Justice is a value governed by social norms.

A completely simple and obvious concept, such as justice, is always interpreted in different ways, even the Ukrainian people have their own saying that every hut has its own truth! Disputes arise, there is a struggle, especially between political parties. Justice is a very sensitive topic, which requires an accurate and balanced approach, so as not to hurt or infringe on anyone's rights and interests.

social justice is
Justice is legitimacy; it is precisely such a translation from the Latin language that has the word “justitia”, which is supported by the blindfold Themis symbol holding the scales. Naturally, justice is the inalienable rights of an individual, social groups regarding their position in society, a certain balance between their social rights and obligations, which they must also fulfill. In case of non-compliance, this is already assessed by injustice.

Western philosophy and psychology are more individualistic, each person takes care of his comfort, puts personal goals and desires in priorities, respectively, he identifies himself on the basis of his own needs. While traditional eastern philosophy promotes and prefers collective values. There, the individual identifies himself as part of society, only then considers his interests.

The topic of social justice is extremely relevant in society and requires discussion, not silence. For a constructive conversation, it is necessary to determine specific requirements for all social institutions, both economic and political, in order to get as close as possible to the ideal of social justice. First of all, institutional changes are necessary, which are very important, only then the principle of justice will be viable.

justice is
The first step is political modernization. The formation of a deliberately new political culture among the participants and the directly new quality of the participants in this political process. Finally, such mandatory criteria as responsibility, courage and honesty should appear, it is necessary at least sometimes to recall the interests and rights of voters.

An important point is the social activity of the intelligentsia, only then can we overcome social apathy, indifference and social disunity, the intelligentsia should not be aloof and observe in silence.

The second step is specific institutional changes to reduce social inequality. The main threat is that the social stratification itself is clearly evident, the country is divided into two parts, where the majority live poorly, and the second part, the so-called elite, do not deny themselves anything, giving rise to questions about how much income they buy for themselves luxuries.

The third step is a fair public assessment of the merits of each member of society. For example, pension reform is one of the criteria for evaluating social justice. Raising the prestige of a number of professional castes is also social justice, and not the desire of every second to be a politician, thief in law or oligarch.

The fourth step is social justice in the framework of globalization. It is important to maintain a balance of interests between all states and nations, not to expose all kinds of modern weapons and to preserve peace on Earth.

principle of justice
Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that saving his people is the main task of the Russian state. And the basis of savings is only social justice.

It is important to know that social justice is a power that consolidates and unites the people of our country. In the absence of national consolidation and consent, there may be talk of development and modernization in society. The basis of justice is the fruit of the efforts of joint work of people.

In order to finally determine this concept, we will cite the words of the famous American psychologist who said that justice is the ratio of a person’s contribution to his income, that is, the second should be proportional to the first, and this is true. It is important to note that this income is not equal to the income of a neighbor or other individual.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2320/

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