Aroid plants: description and names

Aroid plants are a large and very diverse group. It includes swamp grasses, tropical shrubs, creepers and more. Among them there are both very poisonous and quite edible species, some of them are widely known as indoor flowers. Photos of aroid plants, their description and features you will find in our article. We will also talk about the most interesting representatives of the family.

Plants of the Aroid family

Aroid, which are otherwise called arononic, belong to flowering monocotyledonous plants. Their family includes more than one hundred genera and about three thousand species. Most of the aroid plants are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. There, the conditions are most suitable for them, and some specimens sometimes reach incredible sizes.

Representatives of this large family also live in colder and harsher conditions. They can be found in the temperate, and sometimes in the subarctic zone. However, in cooler regions they are much smaller, because aroid ones gravitate to moisture and heat.

Plants are striking in their diversity. Among them are many types of bizarre shapes, which complement the unusual color of leaves and flowers. All of them are terrestrial and aquatic herbs, shrubs, vines and epiphytes. The latter are noteworthy in that they do not live independently, but settle on various plant forms. At the same time, epiphytes are not considered parasites, they use other organisms exclusively as a support, eating independently of them.

There are in the rows of aroid and marsh plants. So, they all include duckweed. They have very simplified roots and leaves, and live on the surface of ponds, swamps, lakes and small bodies of water with stagnant water. In a favorable period, they can cover their "water house" completely.

Swamp aroid plants


Aroid plants are grassy. For them, the presence of true stems and a powerful root system is uncharacteristic. In most plants, they are represented by rhizomes, tubers, trailing roots and aerial roots. Liana-like species have stems. Usually they are very long and do not have geotropism, that is, they are able to grow in all directions, and not just up.

Aroid leaves have different sizes and structures. They can be narrow and twisted, slightly wavy or large, sweeping and heart-shaped. Mostly they have wide, solid plates with a clearly visible mesh venation. At the same time, there are species with small narrow or large, strongly dissected leaflets, like those of a monstera or philodendron, rather resembling palm leaves.

The color of the foliage is also diverse. In addition to dark green, the color may have yellowish, light green, red, purple and pink shades. The green leaves of caladium have a pink core, in alocasia they are decorated with light lines along the central veins, in agloneomas they are pale and light, covered with dark green spots and a fringing.

All aronnikovye have an inflorescence of the type β€œear”, but its appearance varies greatly from genus to genus. In callas, spathiphyllums, it looks like an elongated tubular process, on which very small and unremarkable flowers are located. It is interesting that their flower was mistakenly taken not as the inflorescence itself, but as a cover sheet enveloping it. This is not surprising, because it often differs from the rest of the leaves, acquiring white, red and a different color.

Spathiphyllum flower


Aroid plants have a well-developed excretory system, the secrets of which contribute to their protection or distribution. First of all, plants are known for their toxicity. Their milky juice is dangerous for animals and humans, causing burns and poisoning.

Aroid poison scares away unwanted guests and prevents them from being eaten. But their nectar, on the contrary, attracts certain animals. Plants are pollinated mainly with wasps, bees, beetles and other insects, therefore they emit a special liquid with a pleasant aroma to attract them.

Some aroid blooms are accompanied by a fetid odor to lure carrion flies and dung beetles. Such plants do not just attract insects, but trap them. The aroma of rot and decay resembles an environment in which flies and beetles lay their eggs. Arriving at the flower, they turn out to be his prisoners, until fertilization occurs.

The use of arononic

Despite the toxicity and possible unpleasant aroma, the man did not give up the aroid ones and found areas where they can be used. Due to their unusual appearance and relative unpretentiousness, they have become popular ornamental plants. Due to the content of useful substances they are used in medicine and cooking.

Aroid plants called taro, large-root alocasia, delicate monstera, swept xanthosome can be eaten. But they are usually not fully prepared, but only individual parts β€” shoots, berries or leaves.

In folk medicine, calamus and its root are used to obtain essential oils, and treat intestinal and stomach diseases. Aronnik treat inflammation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, relieve the condition with measles, scarlet fever and a simple cold. Ointments and tinctures are made from delicious monstera , which help with rheumatism and joint pain. Its fruits with a banana-pineapple flavor are usually used as a dessert.

Among indoor aroid plants, callas, anthurium, dieffenbachia, spathiphyllum, alocasia, philodendron are especially known. Liana species are grown at home, but are more often used for landscaping fences or facades. Swamp species, such as telorez pistols, are used to decorate aquariums.

Taro, or edible colocasia

Taro is a perennial plant of the family that is eaten. It grows in Southeast Asia and Africa, being a local analogue of potatoes. The plant was known to Ancient Egypt, India and China. In ancient Japan, it was a staple food until rice replaced it.

Edible colocasia or taro

Colocasia has the appearance of a bush up to 150 centimeters high. It has large heart-shaped leaves about a meter long. Propagated by underground tubers that contain starch, sugar, proteins and calcium oxalate. Taro has a lot of vitamins, fiber and other substances useful for the supporting, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Due to the presence of acid, the leaves and shoots of the plant are not consumed raw, but are eaten after heat treatment.

Wolfless rootless

Wolfia belongs to duckweed. It is a marsh plant of the aroid family and the smallest flowering plant on the planet. Wolffia has the appearance of green leaves, below which is located one short root. These leaves are actually mutated stems. The size of each of them does not exceed 1 mm.

Wolfless rootless

The plant lives in bodies of water with stagnant water. Under favorable conditions, it actively multiplies on the surface of the swamp or pond, and with the onset of autumn cold it sinks to the bottom and expects warming. It is common in the tropics of Asia and Africa, in southern and central Europe. It grows in the European part of Russia, but it was most likely brought there from warmer regions.


This plant is native to the tropical forests of South and North America, which has long been known as a pet. It has large beautiful leaves of dark green color with light green spots and can grow up to two meters in height. The plant blooms not too beautifully and all its decorative value is borne by its leaves.

Poison Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is often grown in homes, offices and various institutions. In the room where it grows, the composition of the air improves, there are fewer germs and harmful bacteria. However, she is considered one of the most poisonous representatives of her family. The juice in its leaves and stems causes severe burns, irritation of the mucous membranes and can even lead to blindness. Plant poisoning is manifested by diarrhea, inflammation and swelling of tissues, respiratory failure and swallowing reflex.


Another plant widely known to gardening enthusiasts is calla lilies. It gained its popularity thanks to a beautiful covering sheet resembling a flower. The color of the leaf can be almost anything - from the usual snow-white to red, burgundy, orange and pale yellow.

Colorful callas

All calla lilies are relatively high and reach about 50-70 cm, but the Ethiopian Zantedesia grows up to 150 centimeters. The plant comes from South Africa, but now it has become popular in many parts of the world. It is grown in gardens and homes, presented to each other for various holidays.

Amorphophallus titanic

Amorphophallus is probably the most bizarre genus of all aroid ones. It includes more than 170 species, which vary in size from 80 cm to several meters. The largest representative is titanic amorphophallus. The plant has a powerful and short stem, on which a huge inflorescence grows, covered with a burgundy leaf, up to 3 meters long. The total height of amorphophallus reaches about five meters.

Amorphophallus titanic

The plant blooms in just a few days. During this period, it emits a terrible smell, reminiscent of a mixture of the "aroma" of rotten fish, spoiled eggs, sugary sweets and excrement. Its underground tuber weighs about 50 kilograms and is eaten in some Asian countries.


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