Where to turn in gold: the most profitable options

Gold is actually a universal world currency. Metal is valued in any country, it can always be sold and cash on hand, or left in an asset as a long-term investment. Jewelry is made of gold, it is used in the electrical and space industry. The stability of the national currency largely depends on the gold reserve.

Most people have gold in their home. Most often in the form of jewelry - chains, bracelets, pendants, pendants, earrings and other male and female trinkets. Some products are not used in any way for various reasons, for example, things are broken, have defects, are out of fashion or do not fit in style. Sometimes gold jewelry is not worn because it is associated with bad memories.

where to donate gold

All this precious scrap should not lie dead weight. It can be sold or exchanged for new beautiful products. How and where to turn in old gold? There are enough options, you just need to choose the most profitable.


Where to turn in gold? The first thing that comes to mind is a pawnshop. The advantage of this type of change is that you can return your jewelry if you wish. That is, lay them on time, and then pay at the pawnshop every day to use the money. In a difficult life situation, when you need to urgently receive cash loans for a short time, such a scheme can help out well.

The disadvantage of a pawnshop is that it offers the lowest price. Sometimes the cost of 1 gram of metals 585 samples below 1000 rubles. In addition, no pawnshop evaluates the stones in the product and they can either be pulled out on their own or all the jewelry can be given at the cost of one metal. If you ask the receiver to take out the stones, he will take a certain amount for this procedure.

where is it better to turn in gold


It is much more profitable to hand over gold to collectors and lovers of antiquity. But the method will work only if there is something worthwhile for sale. For example, old gold coins, watches, jewelry, inherited from great-grandmother, figurines and other valuable rarities. Collectors made things in the USSR are in good demand among collectors - they are interesting in themselves, plus they are made according to GOST, and with a high content of pure metal in the alloy.

So if a gold product has at least some history, then it makes sense to show it to antiquaries and collectors. They can be found on the Web, on various Internet sites, so even the inhabitants of the outback can profitably attach the goods. The price will depend on the cost of the metal, plus a premium for the product itself, plus artistic and historical value. But the remake of antique dealers and collectors is not interested.

much more profitable to turn in gold


The next place where to donate gold is banks. However, there are some nuances. Banks do not accept jewelry scrap; they only purchase gold bars and coins legally purchased from banks. And if everything is clear with bullion, then gold coins come in two types: collection and investment.

Collectible Russian gold coins are products of limited series, various coinage and design. They are sold at a price higher than the cost of metal, as they are of artistic value. But they will be accepted back only in case of perfect condition. The slightest defect will mean that a coin will be bought at the cost of the metal.

With investment gold coins is easier. They are minted in a large edition, and their price always depends only on the weight of the metal. Of course, banks always buy a little cheaper than they sell, but they have a good rate - about 2,400 per year.

It is important to remember that after selling the bullion, you must pay 13% of income tax. Investment coins are not taxed.

where to turn in old gold

Purchase of precious metals and currency exchange points

Where is it better to turn in gold? If you need to quickly and profitably realize gold jewelry that does not have historical and artistic value, then you should go into buying precious metals. They usually offer good conditions, and the cost of one gram of 585 gold starts from 1200-1300 rubles. If you monitor the proposals, you can find a more profitable course.

Currency exchange points can also be the answer to the question of where to donate gold. Not all exchangers provide this type of service. But in some, you can hand over jewelry scrap at a relatively favorable rate.

where to take washed gold

Commission shop

Where to donate gold is profitable if the jewelry is in perfect condition? If chains, earrings and bracelets are beautiful enough, have no defects and polished to a shine, then they can be sold through a thrift store.

The advantage of this sale method is that you can get the value not of scrap gold, but of a full-fledged decoration. Of course, a certain percentage will have to be discarded for the fact that the item is second-hand, and the store will also take its commission. However, in some cases, this option will be more profitable, although the process will take a long time.

Jewelry shops and salons

Another option where to donate gold is jewelry stores and factories. Their prices are at the level of purchases, plus there is an additional service - the exchange of old gold for new. All jewelry is taken by weight, and in return you can choose any product with a surcharge. Moreover, the surcharge may be both on the part of the buyer and seller.

Reclaimed gold

Often people ask where to take the reclaimed gold? The fact is that in Russia for a long time gold mining was prohibited by individuals. Today, according to the latest version of the draft law "On Subsoil" from 2016, it is allowed, but with a number of conditions: you need a license, a plot of a certain size is leased, you cannot carry out blasting and dig deeper than 5 meters. All reclaimed gold is surrendered only to the state, while you can not keep a metal reserve of more than 1 million rubles on you.

Failure to comply with this law is followed by a real criminal punishment, in severity, approximately as for the sale of drugs. That is, for trying to hand over the washed gold in the form of nuggets, you can get about 5 years in prison. The buyer who bought the precious metal in this form will also be punished.

That is why purchases and pawnshops are willing to buy gold jewelry, but they will never accept the washed sand and nuggets. They are also forbidden to accept denture elements, technical gold parts, and weapons with precious metal decoration.

Useful Tips

  1. When selling gold, you need a passport.
  2. Precious metals can be sold from the age of 18.
  3. Do not contact resellers on the street. They almost always use gray schemes, artificially lower the price, they can deceive with weight and breakdown, or they can settle accounts with fake banknotes.
  4. You always need to remove the stones from the jewelry, since there are practically no salons or pawnshops that are taken for the evaluation of the stone. If you managed to find it, then you should remember that the service is paid.
  5. In order to find the best deal, you need to go to several points. Perhaps the best price can be offered at a pawnshop, and not at a purchase or jewelry store.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23270/

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