Convection heaters: pros and cons. Convector or oil heater - which is better? Review, comparison, specifications and reviews

Today, convective heaters are quite common among consumers , the pros and cons of which are worth considering before purchasing equipment. Such devices work quite quietly, do not take up much space, but look aesthetically pleasing. The devices are not only compact and beautiful, but also very effective. They can be used in an apartment, private house or office.

Main characteristics

The described type of heater is characterized by a rather simple design. Inside the case, which has a small width, there is a heating element that operates from an electrical network. The heating temperature is controlled by a thermostat, the handle of which is located on the external panel. In the manufacturing process of the case, 0.8 mm metal is used.

Convection heaters, pros and cons

Consumer reviews on the choice of convectors

Convector heaters, the pros and cons of which are described in this article, according to consumers, should be selected depending on the size of the device, power consumption and type of heating element. It is important to consider the additional functionality, operation safety, cost, as well as the manufacturing company. According to customers, the power should be chosen depending on how much the room is supposed to be heated. For example, if you intend to use the equipment as an additional device to the main heating system during a period when they have not yet drowned or the heating season has already been completed, then you need to calculate the capacity as follows. For every cubic meter of room, 25 watts is required. If there is no heating at all in the home, then it is necessary to calculate the power based on the fact that 40 watts will be needed for every cubic meter.

convector heater pros and cons

Heating element selection

If you are considering convector heaters, the pros and cons of which are important to consider before buying, then you need to pay attention to the type of heating element. Experts recommend choosing devices that are equipped with a monolithic cast heater, this is due to the fact that the equipment will last a longer period of time, and will function more efficiently. Many modern consumers today decide how to choose a convector heater, you can read about this in the article. It is important to consider the dimensions of the device.

oil heater or convector

Height selection

In particular, professionals recommend paying attention to height. The speed with which air will move will depend on it. For example, low convectors, whose height is 60 centimeters, will ensure the rapid movement of air masses, which will contribute to the rapid heating of the room. Choosing convection heaters, the pros and cons of which should be taken into account by the consumer, it is important to pay attention to the safety of operation.

convector or oil heater which is better

Security Choice

Convectors, according to customers, are the safest devices for heating. This is due to the fact that the case heats up to 60 degrees, but no more. That is why such equipment is convenient to use where there are small children.

how to choose a convector heater

Additional Feature Reviews

When choosing a convector heater for your apartment or house, you should consider that it can be equipped with additional functionality, namely a temperature controller, which will allow you to adjust the heating level. The thermostat maintains the temperature, which is the most comfortable for the owners. The timer makes it possible to turn on the equipment only for a certain time, after which a trip device will be activated. If you are interested in a convector heater, the pros and cons of which are described in the article, then you can prefer a model that is equipped with a built-in ionizer. It is responsible for the absorption of dust, saturating the air with negatively charged ions. Those buyers who are worried about the health of their loved ones choose options with this addition.

choose a convector heater reviews how it works

A convector heater, the pros and cons of which should be taken into account by you, may also have a remote control that facilitates the operation of the device. A very important function, according to consumers, is also rollover protection, which is relevant for homes with children and animals. When comparing prices for such equipment, as well as deciding which convector to choose, you need to consider that a good thing can not have too low a price. When choosing, you need to turn your eyes towards brands that have managed to establish themselves in the market for relevant products. Owners of convector heaters emphasize that such equipment will dry the air. This problem can be solved without the availability of appropriate functionality by using a container with water.

Overview of the quality characteristics of electric convectors

Before choosing a convector heater, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the models that are available on the market. As for power, it can vary from 250 to 3000 watts. The smallest power is used as an additional source of heating, while models with its highest indicator can be used as the main heating. The heated area can vary from 1 to 35 square meters. If we are talking about too large rooms, then heating can be very difficult.

The choice must be made only after you find out what kind of heating element is installed inside. This can be a monolithic or tape element, as well as a heater. Experts recommend inclining your choice towards a monolithic type heating element. Choosing a convector heater? Reviews, the principle of work - all this should be studied in advance. However, it is important to pay attention also to the type of installation, which can be wall or floor. If the equipment is supposed to be used exclusively in one room, then it is best to give preference to a wall-mounted version of the installation. This will save free space in the room.

how to choose a convector heater tips

Cost may be affected by controls, namely sensory, mechanical, or electronic. The first variety is quite rare, but it costs more than the rest. If you still cannot decide which thermostat to choose, it is best to give preference to electronic, abandoning the mechanical. The principle of operation of the equipment is to move the air masses. The smaller the height of the appliance, the faster the room will warm up. This indicator can reach a figure of 65 centimeters.

Features of oil heaters

If you are considering the question of which is better - convector or oil heater, then it is worth considering both of these devices. The first of these was described above, while the second will be given further attention in the article. Among the positive qualities can be distinguished quiet operation, low cost, as well as ease of movement over different distances. In this case, it is also important to choose the right power, while you must be guided by the height of the ceilings. If this indicator does not exceed 3 meters, then for effective heating of 10 square meters of the room you will need to purchase a radiator, whose power is equal to one kilowatt. On sale you can find units whose power varies from 1 to 2.5.

Comparison of oil and convector heaters

If you decide to choose convective heaters, it is important to consider the pros and cons of the device before going to the store. From oil, such devices differ in the shape of the case, which is smooth and flat. Oil units are usually located on the floor, which distinguishes them from convection. If you wish, you can even install skirting convectors, the height of which can be 15 centimeters, the length starts from 1500 cm.If you can not decide, choose a convector or oil heater, which is better from these two devices - this will help to understand the information presented in the article.

Devices can be compared with each other in terms of cost-effectiveness. The oil variety consumes 1/4 more electricity compared to convection. Due to the fact that electricity tariffs are constantly growing, this factor may be decisive when buying a device. The warm-up period is also quite important. With the help of an oil heater, this happens in several stages. First, electricity contributes to the heating of the heater, which heats the oil, the latter gives heat to the edges of the housing. This process can take a lot of time, while a certain amount of electricity is consumed. Thus, consumers note that after turning on the equipment, the room does not immediately become warm. Fans built into the oil heater can speed up this process. If we are talking about a convector, then it instantly begins to warm the air, and the efficiency in this case is 95%. The heating rate is not so great, the oil cooler, which is equipped with a fan, under additional conditions wins the convector.

Which is better - convector or oil heater

If you cannot determine what to choose - a convector or an oil heater, which is better from these two devices, it will allow you to understand the information about each of the units. Here we are talking about installation and ease of carrying. Convectors in this case are more mobile and convenient. Their mass does not exceed 10 kilograms, while oil devices are heavy and bulky. Their weight varies from 18 to 25 kilograms. Convectors that are equipped with wheels can be moved quite conveniently, and if you fix them to the wall, this will save a lot of space, making cleaning easier. Among other things, the temperature created by the convector is more comfortable for humans.

If you cannot decide what to choose - an oil heater or convector unit, then it is important to consider safety as well. It should be noted that hot oil is not the best solution. It is able to heat the body to such an extent that it will be easy to get a burn. As an exception, those models that are equipped with a protective cover during the production process are used.


If you still cannot decide what to choose - an oil heater or convection unit, then you should trust the opinion of specialists in this field who advise you to purchase the latest of the mentioned models. They are safe, noiseless and easy to operate.


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