To help beginner gardeners: when to dig out tulips for transplantation so that they please the eye every spring

There are few amateur gardeners who do not have tulips growing on the plot. With great impatience, after the long winter months, we are waiting for our favorites to bloom. And how sad we are if this did not happen, or they disappeared altogether. And then we begin to be interested in the causes of failure. One of the common questions: "When to dig out tulips for transplanting and is it necessary to do this at all?"

when to dig out tulips for transplant

Let's start by digging or not. Numerous textbook literature recommends doing this every year. This is necessary in order to maintain the plant variety. This is especially required by hybrid tulips that lose their beauty or die if they are not dug up.

tulip transplant in autumn

However, in practice, it is not always possible to do this on time. Experienced flower growers recommend in this case to remove the bulbs from the soil 1 time in 2 years. And if you have ordinary picky tulips planted in your garden, they can grow in the same place for up to 7 years. Naturally, over the years, the plant becomes smaller or ceases to bloom, because the root system draws the bulbs deeper into the ground, where they are not warmed up enough by the sun's rays. Or the plants grow very much and prevent their β€œneighbors” from developing. Therefore, you still need to dig out, and how often to do it is up to you.

Now back to the question of when to dig out tulips for transplanting.

tulip transplant time

In different regions, the time may vary slightly. If you live in a mild and warm climate, digging should be done in early June, if your strip is colder - at the end of this month. This is a general recommendation, flower growers determine the moment when they dig out tulips for transplantation, according to the yellowed leaves and the stem in its upper part - it becomes elastic and does not break. These are signs that it’s time to get your precious bulbs out of the ground.

In order for them to mature well and gain strength, you must cut off the extra leaves, leaving the two lower ones, after the tulips bloom. It is advisable to feed the plants during this period with fertilizer and wait until they turn yellow.

It is better to dig in good sunny weather, when the earth is dry. If during this period it rains and the soil is moist, the extracted bulbs must be washed (in a weak solution of manganese) and be sure to dry well. The prepared material must be folded into cardboard boxes or boxes with holes in 1-2 layers and hidden in a dark place until the time of planting. A tulip transplant in the fall is the best time for this.

The classic rules for caring for tulips: children went to school (September, October) - you can plant tulips, graduated (June) - you can dig.

when to dig out tulips for transplant

Tulip Transplant Time

In September, you can get your planting material, review it, throw out suspicious bulbs in your opinion. Before this, prepare the place where you will transplant, loosen the soil. This is especially true for young plants. Plant tulips when the air temperature is + 9-10 degrees. In some regions, this may be the month of October.

Now you know when to dig out tulips for transplanting. Provided that the bulbs are well stored, they will delight you every spring with their bright colors.


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