What are jokes: definition. Jokes for children as folk art

In our time, it is so important to protect the original national culture, to acquaint the young generation with it, to instill in it a special careful and respectful attitude. One of the most striking manifestations of Russian folk culture is jokes. What are jokes, definition: in essence, this word should be understood to mean a small volume of funny folklore text or some small statement with a humorous subtext included in ordinary speech to give it more comic. To jokes (or nursery rhymes) also include phrases, like phraseological units, which contain allegory and comic. Folk art jokes initially conveyed "by word of mouth", as well as folk tales. And so, they survived to this day. And also by this word it is often accepted to mean some kind of fabulousness, that is, there is even a catch phrase: “All these are jokes!”. It means that further in the story everything will be even more amazing.

What is the jokes definition

History of creation

Not a single historian will be able to answer you exactly the question of when did the first comic strips appear. Joke - the definition is complex and, one might say, ancient. The history of these masterpieces of folklore goes far back centuries. A similar phenomenon exists in the Ukrainian language and in Belarus. Consequently, we can conclude that with these poems people joked and painted their speech before the advent of statehood, during the time of the Eastern Slavs. They have not been recorded in writing for a very long time, and even now we are mostly aware of them from parents rather than from books.

jokes for children

Jokes and nursery rhymes today

Most of all, nursery rhymes are used in the literature in order to bring some flavor to the speech of a character, to make it richer. Also, again, to add a humorous subtext to the work. The jokes are great as an introduction to fairy tales, because many of them hide very serious moralizing.

What are jokes? A definition that can be understood as part of many ceremonies and traditions. Bridesmaids still often during the ransom use jokes to make fun of the groom or his friends. And at Shrovetide, which many still celebrate, jokes sound very often, as well as at other modern or archaic festivals.

You may not have noticed, but if you go through modern markets, even in large cities, some sellers invoke customers to their trays with the help of jokes. They shout about their product that it is better not to find it, referring to potential customers in verse, but with humor. That’s the fun.

joke definition

Jokes for children

But to a large extent, jokes now, as once upon a time, is entertainment for children. After all, small stories about funny animals or people who either receive a reward for their courage and kindness are, on the contrary, punished for stupidity and cruelty - this is instructive and entertaining. A real fairy tale, only briefly, with humor and poetry.

The nursery rhymes are very good as part of the game with children, the kids perfectly remember these small comic poems, they can themselves later tell them. And if you add some action to the story, like bending your fingers when reading a joke about the Magpie-white-sided, then fine motor skills also develop, and it turns out a real game. Jokes for children is a huge separate topic for scientific research of modern philologists and writers. Jokes and nursery rhymes even now make smile not only children, but also adults.

folk art jokes

Jokes is creativity

And most importantly, older children can be taught to add their own jokes. Art is quite simple. The main thing is to come up with a plot that in reality would not happen, to designate the main characters in action. They can be both people and animals, and even inanimate objects. And then the child needs to fantasize: what will happen to the main characters, and how it can all end. And then put it all on poetry. Usually the nursery rhymes and sayings are very small, so it will not be difficult for the child, especially with the help of the mother. This is a real educational game, so the baby develops imaginative thinking, creative abilities appear, because he acts as a real writer. And then you can also illustrate your creation with your own drawings. Directly finished product will turn out.

Short jokes

So what are jokes, definition? We understand further. The word "jokes" is a very interesting definition, which includes whole poems and songs, as well as small phrases. Often sayings, proverbs and other allegories are also commonly considered as jokes. There are quite a few examples of these; many are still operating on them. They are very good at playing with kids, it will not be difficult for them to memorize the text, and it will bring a lot of pleasure. Remember all the famous "Ladushki". The text of this joke is known to everyone since early childhood, as well as the principle of the game itself, this nursery rhyme is very short, but how many positive emotions brought back once. Or “Bear has a pine forest,” in kindergartens, children are now teaching her. Nursery rhyme with elements of the game, short, everyone knows, but very useful and funny.

short jokes

Lullabies - lullabies

There is such a phenomenon. When the baby does not want to fall asleep at all, then a chant singing in the voice of his beloved mother’s mom can help calm him down. After all, children really like these simple rhymes about fairy-tale heroes who fall into various interesting situations. And besides, jokes just for this purpose were once invented, most likely, a few centuries ago, they calmed, entertained and laid them off to bed with their children. Like a little bedtime story. They were told or sung by mothers and grandmothers until the children fell asleep. In some of these poems and the plot even resembles lullabies, they are talking about the Month, Stars, Red Sun, falling asleep, etc. And most importantly, the jokes of such a plan actually calm and pacify. Why not put your kids this way now?

Russian folk nursery rhymes

Nursery rhymes and perspectives

Art historians and philologists have not yet fully studied the jokes, which is why now this term refers to completely different forms of poetry and phrases. Thus, these include children's unrealistic comic songs and rhymes, and phraseological units, and simply instructive poems with satirical notes, and even shouted at the markets ... What are jokes, definition? Jokes is a multi-digit word. But Russian folk tricks and jokes are colorful, interesting, and it is very simple to use them in everyday speech. In addition, it is necessary to know the culture and traditions of one’s people, and when we tell jokes to children and play games based on them, we pass on this invaluable knowledge to the next generation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23275/

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