The most common tree in Russia: popular representatives of the Russian forest

We are all used to the fact that slender white-birch birches are considered a symbol of our homeland. However, when answering the question about the name of the most widespread tree in Russia, do not rush, because everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Let's try together to find the right answer and find out a little more interesting details about the representatives of the forests of our country.

Unknown leader

So, which tree is the most common in Russia? The first place has been held for several decades by the beautiful larch from the coniferous family. Such a tree is truly unique: despite the fact that it is considered a relative of the Christmas tree and pine, in winter it drops needles, just like the deciduous representatives of middle-forest forests. Distinctive features of larch are the following characteristics:

  • Barrel height up to 45 meters (there are dwarf varieties).
  • Life expectancy up to 900 years.
  • Gray-brown color and dense bark structure.
  • Crohn, resembling a wide cone in shape.
  • Soft needles of light green color, falling in October.
  • Small in size (up to 4 centimeters) cones with densely closed scales until the ripening period.
  • Flowering period is May.
  • The seed ripening period is the beginning and mid-autumn.

the most common tree in Russia

Distribution area of ​​larch

The most common tree in Russia is represented around the globe with only twenty varieties. In our country, it most often grows in Siberia (in the western and middle parts). According to statistics, larch accounts for slightly less than 40 percent of the total forest area of ​​the Russian Federation. The tree is found in small quantities in the European part of the country, but on the territory stretching from the White Sea to Lake Baikal, there are a lot of it. Some varieties prevail in the Far East and in Eastern Siberia.

The use of larch in folk medicine

The most common tree in Russia has received widespread recognition of traditional medicine. So, it is generally accepted that almost all parts of larch (needles, buds, bark and even shoots) have healing properties, they are collected for healing only in the spring (needles - at the end of summer). Let's talk about how exactly these gifts of nature are applied. The most common are:

  • Decoctions of shoots in warm milk to eliminate cough and sputum.
  • Infusions of needles on the water to combat high blood pressure.
  • Turpentine compresses for external use against radiculitis and toothache.
  • Infusions based on needles or bark for inhalation for the treatment of bronchitis.
  • Baths with decoctions on fresh branches (treat rheumatism, as well as gout).

what tree is the most common in Russia

Leader among deciduous trees

Which tree is the most common among deciduous trees in Russia? In this category, there is no equal to the native Russian birch, characterized by modest beauty and unpretentiousness. Birch is considered to be an easily renewable representative of the plant world, it first appears in the ashes, is resistant to frost, drought, abundance or lack of moisture. The tree is found in the European part of the country, in Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle and in the Far East.

the most common tree species in Russia

From time immemorial in Russia used birch bark - birch bark. It has found its application in the manufacture of kitchen utensils, various household items, baskets and baskets. The brooms made by the most popular and any country-wide brooms are made of tree branches, and birch sap is considered to be healing by the people.

Evergreen pine

Often the pine tree is also taken for the most common tree in Russia. In our country, it grows almost everywhere, off the coast of the Black and White Sea, in the European part of the country and on the Siberian plains. There are about 100 varieties of pine, however, for the most part, all trees are characterized by a need for sunlight and good environmental conditions, while they almost do not require moisture and useful trace elements from the soil. Evergreen plantings have a powerful and very deep root system, which allows them to grow in sands, swamps and bare rocks.

which tree is the most common in Russia

Strong oak

A strong oak can also be considered a symbol of Russia; it belongs to the beech family and is represented by 600 different varieties. A powerful tree is a real long-liver in the world of flora, some of its representatives lived up to 1500 years. Distinctive features of the oak are its fruits - acorns, and beautiful carved leaves of the original form.

The distribution area of ​​the tree is also quite extensive. Oaks are found both in the north and in the south of the country, in the region of the northern capital and the Black Sea, in the Urals and in the European part of Russia. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to call a common oak these days, but in former times, in Ancient Russia, this giant could well be one of the most popular.

Of course, the most common tree species in Russia is larch, but do not forget that in our country there are many other beautiful and famous representatives of the flora world, which we can admire while visiting our native forests.


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