Term of payment of the fine of the traffic police: how much is given for the payment of the fine

Today we will be interested in the payment term for the traffic police fine . The thing is that in Russia every year there are more and more violations of traffic rules. In particular, from the drivers. For them negligent citizens are issued a variety of fines. In order not to incur trouble, you will have to deposit funds into the state treasury within a certain time frame. Otherwise, the person will be brought to justice. All the features of paying traffic fines in Russia will be described below. Detailed information will help drivers avoid unnecessary trouble.

payment term of traffic police fine

Timing components

It is hard to believe, but the term for paying the traffic police fine can be divided into several parts. Because of this, some do not quite understand how much time it takes them to cover the debt.

The following components can be distinguished:

  • appeal;
  • additional waiting times.

What does each item mean? And how much time is allocated to pay the fines issued without consequences? Answers will be surely displayed below.

Appeal time

Let's start with the appeal. In Russia, fines are often appealed. This is a normal and legal phenomenon. Each driver can defend his position in court.

This operation takes 10 days. The term begins to count from the moment of receipt of the receipt of the established form on hand. If during this time a citizen did not dare to appeal, then in the future it will not be possible to restore this right. Accordingly, you can not rush to pay the bill.

payment of traffic police fine 2014


After 10 days have elapsed since the issuance of the traffic police fine, the payment term voluntarily begins a return report. That is, there comes a time allotted by law for retribution to the state.

It is two months. Or, as inspectors of GAI specify, 60 days. Someone believes that this is the deadline for paying the traffic police fine. But such opinions cannot be called correct.

total amount

And what answer will be correct? Everything is extremely simple, if you think carefully about the mentioned issue.

The total term for the repayment of fines is 70 days. This, as it is not difficult to guess, includes the period allotted for the review of the allegedly committed violation.

Exceptions to the Rules

But there are different situations in life. And therefore, the current legislation should not be considered one-sided. There are certain exceptions everywhere.

For example, the deadlines for paying the 2014 traffic police fine were 70 days. As much as now. At the same time, citizens have the right to installments and deferrals. It is offered at a significant fine, as well as if a person simply does not have the means to pay.

pay traffic fines

Under such circumstances, the following time intervals are offered:

  • 30 days - deferred payment;
  • 90 days - installment plan.

These are the maximum values ​​by which you can postpone the moment of reckoning with the state for committed violations. Usually the decision on deferrals and installments is made in court.

Delay Counts

What is the end result? If a person is offered an installment plan or a deferment, then you will have to focus on other time limits. Which ones?

The terms of payment of the fine of the traffic police of 2014-2017 in the described cases were significantly increased. With installments, you can not pay 90 + 60 days, and with a delay - 30 + 60 days. That is, after the expiration of the judgment, the standard countdown of 2 months begins. During this period, a citizen is obliged to pay a fine. Otherwise, he will be held accountable.

Surprises for debtors

Some citizens do not pay fines in principle. Doing so is not recommended. After all, as soon as 90 days have passed since the receipt of the penalty receipt, you can prepare for additional sanctions.

At this point, a delay in payment is formed. And, as a result, fines are charged to the citizen. The amount of such debt is increasing daily. Therefore, the longer a person does not pay, the more in the end he will have to pay. But this is not all the unpleasant moments of delays. If you violate the terms of payment of the traffic police fine, you may, as we have said, face a certain responsibility.

About liability for delay

Which one? It all depends on the situation. The court gives specific sanctions to the non-payer. They are not too serious, but it is better to avoid them.

payment of fines traffic police

First of all, questions of “knocking out” debt are passed on to collection companies. It's no secret that such organizations often violate the law in order to obtain debts from the population.

Secondly, the amount of the fine will double. As a rule, this happens at the time of transfer of the fine to the collectors.

Also, with late payment of fines, the traffic police can prepare for:

  • arrest up to 15 days;
  • compulsory work up to 50 hours;
  • bans on leaving the territory of the Russian Federation.

Perhaps this is all. Predicting the consequences of delay is problematic. Nevertheless, now everyone is aware of what he can prepare for.

Using photo and video capture

Increasingly, traffic police fines are issued, citing sources of photo and video recordings. In this regard, errors may occur. As a result, the fine issued is illegal. But the time for his appeal is allotted to every person.

In case of delays in such payments, you can count on all the previously listed types of liability with the exception of arrest. Under current law, it is forbidden to arrest a citizen for delaying the fine of the traffic police issued with the help of photo and video equipment.

traffic police fines


If timely payment of fines for the traffic police has not occurred, one or another responsibility awaits the person. It can be avoided. To do this, you will have to hide from justice for a long time.

There is such a thing as limitation of actions. After its completion, if the order is not executed, the penalty is canceled. So, there is no need to pay it.

With regard to fines of the traffic police, a two-year limit applies. This is the limitation period. Given the time allotted for appeal of the payment, you will have to wait 2 years and 10 days. After this period, the fine “burns out”.

But there is one peculiarity - in the presence of open debts a person will not be able to change a driver’s license if he was taken away for one or another violation. First you will need to pay the state, and then return the driver’s license.

About Payment Methods

Paying traffic fines in Russia is easier than it sounds. There are many ways to solve this problem. Everyone decides how to act.

For example, you can:

  • go to any bank (if there is a payment);
  • work with ATMs or terminals;
  • use payment systems on the web;
  • enable online banking;
  • use services such as "Public services" and "Payment of public services."

These are the most popular tricks. Most often, when depositing funds, bank cards are used. Their presence greatly facilitates the task. You need to pay fines to the traffic police in the allotted time. As a confirmation of his actions, a citizen will have to receive / save / print a check.


The traffic police fines without commission can be paid by almost all of the methods listed above. It is better to use the services of Sberbank. He definitely does not charge a transaction fee. But when paying fines and receipts through virtual wallets, most likely you will have to spend extra.

traffic police fines without commission

Until 2019, Russia has unique benefits. They are due to everyone who decides to pay a fine for 20 days from the receipt of the payment. The fines of the traffic police in this case are reduced by 30% when paid through the State Services and by 50% if a person decided to deposit money into the state treasury in any other way.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23258/

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