"Canina GAG Forte": composition, benefits and harm to animals, advice on the selection of feed

The skeleton, of course, is the basis for the proper growth of any organism. With pathologies of its development, the dog’s bones begin to collapse over time, due to which the animal can experience very unpleasant sensations. Suffering to such pets can cause various kinds of joint diseases.

In order to avoid such health problems in a dog, special additives called chondroprotectors should be included in its diet, among other things. One of such means is “Canina GAG Forte”. Reviews of this drug from consumers have earned extremely positive.

Dog bone treatment


This product is produced by the German company Canina pharma GmbH. This company was founded in 1984. At the moment, it is one of the largest manufacturers of various vitamin supplements for animals. The range of products supplied by this manufacturer to the market is about 1,500 positions.

The company manufactures its products in the form of both tablets and powders or capsules. Also on the market are vitamin supplements from this manufacturer in liquid form, in the form of powder and gel.

general description

“Kanina GAG Forte” is supplied to the market in the form of tablets packaged in plastic jars. This unique drug is based on the latest developments in the field of pet nutrition. You can buy it at veterinarians or online. This medicine is quite expensive. The price of it is about 3000 rubles. for 120 tablets.

Initially, this drug was produced under the name "Canina Petvital GAG Forte." A few years ago it was renamed into "Canina Kangidroks GAG". Moreover, the people still call such a tool just “Canina GAG Forte”. Currently in Germany, this supplement is available as Canina Canhydrox GAG. This name is applied to the package with the drug.

Additive "Canina GAG Forte"

The composition of the additive

“Canine GAG ​​Forte” is being made for dogs from spongy mollusks, which are a natural source of glucosaminglycans. Also, the composition of this supplement includes calcium hydroxyapatite, which is the main mineral of teeth and bones in the body of living things. This nanocrystalline substance was created by the specialists of the company artificially. However, its roentgenogram is completely identical to the roentgenogram of the biological bone.

In addition to calcium hydroxyapatite and spongy mollusks, the GAG ​​Forte Canina includes:

  • yeast;

  • seaweed;

  • magnesium oxide;

  • silica.

Yeast perfectly compensates for the lack of protein in dogs. Seaweed, however, gives the coat color of dogs a much greater saturation. In addition, they contain a very large number of various substances useful for the body of dogs.

The composition of the drug in optimal quantities includes both trace elements and amino acids. Among other things, “Canina Kangidroks GAG Forte” contains:

  • cobalt;

  • fluorine;

  • selenium;

  • molybdenum;

  • collagen, etc.

Vitamin C is also part of this preparation. All these substances are certainly very useful for dogs. Store this product in a dry place at room temperature. Of course, it should be kept where pets or children themselves cannot reach it.

Scope of application

The means for such pets "Canina GAG Forte" is actually, judging by the reviews, very useful. Basically, its action is aimed at strengthening the tubular bones, large joints of dogs, their spine. It is especially useful in this regard for dogs of large and giant breeds. In puppies, this agent stimulates the formation of bone tissue during the growth period. This supplement also supports the skeleton of old dogs.

"Canina GAG Forte" for dogs

In addition, “Canina GAG Forte” helps to straighten and align bones with O-shaped and X-shaped posture of limbs in pets.

Also this drug:

  • prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis;

  • able to have anti-inflammatory effect;

  • It helps with arthritis and arthrosis, even if the bones are not involved in the pathological process.

A very good solution would be to use this tool in the treatment of fractures in dogs. It is also believed that this drug is able to enhance metabolism in bone tissue, which is very beneficial for the health of the musculoskeletal system of animals.

What other indications are there

Basically, the drug “Canina GAG Forte” is used specifically for the treatment and support of joints and bones of dogs. But also this tool can be used to accelerate recovery during sprains. In addition, many breeders use this drug after stopping puppy ears. In this case, it contributes to the speedy healing of wounds. As some breeders note, when using this drug, they often do not even have to wrap up the ears of the wards.

Also, this tool is often given to bitches before mating. During pregnancy, dogs of large breeds can gain up to 5-6 kg of weight. And of course, at this time, the bitches significantly increase the load on the joints. They also give “Canine GAG ​​Forte” to puppies during their teeth change. Of course, you must give this drug to dogs before the competition.

