Bombast rose: Dutch roses

Flowers are a great addition to our life. They brighten up gray everyday life and make holidays brighter. Needless to say about the mood! Each girl will be extremely happy with a bouquet of flowers not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days.

Undoubtedly, roses occupy a leading position among all flowers. There are hundreds of different varieties that breeders continue to breed today. But today we’ll talk about one of the finest varieties - the bombastik rose.


rose bombastik

Beautiful flowers "bombastik" is usually attributed to the species rosa spray, which were bred in Holland. The bush is quite low and reaches only 60-70 cm in height with a width of not more than 50 cm. Therefore, the plant can hardly be called spreading.

However, on the bush itself there is a large number of buds, the number of which can reach 15 pieces. The leaves of these roses are not customary to pick, because due to their small size and rich dark green color, they add contrast to the bouquet, making it even more chic.

The main advantage of the bombastik rose is that there are almost no thorns on the stem, so you should not be afraid to cut your hands. Also from the buds we can hear a delicate aroma, unobtrusive, but very pleasant, which is rare today.

It is worth noting that the flowers are resistant to various diseases: for example, to black spotting and powdery mildew.


pink and white roses

The most important feature of a bombastik rose is its similarity to a peony. Among breeders, it is considered an excellent result to achieve the similarity of roses with other flowers. It is not surprising that this variety is one of the most popular at any holidays.

It is impossible not to say about the variety of colors of buds. They can be either pale pink or have a peach, beige shade. Or even be saturated pink. This suggests that even the most demanding buyer has the opportunity to pick their own flowers to taste.

Special attention is paid to the shape of the bombastik rose buds . Each of them has the same shape, resembling a dense ball of small diameter, due to which these roses look very beautiful in a bouquet. When the buds open, they become quite lush.

Where to use?

bush roses varieties bombastik

The most spectacularly pink and white roses of this variety look in a duet with other, darker buds or when combined with other delicate shades.

This rose is widely used as components for creating wedding bouquets. Shrub roses are just perfect for this. In addition, flowers are used as decoration of tables and arches.

In addition, bush roses of the "bombastik" variety serve as a pleasant gift for any other occasion. They are used both in various decorations, and as a presentation.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that roses are quite capricious plants, so for their cultivation requires a lot of desire, patience and skills. However, if you put all your energy into doing what you love, the result will not be long in coming. You will receive beautiful rose bushes, which even alone can create a unique atmosphere in your garden.


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