Sights of Chernihiv: photo and description

Many travelers are sure that in Ukraine there is something to see only in its western part. This is completely wrong. Northern Ukraine is also rich in various interesting cities and attractions. Chernihiv is one of such places. In this cozy and beautiful city, any tourist will find a lot of discoveries.

Ukrainian sights: Chernihiv and surroundings

Chernihiv is a city with an extremely rich thousand-year history. At one time, he was one of the three key villages of Kievan Rus. Ancient Russian sights are widely represented here. Chernigov is interesting primarily for these monuments.

Ancient temples, collegiums, caves of St. Anthony, the house of Lizogub, several beautiful estates - this is what can be seen in Chernigov. And all this is seasoned with gorgeous panoramas of the Desna River, which open from the city rampart.

And in Chernigov there are quite a few original cafes and restaurants with delicious cuisine. In addition, there is plenty of entertainment for children. Getting here from Kiev is not difficult. E95 highway can be reached from the Ukrainian capital to Chernigov in just one and a half to two hours.

sights of Chernihiv

Chernihiv region is no less interesting for tourists and travelers. Within it, you can see ancient stone temples, grandiose palace complexes and stunningly picturesque natural landscapes. Nizhyn, Kachanivka, Novgorod-Seversky, Krolevets - these are just a small list of the settlements of the region that tourists should definitely visit.

Next you will find all the most interesting sights of Chernihiv, photos and descriptions of architectural and historical monuments.

Chernihiv Val (detinets) and its monuments

City Wall - it is from this object that it is worth starting to consider the main attractions of Chernihiv. The description of the child is found in The Tale of Bygone Years. It is he who is the oldest part of the ancient capital of the Chernigov-Seversky principality.

Today, the contour of the Chernihiv shaft is decorated with 12 cast-iron cannons cast in the 17-18 centuries. Their city was allegedly presented by Peter I, in gratitude for the participation of the Chernigov Cossacks in the Battle of Poltava. By the way, all the guests of the city are offered to find the thirteenth gun on the shaft. But so far no one has been able to do this. The existence of the 13th cast-iron cannon is one of the main urban legends of Chernihiv.

Chernihiv attractions photo and description

On the shaft you can see two beautiful buildings. The first is the Chernigov collegium of the early 18th century, and the second is the so-called Lizogub house (17th century). It is also called the house of Ivan Mazepa. According to legend, the Ukrainian hetman hid innumerable treasures under the foundation of the building.

Walking along the Chernihiv shaft, you can also see one of the most beautiful and unusual monuments to Taras Shevchenko in Ukraine. The poet is depicted young here, which is extremely rare.

The kid hides in itself other interesting sights. Chernihiv, however, is not limited only to this area. It's time to go in search of his other antiquities.

Transfiguration Cathedral - the oldest building in Ukraine

This five-domed temple is one of the oldest religious buildings in all of Ukraine. It was laid back in 1031. In the interiors of the cathedral, ancient columns, floors and the remains of wall murals have been preserved. It was here that Prince Igor was buried, glorified in the famous “Word of Igor's Campaign”.

Chernigov Attractions Description

Some historians have suggested that the craftsmen working on this Chernihiv temple and Sophia of Kiev were from the same artel. The dimensions of the structure are quite large: 18 by 27 meters. The temple is unstable on six pillars and has three apses. The facades of the cathedral are decorated with beautiful brickwork and pilasters.

Two side towers of the Transfiguration Church were built much later, in the XVIII century.

Boldin Mountains and their attractions

Boldiny mountains - one of the urban areas of Chernihiv. Here is the Trinity-Elias Monastery, which was founded in 1069 by Anthony Pechersky. In 1775, a high four-tier bell tower was built (height - 58 meters), which today is the dominant feature of this entire area of ​​the city.

Anthony Caves is one of the most interesting monuments not only in the Boldin Mountains, but throughout Chernigov. This underground monastery was founded by Anthony Pechersky in the XI century and continued to develop until the end of the XVIII century. It consists of four tiers, two of which have not been investigated. The total length of the entire complex is 350 meters.

attractions of Chernihiv and the region

In Anthony Caves, tourists can explore several unique underground churches. The most famous of them is the temple of Theodosius of Totemsky. The church is made in the Ukrainian Baroque style and is decorated with arches, pilasters and half columns. Its height reaches 8.5 meters, it is the largest underground church in Ukraine.

Chernihiv attractions for children

Temples, museums and historical monuments are objects that are of interest primarily to adults. And what can you do with young children in this city of Ukraine? In Chernihiv there are also such institutions.

So, on Victory Avenue for several decades, the Puppet Theater named after O. Dovzhenko has been operating. With its interesting and at the same time completely understandable representations, this theater raised several generations of children. But on Odintsova Street there is another unusual children's art theater - “Balaganchik”. The institution has been operating for seven years. During this time, more than a thousand show programs, concerts and various events have been staged here.

Without a doubt, every child will enjoy spending time in the entertainment complex "Children's Planet". This institution has a large play area, an intricate maze, a pool with balls and the largest trampoline in Chernihiv.

Interesting places of Chernihiv region

Chernigov is not only rich and interesting in the eponymous region. Here you can visit dozens of other places and towns. For example, the city of Nizhyn, which is famous for its ancient snow-white temples and delicious cucumbers. You can also look into the town of Kozelets, where the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin is preserved - the most beautiful architectural monument of Ukrainian Baroque.

Chernihiv attractions for children

The grand palace complex has been preserved in Kachanivka. The estate was mortgaged by the favorite of Catherine II Count of Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky in 1770. However, Grigory Tarnovsky turned it into a pompous and large-scale architectural complex in the 19th century. To this day, a grandiose palace in the style of classicism, an outbuilding with a tower, Glinka's pavilion and a picturesque park around the estate have been preserved.

Sights of Chernihiv and the region are attracting more tourists, local historians and travelers. All of them discover something new and amazing in this land. Visit this unique region and you will not regret the time spent here.


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