The drug "Epin": instructions for use

"Epin" is a natural stimulant and bioregulator that has an anti-stress effect on plants. Its action is very similar to plant phytohormones. The drug helps to regulate the balance of substances in plants, and also plays an important role in the synthesis of anti-stress proteins.

The drug "Epin": instructions for use

epin instruction

The tool can be combined with pesticides, which are mainly used for the prevention of fungal diseases of plants. The use of this drug in conjunction with pesticides can reduce the number of the latter by almost half. The product can be diluted in one container along with fertilizers and pesticides.

The drug "Epin": application

The drug is used for faster germination of seeds, for better rooting of seedlings. During transplantation, it is also advisable to use Epin. For seedlings, the drug is indispensable, as it provides good survival in a new place, in addition, plants are much less exposed to various fungal diseases.

In the process of plant growth, it is also desirable to treat them with a preparation for feeding. Its use allows to achieve higher yields, rapid ripening of vegetables.

epin application

The drug "Epin" instruction allows you to use as protection of plants from frost, a variety of pests and fungal diseases. The use of this tool helps to strengthen weakened plants, gives strength to the growth of old specimens (due to the growth of new lateral shoots). It is advisable to treat plantings with a preparation for protection in advance, so that upon unfavorable conditions the plants already have immunity to them.

Bioregulator "Epin": disadvantages

Despite the mass of positive characteristics, the bioregulator has a couple of features:

• the drug must be stored in a dark place. When exposed to daylight, it collapses;

• the drug should be dissolved in boiled water, since the alkaline environment is harmful to it.

How to prepare a working solution from the Epin preparation: instruction

epin for seedlings

  • For spraying vegetative plants - 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 5 liters of water.
  • To soak the seeds in 2 liters of water, 1 ml of the drug is diluted (soaking time - day).

  • To soak the bulbs in 1 liter of water, 1 ml of the bioregulator is dissolved (soaking time - no more than a day).

How often is it necessary to treat plants with Epin

The instructions for use indicate that as a prophylaxis against diseases and pests, it is recommended to spray the plants with a bioregulator about once a month.

In the event of adverse conditions for the plant (invasion of harmful insects, fungi) should be sprayed once a week. These actions are performed until the plants are completely healed.

"Epin" is an absolutely pure preparation. It does not pose any danger to fish and bees. Safe for ground and surface water.

Useful advice

To protect yourself from acquiring a fake (and such cases have been recorded), you need to remember that the real drug "Epin" has a pungent smell of alcohol, and when diluted in water forms a small foam.


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