Envy: quotes, catchphrases, aphorisms and sayings

Looking for interesting saying about envy? Quotes, aphorisms and catchphrases? You want to understand why envious feelings appear in people, how they are expressed and is there a way to counter this? Reading quotes and sayings about envy, sayings and aphorisms about her, you will be able to find answers to all these interesting and important questions.

Envy is a negative emotion that can eat many from within. This is an unhealthy trait of a person’s character, it does not allow anyone to move forward, since an envious person can focus only on the successes of others. He cannot concentrate on his goals and achievements, therefore, he is unlikely to be able to achieve at least some success in life.

girls envy

There is the Buddhist term “mudita”, it means the favor or disinterested joy that a person can experience with the successes of others. If we learn to change envy for such a sympathy, our life can radically change, turning previously negative emotions into positive ones. Indeed, disinterested joy for others does not slow down, but, on the contrary, motivates and inspires. Therefore, some thoughts on envious people, on envy and gossip that should be reckoned with when meeting them on a life path will be suggested below for reading.

Aphorisms about envy

What is envy? Quotes and aphorisms about it reveal the essence of the phenomenon.

  • You should not seek or want someone else's misfortune. If anger or envy were made tangible and they would have a form, then it would certainly be a boomerang form.
  • Envious people and simply stupid people can never understand the motives that guide outstanding minds. That is why if they notice a couple of superficial contradictions, they immediately grab onto them.
  • If the person who has achieved nothing teaches you life, do not listen to his advice. This is what envy says in him.
  • The gloating is when other people's troubles please even more than their successes.
  • Do not envy, you can not for sure know how it will end.
envy quotes

Envy is a bad feeling

Quotes and sayings about envy and envious people help to understand their condition.

  • Envy always perishes in the joys of others, hates any superiority that it cannot achieve.
  • Sincere admiration never unleashes the tongue, but, on the contrary, fetters it.
  • The envious torments himself more than his enemies.
  • This is one of the rare concepts that does not even have its own antonym.
  • Envy is a sign of low self-esteem.
  • People can be divided into two types. The former enjoy their life. The latter look at the former and are simply envious.
envy quotes

Sayings of envy

Here are some more interesting quotes about people's envy:

  • The envious has a gun. Only he always explodes in the hands of the target.
  • Envy does not have a weekend.
  • You always need to be in a good mood. Himself better, and envious people suffer.
  • When a person is in love, he looks at others through a telescope. And when a person envies - through a microscope.
  • Very often, when a person desires someone else’s, he loses his own.
  • Envy is a side of hatred. Her path is gloomy and devastated.
  • If you focus on yourself and your affairs, there will be no room for envy.
  • All sins to some extent bring pleasure. Only jealousy has nothing to do with pleasure.
  • Selfless people are extremely rare. And envious people are waiting on every corner.
  • Hatred is when you dislike someone actively. And envy is the same hostility, only passive.
  • All my friends really want to quickly marry me. This is because they can not survive when someone is good.

Statements of great people about envy

  • Do not overestimate what you have received, and should not be envious of others. Otherwise, you will never find peace.
  • Constantly envious are those people who, because of the vagaries and their vanity, wish to achieve success in everything at once. They will always have someone to envy, because it is impossible for many people to even surpass them at least somewhere.
  • We want to have all the benefits before the rest. This is envy.
  • Popular writers for some reason are rarely popular among writers.
quotes about envy and gossip

Statements and quotes about envy and gossip help to understand how much of this is in our lives.

  • For one good person who sincerely wishes us success and joy, there are hundreds who cannot put up with our success.
  • Envy is not able to hide: it blames and judges without evidence, inflates other people's flaws, raises even the most insignificant mistake to a crime. With stupid incredible fury, she is able to attack the most undeniable human virtues.
  • An envious person cannot find peace when he sees someone else's happiness. But when he sees misfortune, he becomes calm.

Envy phrases

  • No need to accumulate discontent against those who are trying to keep you. Because the higher you are able to rise, the less these people become. You cannot trust those who seek to push you when you try to get up. The more envious these people are, the more dangerous they become.
  • Nothing in the world can stop gossip. And the envious.
  • If you hear obvious flattery - run. An envious says to you.
  • In the wrong hands, even bread crumbs look like a whole loaf.
envy bad feeling quote

A little more about envy and envy:

  • Envious people always go in a bad mood. They are tormented not only by their failures, but also by the luck of others.
  • Envy is poison for the soul and heart.
  • True love does not know what a game and coquetry are. But true friendship should not know what envy and gloating are.

Wise thoughts and proverbs about envy

  • Who can protect themselves from evil envious people in this world? The higher a person rises in the concept of his fellow citizens, the more significant and substantial the post he occupied, the faster he becomes a target for envy. As a result, whole oceans of mud and a sea of ​​slander spill over him.
  • Only that person thinks that he is free from a feeling of envy that could not study himself.
  • Compassion is when you grieve over someone else's misfortune. Envy is when you grieve over someone else's happiness.

And finally, a few proverbs about envy:

  • Rust will always eat iron. And the envious person eats his temper.
  • People who are always few in number, not only do not know how to rejoice for themselves, but also others know how to overshadow their joy.
  • The participation of someone whom no one can envy is unenviable.
  • Always feel sorry for the weak and unhappy, but envy must still be earned.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23173/

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