Tablets "Canina GAG Forte"

Also, this tool is often used to improve the quality of the skin and coat of dogs. You can give dogs this supplement to increase the immunity of dogs. Sometimes Canina is also used for hygiene of the eyes, ears and oral cavity.

"Canina GAG Forte": instruction

Use this product correctly, following the instructions from the manufacturer exactly. So, for example, puppies under the age of 4 months are usually given 4 tablets per 10 kg of weight for prevention. Do this for 4 months. Next, the amount of supplements taken is reduced to 2 tablets per 10 kg. Exactly the same dosages are provided for the treatment of limb deformity in puppies.

To maintain their shape, aging dogs are given 4 tablets per 10 kg of weight. Working pets, as well as frequently exhibited, should be given 2 tablets per 10 kg. At the same time, it is recommended to start the course two weeks before the exhibition period.

In the treatment of fractures, sprains and lameness, dogs of different breeds are usually given 4 tablets per 10 kg. Use "Canine GAG ​​Forte" at the same time throughout the recovery period.

Cat treatment

Most often, this modern supplement is used to treat dogs. However, this drug is also allowed for cats. "GAG Forte Canina" is offered to such pets, of course, in reduced dosages. This remedy is usually given to cats from the 2nd month of life at 0.5 tab. in a day.

For such pets, this supplement is used in the same cases as for dogs. For the most part, “GAG Forte Canin” for cats is used if they have any problems with joints or tubular bones. Of course, this drug can be given to such animals to increase immunity, during pregnancy, etc.

Can Pets Harm

The composition of "Canina GAG Forte" is safe. When used in prescribed dosages, it cannot do any harm to dogs. In any case, there is no information about the negative effect of this tool on pets. Reviews about this drug are only good.

Thus, this drug has no side effects. The only thing, in very sensitive dogs in the initial stage of taking the drug, a slight indigestion can be observed. Stop taking Canina in this case is not necessary. After some time using this drug for treatment or prevention, all the unpleasant symptoms in dogs usually go away.

Dog Bone Disease

What is the opinion of consumers about the drug

Experienced breeders definitely recommend giving this food supplement to their pets. Many Internet users advise dog owners to always keep such a jar on hand. Canina GAG Forte can help dogs in many situations. Pet care, according to many breeders, this supplement makes it much easier.

Reviews about the "GAG Fort" for cats and dogs can be read, therefore, only good. The drug is effective and safe. Some disadvantages of “Canina” are considered by pet lovers to be its rather high cost. However, experienced breeders still do not advise sparing money on this supplement.

On the market, of course, there are other, often quite good chondroprotectors. However, in quality, according to the opinion of many breeders, not a single similar preparation can compare with “Canina” today. The skeleton and joints of puppies taking this remedy develop correctly. In adult dogs, when using this drug, all problems associated with bone and joint tissue disappear.

Supplements for dogs and cats

How to choose the right

The popularity of “Canina GAG Forte” in Europe, and recently in Russia, is simply enormous. Therefore, when buying such a tool should be as careful as possible. Of course, there are also fakes on this market on the market.

You can buy such a drug, as already mentioned, at a pet store or online. When buying both in online stores and at a regular outlet, it will be easy to determine the fake, including its cost. Too cheap “Canina GAG Forte” the real cost, of course, can not. In our country, the company "Canina" is engaged in sales of this product.

Other products by Canina Pharma GmbH

In addition to "GAG Can Forte", consumers have the opportunity to purchase, for example, vitamin complexes from this manufacturer. Very popular with dog owners, for example, is the product from this manufacturer Petvital Energy Gel. This complex can be used to quickly restore nutrients in the body of cats and dogs with critical weight loss, after surgery, etc.

Also, this manufacturer, judging by the reviews, supplies the market with very good antiparasitic drugs. Pet lovers can purchase, for example, Petvital Verminex. This tool, without penetrating under the skin of animals, reliably protects them from insects. This company also produces a cleanser for cats and dogs.

Healthy joints in dogs

On the market, this company supplies drugs designed not only for cats and dogs. Consumers, among other things, can also purchase products from this manufacturer, designed for birds and rodents. For example, owners of parrots and canaries can also purchase Petvital V2000 Propolis, which contains propolis and is designed to fight infections.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23213/

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