Can horses swim? How to teach a horse to swim?

A man domesticated a horse several millennia ago. Horses accompanied people on military campaigns, trade caravans, research expeditions. The horse was the main assistant to the tiller and merchant. Today, horses are bred not only for practical purposes, but just for fun. Communicating with these smart and friendly animals has a recognized therapeutic effect, so hippotherapy is recommended for the treatment of a number of diseases.

Many people know that horses lend themselves well to training, they are happy to learn. Can horses swim? Water is not their native element, so answering the question right away is not easy. In our article we will try to understand everything in detail in order to find the truth.

Laid by nature

Experienced breeders say that horses, like many animals, feel quite comfortable in the water. It is believed that the ability to swim in them is inherent in nature. In water, a horse moves like a dog, alternately fingering.

But to equate all under one comb is not worth it. Like some people do not like water, so a horse can relate to it without much enthusiasm. Therefore, when answering the question of whether horses can swim, horse breeders prefer to mention that not all animals like walking in water.

do horses swim

Possible difficulties

Even if a horse, repeatedly bathed in a lake or a river, first sees the sea or the ocean, it can be frightened. β€œBig Water”, of course, can scare a beginner who has never tried to swim.

Some horses refuse to move in the water if they do not feel the bottom. Some of them may be frightened by the current. There is a version that horses can swim, but not far, however, according to experts, fatigue is most often due to insecurity, fear or improper human behavior. Horses are very hardy animals.

But it is worth noting that these difficulties are not very common. Most horses are still confident in the water and easily overcome obstacles such as stakes or a not too wide river. And some even try to get into the reservoir at every opportunity.

First acquaintance with a pond

What should be done to someone who wants to teach a four-legged friend swimming? The main thing in this business is patience, tact and gentle perseverance. A person should by no means be anxious, raise his voice and beat an animal.

It is worth giving the horse the opportunity to get used to an unusual environment for her. Let her stroll through the shallow water, look around, get used to new smells.

It may also happen that a horse who first lands on the shore confidently enters the water and himself will understand what to do next. It is worth encouraging that the pet understands that everything is doing right.

Rider behavior

Another point is important, which the owner should have an idea about. Do horses swim with riders? Cinema convinced many that this option is valid. In fact, having lost support, the horse can no longer carry a person, as if by land. The spine is subjected to greater stress. Therefore, to force an animal to ride with a rider in the saddle, especially if this is his first experience, is not worth it.

It is advisable for a person to slip out of the saddle as soon as the horse stops reaching the bottom with his feet. You need to move very carefully, but you can not let go of the bit. If the rider and the horse have a good relationship, voice commands may be enough. But for safety reasons, it is better to hold the reins in your hand so that you can direct the floating animal in the right direction.

How to teach a horse to swim?

Everyone who is preparing for such an experience should think in advance about whether the horses can swim with the same ease and dexterity with which they move on land. The answer to this question is no! A person should be very careful not to get injured. In water, a horse can touch the feet of a swimmer nearby. You can swim to it, you can even hold on to the mane, but in no case should you dive into the water so as to prevent the animal from moving its legs. Random diving can be even more dangerous.

Useful Tips

Experienced breeders advise each owner to know in advance whether horses from his herd can swim. For example, if you plan to sail across a body of water.

It is very useful when training young animals to play the herd instinct. If at the "first lesson" there will be a horse who loves water and knows how to move well in it, beginners will boldly follow him. It positively affects the mood of horses and human behavior: when they see a floating owner, they will not be afraid of water.

horses can swim

The most serious mistake can be violence and pressure. If the animal categorically refuses to enter the water, calm him down and postpone the lesson. Patience and affection can achieve much more than punishment and threats.


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