Female names: modern, fashionable, exotic

As soon as the pregnancy test gave a positive result, many future mothers immediately begin to search on the Internet for their unborn babies original male and female names. Modern technology allows you to determine the sex of the child early enough, and then the search circle narrows by half. Often the choice of a name is accompanied by family disputes and disagreements, because each of the parents wants to choose the most sonorous and beautiful name, and everyone knows different ideas about beauty.

If you have a daughter ...

Choosing a name in anticipation of the birth of a girl, be sure to ask what significance these or other female names have.

female names are modern
In the pursuit of fashion trends, modern parents sometimes forget that they are fleeting enough, and a child with this name will have to live his whole life. When deciding to follow the fashion trend, parents should be prepared for the fact that when the baby grows up, then in her nursery group and school, most girls will bear the same names. At the same time, the rare, exotic name you choose can cause evil ridicule of the baby in the yard or in kindergarten. Here are real-world examples: Millionaire, Privatization, Will, Buzz, Fun, Cleopatra, Cinderella, Rowan, Diamond, Queen, Tulip, Ophelia, Viagra, Niva, Emerald. How do you like such modern female names? Which one would you like to live with? I would like to draw attention to another important criterion for choosing a name for a girl, which should not be neglected either - this is her middle name and last name.
modern names for girls
Your baby’s full name today may sound extremely rare, but later on, when she becomes a young woman, the name will be her business card, hallmark, “highlight” in the end. Therefore, it is very important that the name you select is harmonious, harmonious and beautifully combined with the surname and patronymic.

Is the meaning of the name important?

Returning nevertheless to the meaning of the name, I would like to draw the attention of parents to the fact that modern names for girls, sometimes fascinating with their sound and melody, can put your matured daughter in a funny situation. It often happens that when translated from a native language, a name means something not quite poetic or even sad. Would loving parents like to see their daughter like that? There is an opinion that the name given at birth leaves its mark on a person’s life and destiny, something changes in him in his own way. For example, the Spanish name Lolita means “sorrow” and “sadness”, but how beautiful it sounds! Would such a name not become a kind of prophecy? And will it be important for the young girls of Tamara, Evelina and Rachel (“date palm”, “hazelnut” and “sheep”), which is far from being as romantic as their lovely female names sound?

modern female names
Today's parents today are free from prejudice

Or maybe all this is just superstition, not worth your attention? And, deciding what to name your beloved daughters, is it enough to choose just beautiful and harmonious female names, modern, fashionable and very rare? It’s up to you, because sometimes we make choices associatively, giving the children the names of their beloved women, relatives or movie stars, paying no attention to anything , guided only by their own taste and intuition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23186/

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