How to make a deflector on a chimney with your own hands?

The normal functioning of any thermal unit requires the presence of a chimney. It is important to ensure good traction, which will guarantee the operability of the stove, boiler or fireplace. Many owners of private houses face a problem that is expressed in poor traction, it can be caused, for example, by strong winds. To solve such problems today it is customary to use a chimney deflector.

The need for a deflector

chimney deflector

The described part of the chimney is a device that is located at the very top of the structure. It can be located at the end of the ventilation duct. If you choose the right type and size of this device, you can achieve an increase in the efficiency of the equipment by 20%. Among other things, the deflector on the chimney serves as a protection against rain, birds, small animals, debris, dust and snow. The installation of this part of the thermal unit is especially effective when there is no way to equip the smoke channel in such a way that it is direct.

Deflector device

pipe deflector

The described components of the chimney of different types, as a rule, have the same structure. Among the constituent parts, one can distinguish an inlet pipe, a housing, an umbrella, the last of which has a conical shape. The chimney deflector does not do without brackets for fixing the cap, as well as the outer upper cylinder, which is called the diffuser. As the material for the manufacture of the most commonly used galvanized iron sheets. Recently, products made of metal coated with a protective layer of plastic or enamel have found a fairly wide distribution. For installation on ventilation ducts where there is no air outlet with elevated temperature, it is permissible to use plastic deflectors.

Parameter Definition

DIY chimney deflector

Before starting work, you need to make a calculation. As a basis, you should take the inner diameter of the chimney, which will determine the width of the diffuser and the height of the deflector. Thus, with a diffuser width of 240 millimeters and a deflector height of 144 millimeters, the inner diameter should be 120 millimeters. With an increase in the first value to 1000 millimeters and the second to 600 millimeters, the desired value becomes equal to 500 millimeters. As an alternative solution, you can use the ratio, which will help to make the correct calculations. So, the height of the deflector is 1.6-1.7 d, the width of the diffuser should be 1.2-1.3 d. The width of the umbrella is equivalent to 1.7-1.9d. Here "d" is the internal diameter of the chimney.

Preparation of materials and tools

chimney deflector drawing

If you are going to make a deflector for a chimney, then you can’t do without roulette, a welding machine, an electric drill, galvanized iron sheets , as well as metal scissors. Each master will surely have a grinder, a set of open-end wrenches, as well as bolts and nuts. It will take a strip of metal.

Manufacturing technology

gas boiler chimney deflector

If you decide to make a deflector on the pipe, then after carrying out the calculations, you can proceed to the manufacture of structural components. Using a pencil, the master must depict the relevant details, namely the cap, outer cylinder and diffuser.

Experts recommend making a life-size pattern using cardboard. After this, the workpiece will need to be transferred to the metal surface. Using scissors for metal, you need to cut out all the components that were listed above, as well as the inverse cone. Rivets and a welding machine, which can be replaced with small bolts, will allow you to connect all the parts together. From a metal strip, it is necessary to prepare brackets for fixing the cap. In order to save material, the metal strip should be cut into thin strips along.

Features of the work

duct deflector

When you will make a deflector on the pipe, the brackets for fixing the hood should be fixed to the outer surface of the diffuser, which has a conical shape. It will be necessary to strengthen the inverse cone to the cap. After all the details have been completed, the master can begin assembly manipulations, carrying out work in the chimney.


An example will be described below, which involves the installation of a deflector in a metal chimney with an inner diameter within 120 millimeters. The lower cylinder must be mounted on the chimney using a bolted connection. On the lower cylinder with a clamp, the upper should be strengthened. The brackets will allow you to fix the hood and the reverse case between each other. When the deflector is installed on the chimney with your own hands, it is important to mount the return cone under the hood. This will guarantee effective functioning even under conditions characterized by a low wind. In the presence of a chimney of impressive diameter, it is necessary to ensure high-quality fixation. To do this, it is customary to use additional stretch marks, which are made of metal wire.

Additional recommendations

If you will independently make a chimney deflector, the drawing will be a guarantee of success. Since it determines the design features and dimensions of the future product. Caps are able to divert combustion products, however, it is important not only to correctly assemble and assemble such a device, but also to install it by technology. The competent organization of the removal of soot and smoke is not only a matter of caring for the external environment and heating appliances, but also a very important safety factor for the residents of the house. The deflector is not installed on the chimney of the gas boiler. But in all other cases it is important to know about some provisions. To fix the structure, which has a circular cross-section, you need to use the adapter pipe. This is true for boiler ducts that are square or rectangular. If the chimney of the fireplace or boiler is too large for the deflector, special legs must be fixed. They are a kind of supports made of steel. The transition from the brick chimney of the boiler or furnace to the round cross-section of the deflector is carried out exclusively after the masonry is poured. It is forbidden to install deflectors on chimneys that are part of a gas boiler. This prohibition applies to the installation of a deflector on the smoke exhaust channels of boilers that operate with gas, and is regulated by SNiP 2.04.05.


The air duct deflector of the heating equipment acts as a rather important element of the system. If there is a need to increase traction in the channel, which is part of furnaces and boilers, then the described design is completely indispensable. An effective device designed to improve the functioning of the heating device is permissible not only to manufacture, but also to install in the future, without the help of professionals. It is important to remember the prohibitions, as well as the fact that, having not enough experience, it is preferable to purchase the described device in the store of the relevant goods.


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