How to remove the smell of second from clothes at home?

Many people prefer to buy new things not at boutiques and ordinary stores, but rather at second-hand stores. There is an opportunity to purchase a quality, stylish and branded item at a fairly low price.

Things from second at the peak of popularity

Nowadays, stores with confiscated goods, European clothing and thrift goods are becoming more and more every day. Interestingly, even people who can afford an expensive thing in a boutique do not disdain this kind of shopping. After all, the update acquired for a penny, washed and put in order, is practically no different from new clothes.

Unpleasant odor

But there is a drawback here - the smell of the second. The clothes are treated with formaldehyde so that the buyer is absolutely sure that there are no harmful microorganisms, fungi, and insects. Although this product undergoes additional processing, so that this specific aroma does not remain. But the result is not very positive. And if you put the acquired thing along with the others, then the corrosive aroma will be transferred to them.

how to remove the smell of second from clothes

But how to remove the smell of second from clothes? Bringing such a long-awaited little thing home, although with a not-so-pleasant aroma, in no case do you need to leave it near the rest of the wardrobe. Only after washing or even a few, after making sure that the aroma is not felt, you can put an update to other things.

The fog will help!

And how to remove the smell of second-hand clothes? Even in the old times, when our ancestors did not even realize that such shops were possible, there was also a smell in stale things that practically did not yield to the consequence of chemical treatment. What did they do in those cases? During the fog, clothes were hung on the street. After several such processes, the unpleasant aroma went away by itself.

Ammonia solution

How to remove the smell of second from clothes? Reviews of people suggest the conclusion that an ammonia solution can be considered a traditional means. Whoever has not tried it, he first worries that it is possible to spoil the thing. But here any unrest is in vain. Indeed, dry cleaners mainly use such a tool during the processing of most things.

how to remove the smell of second hand from clothes

The solution is very simple. For 10 liters of water, 20 milliliters of ammonia will be needed. Mix the composition well and soak things in it. If the tissue is light, then you can limit the time from 10 to 30 minutes. If things are heavy and large, then the process can last from 2 to 6 hours.

How to remove the smell of second from clothes? If after this procedure the smell is still felt a little, then you do not need to be upset. You just need to make a solution again, only ammonia should be taken not 20, but 100 milliliters, and repeat the soaking.

We remove the smell of vinegar

Nowadays, there are many options for getting rid of an unpleasant odor. And how to remove the smell of second from clothes with vinegar, salt and soda? It is necessary to make a solution, which includes:

- 8 liters of warm water;

- 100 milliliters of 6% vinegar;

- 100 grams of salt;

- 45 grams of baking soda.

how to remove the smell of second from clothes at home

Mix all the components thoroughly so that the loose components are completely dissolved. Soak things in the resulting solution. The aging time depends on what type of clothes, but is no more than 3 hours. After the time has passed, the product should be sent to the washing machine and set the washing mode for more than one and a half hours. If you smell a little, repeat the procedure.

Flavored salt

So how to remove the smell of second from clothes at home? Flavored salt may also be used. It will take one package, it is advisable to take the smell of fir, arborvitae, sea breeze or lemon.

For starters, 300 grams of salt is taken and chopped as finely as possible. Pour the resulting granules with 500 ml of water. You do not need to wait for the granular substance to dissolve, but immediately rub the clothes with the resulting composition. Then leave it in this form for 20 minutes. At this time, prepare a solution for soaking:

- hot water - 10 liters;

- selected salt - half a kilogram.

Grated clothes put in the solution for an hour. Then stretch in the typewriter. Dry preferably in the fresh air.

Ammonia will help remove odor

How to remove the smell of second from clothes using ammonia? This component is also considered one of the best.

To prepare the solution you will need:

- ammonia with a concentration of 10%;

- water;

- geranium essential oil.

Proportions depending on the type of clothing

For different types of things, different proportions should be used. For instance:

- For paytes and sweaters - add 10 milliliters of ammonia and 8 milliliters of geranium ether to 10 liters of water with a temperature of 30 to 45 degrees.

- For small clothes, such as T-shirts, blouses, shorts, for 6 liters of water you need 75 milliliters of ammonia and 5 milliliters of essential oil.

- For warm clothes and down jackets you will need 20 liters of water. They mix with 250 ml of ammonium chloride and 35 ml of geranium oil.

how to remove the smell of second from clothes using ammonia

Soaking time also depends on the type of thing. Cotton and linen clothes - from 2 to 3 hours. For synthetics and polyester, you need 4. But jeans and drapes need at least 7 hours.

After soaking, wring things out and hang for 3 days in the fresh air. After ventilation, stretch in a machine with powder and rinse aid for at least an hour. It is advisable to dry again on the street.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated without fear, because the ammonia color preserves, and the product itself does not sit and does not stretch.

Coffee beans

And how to remove the smell of second from clothes? Using coffee beans. To do this, prepare a small bag of thin cotton fabric. Pour ground coffee there and tie it tightly.

how to remove the smell of second from clothes reviews

Fold clothes together with a bag in a separate plastic bag. Then pack it carefully so that no air escapes. Leave it like this for about three days. And then get things and evaluate the result.

By the way, if there are no ground coffee beans, then they can be replaced with soap prepared on a natural basis and grated on a not very rough grater.

Get rid of the smell without washing

How to remove the smell of second from clothes without washing? There are several ways:

- You can buy a spray in a chemistry store that not only removes specific odors, but also softens any fabric.

- If the used clothing store is huge, then in it, most likely, you can find a special perfume that removes this unpleasant aroma.

how to remove the smell of second from clothes without washing

- If the house has high-quality men's toilet water, it is best suited to achieve this result. Spray it on purchased clothing, put it in a bag and leave it for a couple of days.

- A powerful steam iron is filled with purified water. Drop in the essential oils - five drops of rosemary and eight drops of lemon. It is necessary to overtighten all things at maximum power, paying particular attention to folds and creases.

Medicinal herbs

Bad breath can be removed with a mixture of medicinal plants:

- mint - 70 grams;

- lime color - 100 grams;

- sage - 80 grams;

- chamomile - 50 grams;

- yarrow - 110 grams.

Put this composition of herbs in a bag of cotton cloth and put it in a bag together with clothes, and then tie it. There should be content for three days.

In addition, in order not to rack your brains, how to remove the smell of a second from clothes, you can just wash it several times. After drying in the fresh air, because if you do this indoors, then an unpleasant odor will be present for a long time.

Leather things

But what to do when a beautiful leather or fur thing comes across?

You can get rid of the unpleasant smell of a second in products made from these materials in a very interesting way. A thing is put in a plastic bag that you need to tie well. It should be sent to the freezer for a period of two to five days. It is necessary to ventilate further at room temperature, doing this as far as possible from heating appliances.


Having reviewed this number of options for getting rid of the unpleasant aroma of used clothes, each person can choose a more convenient and effective way for himself.

how to remove the smell of second from clothes with vinegar

In the event that none of the options seems quite suitable or confuses something, you can use the services of dry cleaning. Although for professional services you have to pay. But you do not need to worry that the purchased product will suffer.

But be that as it may, to neglect the additional processing acquired in second-hand things in no way. After all, no one can give a reliable answer, how well the disinfection was carried out, if any microorganisms were left from the past owner. Also, do not ignore this because an allergic reaction can occur.


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