What is the wind? Local winds

What is the wind? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Wind is formed to a greater extent under the influence of local conditions. Therefore, each part of the planet has its own specific winds. Along with constant, they take part in the formation of local climatic conditions. Vivid examples are: the barguzin wind on Lake Baikal, Afghan, hair dryer, canyon winds, sirocco and others.

what is the wind

Local wind formation

Before considering some of the winds, we will try to determine the causes of their formation. Very often they form when the temperature difference is in mountainous terrain, off the coast of water bodies, on the plains. Some of these winds are part of the global atmospheric circulation, and the topographic features of certain areas reinforce them. These are local winds. They have their own names. Winds of this type are distinguished by repeatability, direction, speed and other features.

Dry wind

This is the wind of steppe zones, semi-desert and desert areas. It is associated with atmospheric air pressure. What is the drier wind? In the deserts of Kazakhstan, it can blow monotonously for several days. At high temperatures and low humidity in these areas, the wind strongly dries the soil, and it has a detrimental effect on vegetation.

wind barguzin


What is the wind of boron? It moves from the tops of mountains and blows on the banks of large bodies of water - seas or lakes. It has high speed at low temperature. It is formed due to the separation by mountains of small height, warm air above water bodies, as well as air masses over the coast, whose temperature is lower. In winter, the danger of air increases: during this period, it is able to sweep at high speed from the tops of the mountains to the water. The strength of the wind increases due to temperature differences. Bora gives rise to icy splashes and waves - this is a danger to ships. The wind can last several days.


It is a warm wind that blows at high speed from the top of the mountains down. It can be observed in the mountains of the Caucasus. The hair dryer speed is up to 25 m / s. Dry mountain air, dropping lower, becomes warmer due to adiabatic heating. At 500 meters of descent, its temperature rises by 5 degrees. This wind affects the climate of the valleys. During the summer, it withers, and in spring, water rises in the rivers, because the hair dryer makes the snow melt.


This intense wind is observed over the land of North America. It is formed from the interaction of arctic cold masses with warm air over the Caribbean Sea. A tornado is repeated often and has a barrage of character.


This hot wind carries dust and sand. The high temperature of the air masses in the zones of the cyclone is the cause of its formation. A 50-degree summum is common in northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. If you have to meet such a wind, you will hear how it makes you β€œsing” the sand dunes. Because of the samum, sand particles make a sound as a result of friction.

South wind


What happens to wind marshmallows? It is warm and humid. He blows in the regions of the Mediterranean Sea, but the character of the terrain influences his character. What is marshmallow? In the eastern regions it often brings downpours, and summer is the time of its greatest intensity. In the western parts it is pleasant, light and refreshing.


Finally, I would like to recall the south wind of the diaper. It blows in the coastal countries of South America and has a low temperature and stormy character. Antarctic icy air masses, invading the over-ocean warm atmosphere, form a diaper.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23194/

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