstan. Kazakh modern names include in their list this form, the root of which translates as "hardworking" and "reliable."

Arnur. A very beautiful, figurative name, the meaning of which is “ray of honor”. It can also be translated as "conscientious."

Asan. Also known is the Hassen form. It means beautiful.

Askat. If you try to translate this name into Russian, you get something like the following: "the happiest of the happiest" or "the happiest."

Atymtay. This is the Arabic word for generosity.

Ahat. Means "single." Perhaps it was connected with the number of children in the family.

Ahram. Above, there was already a name that we translated as “generous”. The same name means "the most generous."

Baysal. This name speaks of the calmness, sanity and prudence of its owner.

Bakir. In Arabic, this word means "explorer."

Bactiyar. In Iranian way they say about the long-awaited children, the birth of which is a great and joyful event. Literally translated as "happy", "welcome."

Bakhyt. You can translate this name with the words "blessed" or "happy."

Bayazit. A very pathetic, by our standards, name, which means "superior to all."

Accordion. Unlike just “happy” and “blessed,” this adverb contains a superlative degree. Accordingly, its meaning is "infinitely happy."

Bayat. One of the names associated with color is a rather rare topic in the onomastics for the East. This option means “white” and comes from the Arabic language.

Birzhan. This name correlates with concepts such as “loneliness” and “uniqueness”.

Of God. The name given to designate a sage.

Come on. This word hides such a concept as “independent”, “free”. Name of ancient Turkic origin.

Gabit. An Arabic name meaning "minister."

Gafu. The correlates of the name are the concepts of mercy and forgiveness. You can literally translate it with the word "forgiving."

Dandai. A name whose meaning is associated with greatness and huge size.

Demeu. This is the name of the child in whom they hope in the first place to see support in old age. Literally, it means “support”, “help”. This refers mainly to material, sponsorship assistance.

Duman. This name is used to denote a cheerful and happy child.

popular kazakh names
Edige. Translated as “good”, “noble”.

Erbolat. An attempted literal translation gives the following expression: "real man."

Erdos. A noble name meaning "responsible friend."

Yerzhan. It is translated as “brave”, “brave”.

Ermek. This word means what is called fun in Russian.

Ersayyn. An interesting name that can be translated as "a remarkable hero."

Yeskali. It is associated with a smart and sane person.

I felt sorry. An aristocratic name translated as “glorious”, “famous”.

Zhanazar. A peculiar name, which means that its carrier pleased everyone.

Zhanbolat. Means "steel soul."

Zhangali. Literally translated as "courageous, like Ali."

Gendos. This name refers to the person whom they wish to see as the universal friend and stronghold of the world, because its meaning is "the friend of all people."

Gentoire. Literally - "a beautiful soul."

Jetes. Means a smart and intelligent person.

Zholan. Translated as "lucky."

Zholgay. Close in meaning to the previous one. However, it should be understood as "one who brings good luck."


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