What is lumber? Types and purpose

Wood has long been known to mankind as one of the best building materials. Its characteristics make it possible to apply it in many areas of the national economy. This material is reliable, durable, endowed with aesthetic qualities. Also, wood is famous for its environmental friendliness. Therefore, its scope is very wide. Various products are created from wood . What is lumber, what is their purpose, should be considered in more detail. The variety of types of such products makes it possible to apply them to a variety of objects.

general characteristics

Today, there are a huge number of different types of lumber. They are obtained by cutting along the fibers. Proper processing requires all lumber. GOST 8486-86 and 2695-83 are the main in the production of such products. However, this industry is regulated by many other standards. Their implementation is a prerequisite in the process of creating quality products.

GOST timber

In addition to its positive qualities, wood is also known for its shortcomings. It is subject to various destruction, decay, vital processes of insects and microorganisms. Also, this material may deform under the influence of environmental conditions. To avoid all these troubles, proper handling is required. To understand what lumber is, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for their preparation for processing.

Applicable breeds

Each lumber has special properties . The wood species is of great importance. Both coniferous and deciduous varieties are used. Their cost depends on the inherent characteristics of the material.

Pine is considered one of the inexpensive varieties of wood. This material contains a large amount of resins. Therefore, it is not used at elevated ambient temperatures. Also, the strength characteristics of pine are quite low.

Lumber breed

Larch has good resistance to the effects of fungus, microorganisms and insects. She is not afraid of moisture. It is actively used in almost all areas of construction.

Oak is famous for its beautiful texture. It is very durable, which makes it popular in construction and decoration. Ash is resistant to mechanical stress due to its elasticity. This type of wood, like birch, is easy to process. Therefore, various elements are made from it, even at home.

The properties of each type of material must be taken into account during processing.

Degree of processing

Before cutting the wood is subjected to additional preparation. It is dried to a certain level. The scope of its application depends on this. If the moisture content of the wood after processing does not exceed 10%, this is dry lumber. Parquet, panels, etc. are made from it.

Universal material is wood dried to 11-15%. Boards for flooring, platbands, plinths, etc. are made from it. If the material is characterized by a moisture level of 18%, it is used for exterior decoration, equipping the rafter system, etc.

What is lumber

The drying process is carried out in vivo or in a chamber at elevated temperatures. Each of these processes requires the correct execution of each operation.

Processing method

There are two main ways to cut logs. It can be radial or tangential. In the first case, the incision extends towards the center of the tree rings. The bars in this case are of different sizes. Their width is limited by the diameter of the tree itself.

The tangential section is directed along the tangent relative to the growth rings. This allows you to get many fragments of identical section shape and size at the output.

Softwood lumber

All deciduous and coniferous lumber is divided into unedged, planed or edged. In the first case, the product contains unprocessed zones that are only freed from bark and knots.

Edged materials have cut parallel to each other. This is a rectangular shape of products. Planed products from at least one surface do not have roughness. They are planed.

Type of cut

In the form that the product takes after processing, there are several types of lumber. The scope depends on their dimensions. The features of the form are possessed by both softwood lumber and hardwood.

Softwood lumber

The first in the presented classification is a beam. Its thickness exceeds 100 mm. This is one of the most popular lumber. Boards, on the contrary, are limited in thickness. This characteristic of them does not exceed 100 mm.

The bar has a thickness of not higher than 100 mm. But another parameter is important for this product. Its width should be less than double thickness.

Obapol has a cut only on one side. The width may be different. Also, recently, for decorative purposes, they began to use such a type of lumber as a croaker. This is an intermediate option between lapping and the board. It has only one flat plane. On the other hand, its surface is untreated and has a regular semicircular shape. Also, various types of cut include lining, block house, planken and logs.

Varieties of sawn timber

Studying what lumber is, one can not help but pay attention to the purpose of each variety. The beam may be glued, plain, windowed or imitated. There are overview products related to this species. Their cross section is at least 120 x 120 mm. They have a cut in the thin end. It is not less than 1/3 of the side of the beam.

The board is floor, deck, terrace. For each application, it is treated accordingly.

Dry lumber

The bar can be ordinary or planed. The rest of the lumber varies in size and shape. The scope of their application may be different. They are used both indoors and outdoors.

It should also be noted that the length of cut of wood should not exceed 5 m for hardwood, and 6.5 m for conifers. The scope in construction depends on their size and characteristics.

The use of softwood

Coniferous wood, as a rule, is soft and light. But there are also quite strong, heavy representatives of this group (for example, yew). This material has resin passages and a fairly large number of knots. This is a cheaper kind of wood.

Softwood lumber is used in carpentry, as well as construction. But most often these materials are suitable for finishing dry rooms with the usual temperature conditions. For outdoor work, such wood is treated with special impregnations.

Hardwood application

Most often, hardwood lumber has a high hardness. They are denser, heavier than conifers. Such materials are less susceptible to adverse environmental influences. Therefore, their cost is quite high.

Hardwood lumber is used to create rafters, flights of stairs inside a private house, cladding walls and partitions in rooms, as well as for ceilings.

Linden, poplar or birch is not used for the manufacture of load-bearing structures or fine floors. They are soft and light.

Having become acquainted with the concept of what lumber is, what their types are, you can navigate the purpose of the products. To date, there are a huge number of them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23262/

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