Origami Ball

Of course, you've heard about origami. In fact, this is the ancient art of folding various figures from paper, invented in Japan. Each such figure is traditionally made from a small square, and it is not customary to use scissors or glue during work. Akira Yoshizawa - the most famous classic of this art - said that origami is an abstract geometry that we are so lacking in nature and in the human soul. Origami ball or kusudama is an ancient type of traditional decorative Japanese products that are performed in this technique. They look like balls collected from many paper flowers, parts or sockets. These individual elements are commonly called modules. Such balls look excellent not even in the Japanese interior, as at the moment we are witnessing a strong mixture of cultures and traditions in design.

How to understand the word "kusudama"? From Japanese, it can be translated as a "medicine ball." In ancient times, such balls were used by the Japanese during the kagura - a religious mystery. These were special rituals based on the magical cult of the sun. At the same time, bright red balls served as symbols of the sun, and their surface was created using the heads of paper cloves pressed to each other. These balls were placed at the corners of a quadrangular platform, and meter poles protruded from them, on which flowers were strung. Now, an origami ball is an indispensable attribute of any holiday in Japan, and it does not matter where it is held, in a temple, in a house or on the street. Fans of Japanese culture around the world also resort to the use of such attributes of the holidays.

Origami ball to someone seems only an ornament, but for someone it is endowed with a magical meaning. It can be placed over the patientโ€™s bed, which will allow you to charge him with energy, just bring your palms to him. It may seem mysticism, but here the point of view and faith in its healing properties are important. If a sick person receives such a gift, he will perceive it as a symbol of wishes for a speedy recovery, that is, as a sign of universal care and attention. The moment of recovery will come much faster thanks to such psychological support. Of course, this may not be a magical ball-origami, however, even if one distracts from all sorts of unusual properties of these objects, one cannot but say how perfectly they fit into the interior and decorate it. Try and you master this wonderful art and make such a ball, and then experience its action during some kind of ailment.

Origami: paper ball making

To make balls, it takes more time than for figures, which are made up of a single square, since for some objects it is necessary to use many modules. The process of their creation is carried out according to fairly complex schemes, which are usually described in detail. Any paper is quite suitable for this lesson, the main requirement is density and elasticity, and also that its edges should not be erased and not shaggy with numerous folds. The paper itself should not tear at the place of folding. First you need to make the details. Once they are ready, they must be bonded with glue. In this matter, maximum care must be taken so that Kusudama does not have cracks, but is a solid ball. Of course, for the first time it will be difficult to achieve such a result, but over time, skill will improve.

It is customary to hang kusudamy on a lace, thread or colored rope to a lamp or ceiling. In order to decorate an origami ball, you can make a brush of threads, which must be fixed at the bottom, or you can fix a thread of colored beads. You can show your imagination and personality while creating balls so that your creation does not look like anything else.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23243/

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