How to get a Schengen visa for 5 years on your own?

The question regarding how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years, worries many people. In particular, those who want to travel a lot without restrictions. Of course, a long-term visa provides such opportunities. But how to make it?

how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years

What do you need to know?

Before the story of how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years, it is worth giving a general definition of this document. It is pretty simple. Firstly, printing in a foreign passport, which gives a person the opportunity to repeatedly visit any European country, is also called a multivisa. She is very comfortable. Judge for yourself: with such a stamp in the “foreign country” a person has the opportunity to visit foreign countries at any time.

They are usually issued for a period of 6 months and up to five years. And as soon as a person enters the Schengen territory, he has the opportunity to cross the borders of European states without any obstacles. But all the same, the period of stay in a particular state should not exceed 90 days per six months. These are the rules.

how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years on your own in Samara

Important Nuances

Many people are interested in how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years and whether this is real in principle. Doubts can be understood, since this process is really difficult. Firstly, a lot of documents are required in order for the application to be confirmed. Secondly, a significant reason is needed that a person wants to make himself a multiple entry visa. That is, you need to justify your desire to often visit foreign countries.

But getting a multivisa to an “empty” passport is almost impossible. This happens once per thousand cases. The “overseas” must bear the seal of at least a single Schengen visa. In other cases, embassies of certain states will not even consider the application.

Why is it necessary to have at least one “Schengen” in the passport? At the embassy, ​​this is considered a kind of guarantee that a person requesting a multi-visa is a reliable tourist. That is, he, having gone abroad the last time, returned back to his homeland, did not try to stay and did not commit anything illegal outside his state (this is also noted in the documents and entered into the general computer base).

It is worth noting another important nuance regarding how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years. There are some countries that are more or less loyal to this issue. That is, by applying with an “empty” passport to the embassy of Spain, France, Finland, Italy or Greece, a person can get approval.

How to get a Schengen visa for 5 years on your own in Moscow

Entry rules

If a person managed to solve the question "how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years" on his own - this is wonderful! But! He should know more about some important points.

Firstly, most of the time during which it is planned to stay in the foreign territory of Europe must be spent in the country that issued the visa. You can give an example. Suppose a multivisa was issued to a person by the German embassy. So, out of 90 days, he must spend at least 50 on its territory. And the first entry must also be made to the state that issued this document. Therefore, the route of movement must be planned in advance. Otherwise, questions may arise at the border.


Talking about how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years on your own in Samara and in other Russian cities, one more important point should be noted. This is a list of what a person will need to present at the consulate when applying for a multivisa.

So, the first is a foreign passport. It will still have to remain valid for three months after the person returns from the country where he plans to go. It is also necessary to make photocopies of the pages of a civil passport. Those on which there is information about registration, marital status and general data. Even if the 14th page is empty (that is, the potential tourist does not have a spouse), you still need to copy it.

It is important to provide information on previously obtained visas. It will not be superfluous to present the old foreign passport or its copies. Still need three photos for a visa.

How to get a Schengen visa for 5 years in St. Petersburg

What else do you need to prepare?

In addition to the above, a certificate of employment is required. Without it, a Schengen visa for 5 years is not issued. How to get this help? Contact the personnel department. It should contain maximum information about the position of the person and about the company in which he works. Salaries must also indicate.

Present the original work book and a photocopy of it too. As well as a certificate of solvency. A bank statement is usually enough (over the past few months). Moreover, a certain amount should lie on it. Usually, the calculation is that a tourist needs 60 euros per day. That is, if a person plans to go abroad for the prescribed 90 days, his account must have a minimum of 5,400 euros. Given the current rate, this is somewhere around 380,000 rubles.

And, of course, the most important thing is the guarantee that a person will return to Russia. Any documents will do. Confirmation of family ties, for example, or the presence of real estate, own business, etc. In general, the consulate must understand: a person does not intend to stay in their state.

Still need medical insurance. Open it to the lines during which a potential tourist plans to be present abroad. And, of course, you will need to present air tickets in both directions and a document confirming that the person has a place to live abroad. This can be a hotel reservation or a lease.

And you also need an application form. Here it is necessary to tell about it in more detail.

how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years on your own

How to fill out an application

The questionnaire consists of four sheets containing 37 points. The first to twentieth are questions concerning the identity of the applicant. His full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, information on a foreign passport and place of work or study.

From the 21st to the 30th, questions regarding the planned trip are outlined. The purpose for which the person wants to go there, the number of entries (in this case, you must specify MULT - "multiple times"), the country of main residence and the state of entry. You must also indicate the number of days during which a Russian citizen plans to stay there. And information on previously issued visas should also be noted. The same block contains an item on fingerprints (fingerprinting).

The following are questions regarding housing and family relationships (if any). An application is filled out in Russian and English (or in the language of the host country).


Talking about how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years on your own in Moscow and other Russian cities, you can not help but touch upon the topic regarding the cost of this procedure. In general, the consular fee for citizens of our country is 35 euros. But this is if you contact the embassy and deal with the whole process alone. Many people decide to simplify their lives. And they turn to visa centers. Everything is much more expensive there. So, for example, if a person needs a multi-visa to Germany or Italy, then you will have to pay about 750 euros (the amount varies depending on the center and its services). And this is about 53,000 rubles! Against two and a half thousand (so much now costs 35 euros). Of course, the visa center will provide significant assistance, but whether it is worth the money - this is already decided individually by everyone.

5 year Schengen visa how to get

The timing

Much has been said about how to get a Schengen visa for 5 years. In St. Petersburg, this can also be done, and the algorithm of actions will be identical. Finally, it is worth noting the attention to the question regarding the timing of the production of this document.

The rule is this: the longer the period for which the trip is planned, the longer the application will be considered. And if documents for a regular, single-entry visa are recommended to be submitted at least 2-3 weeks in advance, then in this case we would have to worry about a month and a half. Why? Because the documents will be checked with special care. Still, there is a difference: to issue a visa for 3 months or 5 years.


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