Park "Paradise" in the Crimea: reviews

There are amazing places in Crimea on the southern coast, fascinating with their unprecedented beauty, distinguished by uniqueness. Among them is a magnificent park located at the very Bear Mountain and which is part of a complex called Aivazovskoye.

Park "Paradise" in the Crimea - an amazing corner of nature, whose territory is about 25 hectares. It is located on the shore of Kuchuk-Lambad Bay, whose name translates as "Small Lamp".

Park Paradise


The southern coast of Crimea is generally rich in a huge number of places that are remarkable for anything. For example, Simeiz is famous for its picturesque cliffs, Alupka - for Vorontsov Park and the palace. But there is one more place. On the slopes of the eastern Bear Mountain (or Ayu-Dag) is not very large resort Partenit. Its name comes from the Greek word "Parthenos", which has a rather romantic translation - "Virgo".

Among these amazingly fabulous beauties, the Paradise Park is located. Partenit is famous not only for such a beautiful name and proximity to the famous mountain of the same name, but also for its parks and sanatoriums located on its territory. Among them, one of the most popular is named after Aivazovsky. The name he received thanks to the village of Aivazovskoe, on the site of which there is a park and the entire sanatorium complex.

Park Paradise (Partenit)

Park "Paradise": photo, general information

The park, formerly named after Aivazovsky, is quite young. It was built in 1964-1966. The modern name was given to him in a foreign manner - "Paradise" (in 2003 during the reconstruction period), whereas earlier it was popularly called simply "Paradise".

The transformation of the park, taking into account the directions of modern design, continues to this day.

Now the park has a total of about 15,000 trees and 30,500 different shrubs (including the most unique species). Surrounding the territory are cedars, Numidian firs, Italian pines, large-flowered magnolias, strawberries, giant sequoias , etc.

Park "Paradise" ("Aivazovskoe" in the old way) was also created with the aim of preserving nature. The northern and western slopes of the park have preserved natural tracts with pistachios blunt and ash. Also here and now Crimean endemic species are seated: thin-leaved peony, Poyarkova hawthorn, folded snowdrop, many landscape compositions from native Crimean vegetation. And in recent years, the gardens of this territory are filled with subtropical and even tropical plants.


Park "Paradise" (Aivazovskoye) in the basis of its design has reliable facts from history, legends and myths, at least somehow related to the resort Partenit, and the Crimea as a whole.

Park Paradise: photos

In the most diverse, even the smallest corners of the park, its compositions reflect the historical information of several millennia. This is Greek culture, and the Middle Ages, and oriental gardens, and fragments of visits to Aivazovsky, Pushkin, and other celebrities, and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Vegetable world

It should be told separately about the flora of the park in Partenit. Paradise is a true paradise of fragrant flowers. There are about 300 species in the park’s gardens. Although this number does not compete with the famous botanical gardens, the park's vegetation is not inferior in its beauty. In a complex with magnificent numerous statues, streams, lakes and arbors, the flowers look fantastic.

Surprisingly rich in the fabulous flora of the world, the Paradise Park. Thanks to it, Partenit is a green cozy and beautiful corner of Crimea. Among the huge variety of vegetation, unique and rare for plants are found here.

Any person who has visited the park at least once will definitely want to come back and take a walk along its cozy, lovely and fabulous corners.

Park Paradise (Aivazovskoe)

Attractions, features

The Paradise Park, representing a wide variety of expositions, gives visitors the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the curious history of these places. What can be seen here?

1. Garden of the goddess Artemis and the ancient Greek estate.

2. Beautiful Oriental Garden, a Japanese park with small bonsai trees and a tea house and bridges built in the style of Japanese architecture.

3. English garden in the "Modern" style with a rotunda and marble sculptures. The peculiarity of the rotunda itself is that if you stand in its very center and say something loudly, the sound of a voice spreads throughout the district.

4. Italian garden with a pool and an unusual waterfall.

5. Terraced garden, stretching by the sea and resembling the famous gardens of Babylon.

The Paradise Park (Aivazovskoye) is famous for another fantastic attraction - the “Aroma Garden”, where visitors can experience the aromas emanating from essential oil plants.

Park Paradise in Crimea

Other attractions

In addition to the above, in the park you can visit the exhibition of succulents (plants) called "Arizona", which is a small fraction of the Mexican garden. Here is a landscape of North America that shows plants such as agave, cordolin and yucca.

When descending the Raevsky’s stairs, one cannot help but see the engraved lines from the poems of A. S. Pushkin. And at the exit to the semiconductor, you can enjoy a stunning view of the park and the bay with the azure waters of the sea.

Further more. The descent leads to a magnificent rose garden with compositions of flowers and stones, which also glorifies the park.

You can see a lot in the park: small waterfalls, beautiful artificial ponds, gurgling streams, various alpine slides, lawns with delicate green grass, etc. Each of these elements is thoughtfully inscribed and involved in the corresponding color.

Park Paradise

Olive grove

Park "Paradise" on its territory has a unique Olive Grove, which is its pearl. Once it was the property of Count Raevsky.

Unique trees grow in this magnificent grove. European olives over 200 years old, according to local residents, were planted here in honor of Athena Parthenos.

The amazing atmosphere reigning in the grove makes it possible to relax, enjoying the many-voiced trill of birds and the sound of waves and to be in a state of relaxation. A stream flows in this corner of the park and several water bodies are located.

You can personally verify that it was here that there was a manor from the time of ancient Greece. They say about this the preserved and restored ruins of the temple, Pythos and amphora. A huge amount of interesting historical information is stored in a magnificent park "Paradise".

Park Paradise: reviews


All who have visited the Paradise Park firmly declare that all this is comparable to paradise on Earth, that it is the most amazing, well-groomed, cozy and green park. Only here you can see so many sculptures, rotundas, arbors and gardens.

A walk through the Paradise Park can lead to the beach, which is also well equipped and well maintained.

Vacationers also like the beautiful promenade with the statue of Neptune and the sculptural composition "Dolphins", a cafe and a restaurant. Amazing visitors and numerous terraces dedicated to a specific topic.

Everyone is amazed by the Paradise Park. Such beauty was created thanks to the efforts and imagination of talented landscape designers.

In addition, it pleases everyone that this place is a paradise for amateur photographers. Beautiful backgrounds, magnificent landscapes, historical materials - all this surprises and amazes. Everyone who has visited the park recommend definitely visiting this fabulous paradise, especially since the price for this is acceptable. Here you can plunge into the wonderful atmosphere of peace.

Hotel, Paradise Park

In addition to the sanatorium, there is also a great place to relax. In the very center of Partenit, near the sanatorium "Crimea" is located the "Nord" - hotel. The Paradise Park is located very close (13 minutes on foot), therefore, while relaxing in the hotel, you can periodically make romantic walks among exotic sculptures and unique vegetation, combining them with relaxation on the beach. Near the hotel there is a magnificent picturesque park of the military sanatorium "Crimea".


Park "Paradise" in the Crimea combined numerous diverse park cultures and the magnificent atmosphere of beautiful nature. Having been in this place at least once, I want to come back here again and again.

Being one of the most attractive objects, the park is deservedly the winner of numerous landscape exhibitions.

The park can be reached by public transport from the city of Simferopol, or by car along the Alushta-Yalta highway, following the signs pointing to Partenit.


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