Breathalyzer "Dingo A 070": characteristics and reviews

The Dingo A-070 breathalyzer is a modern device designed to measure the level of alcohol in exhaled air. The device was developed on the basis of the Alcoscan AL-7000 breathalyzer. The device is equipped with a four-digit display, on which the result is displayed.

general information

The device has an attractive and modern design. The Dingo A-070 breathalyzer is easy to use and provides accurate measurements. The device works by the contact method, so the sample is taken from the air through a removable mouthpiece. The device has a built-in anti-deception system that allows you to control the exhalation of the person being tested.

Unique sobriety test

The breathalyzer allows you to quickly get an accurate result at any time. In case of failure of the sensor, the user can make a replacement with their own hands. To do this, just buy a replacement sensor for the Dingo A-070 Breathalyzer. Therefore, the owner is exempted from the need to look for a service center and wait for work to be completed.

Functional Features

The Dingo A-070 breathalyzer has a special purge control function that ensures high-quality measurement. Blowing is carried out using a special mouthpiece. The device provides accurate measurement of results up to a hundredth of a ppm. The breathalyzer can be charged without problems from the car network.

Unique and versatile appliance

The device can independently control the sampling for alcohol and prevents any attempts to cheat. If the subject simulates breathing, the device will ask you to try again. The basic equipment includes a cable with a connector for charging from the cigarette lighter in the car. The advantage of the device is the lack of calibration. Therefore, it is enough for the user to replace the touch module, which is on sale.

How to use the device

The user needs to take the device out of the case and put a mouthpiece on it. For the correct operation of the device, it is necessary to insert the batteries into a special compartment of the breathalyzer. The owner can use the device by connecting the device to the cigarette lighter. In this case, you can do without batteries. The device turns on at the touch of a button. Then there is a process of self-testing and preparation of the device for the test. After the message โ€œSTARTโ€ is displayed, the breathalyzer can be used. The person being tested must blow strongly into the mouthpiece for 4 seconds with continuous force.

Blood ppm device

After a few seconds, the measurement result appears on the display. The user can re-measure if there are doubts about the reliability of the result. The result will be visible on the display for 15 seconds, and then the device will automatically turn off. When you turn on the breathalyzer again, the device will show the result of the previous test. In this case, preparation for reanalysis is many times faster. The user can store the mouthpiece directly under the battery cover. Near industrial facilities or after smoking, the surrounding air may be contaminated. For this reason, the results may be slightly distorted.


The Dingo A-070 breathalyzer is made by the Sentech Korea Corp. company in South Korea. The device has a special semiconductor sensor. Measurement is carried out within one second. The range of results is from 0 to 4 ppm. The device runs on 2 AA batteries, the energy of which is enough for 300 measurements. The device has a small mass, which is 98 grams. Therefore, it is convenient to carry it both in your pocket and in your bag. The optimum temperature for the correct operation of the device is from 5 ยฐ C to 45 ยฐ C.

The complete set of the device

Ease of use is a fundamental factor when choosing a breathalyzer. This device is equipped with a mouthpiece that provides reliable information. Also included in the kit:

  • cigarette lighter adapter;
  • batteries
  • case;
  • carrying cord;
  • device;
  • user's manual.
Universal sobriety test series

Users need to know that all personal breathalyzers do not pass the certification procedure. Therefore, their testimony is not always regarded as official information that can be presented as evidence.

What is the device for?

The Dingo A-070 breathalyzer is necessary for users for self-control. The device allows you to prevent the possible consequences of being drunk while driving. Also, the device is widely used in taxi fleets, industrial enterprises and hospitals. The device is purchased by many parents who are aimed at monitoring the sobriety of children. Reviews about the "Dingo A-070" can be found laudatory, because users are convinced of the accuracy of the testimony and the possibility of use in any circumstances.

New Generation

The device is not focused on mass testing of alcohol. Therefore, it belongs to the category of personal devices and is not used for checking drivers by the traffic police. The breathalyzer can be used for a few checks in order to catch the intruder. A person in a state of intoxication can write a test procedure on a breathalyzer. This will become the official basis for his subsequent removal from work.

Recommendations for use

Experts recommend taking measurements 20 minutes after taking alcohol. In this case, the vapor settles firmly in the lungs and the sensor readings will be most accurate. The Dingo A-070 breathalyzer receives gratitude from real buyers, because in practice it shows itself as a high-quality and good device. The device gives accurate results, so customers praised this device.

A unique instrument for determining sobriety

It is not recommended to carry out the analysis in strong winds or in dusty rooms. This may interfere with the correct operation of the device. Saliva should not enter the mouthpiece, as the sensor may fail. As a result, you will need to purchase a new sensor for the Dingo A-070 breathalyzer, which entails additional costs. For subsequent measurements, it is recommended to use a new mouthpiece. Otherwise, the result may cause doubts for the user. Also reusing mouthpieces is unhygienic.

Only alkaline batteries should be used in the device. If the device is not used for a long time, it must be placed in a protective case. If you store the device with a source of pungent odor without a special case, the measurement error will increase significantly. The Dingo A-070 breathalyzer received positive feedback from real users, as customers note its high efficiency and convenient use. However, users note that conducting multiple tests in a row reduces the life of the sensor. Also, indications may give an error in the event that there is a prohibitive concentration of alcohol in the personโ€™s breathing.


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