How to plant tomatoes

Most often, gardeners plant tomatoes on their plots, despite the fact that this plant is very tender and capricious, therefore it requires increased attention during growth. It is very susceptible to disease, so it is important to know how to plant tomatoes properly.

Since tomatoes are considered a southern plant, they need a stable climate and air temperature. Variability of temperatures strongly affects the growth of tomato seedlings and the number of fruits. You can, of course, grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. At the same time, one optimal temperature is maintained, regardless of the time of year. Under such conditions, plants grow faster and bear fruit longer.

And what if there is no way to install a greenhouse? How to plant tomatoes in the ground? Tomato seedlings are planted in holes 20 cm deep. It is important to observe the distance between the lanka, it should be 30 or 50 centimeters, depending on the plant variety. Two liters of water are poured into each well. To disinfect the soil in water, you can add a little potassium permanganate, so that a weak solution is obtained.

Seedlings are planted in a hole under a slight slope. Hands should immerse the roots of the plant in the ground with water. Having poured the earth into the hole, it must be compacted, pressed down with the palms of your hands, a little hilling the seedling stalk. Peat or some other soil is poured on top of the ground. The main thing is that it is soft and light. This prevents hardening of the earth's surface and evaporation of moisture. Leaves of seedlings touching the ground must be cut off.

Before planting tomatoes properly, it would be nice to know how to choose the right seedlings. Most gardeners buy it in the market and choose tomatoes with a high stem and large roots. Such plants are planted in early June, as expected. But it may turn out that your seedlings will be too young and will not be able to take root in time. Good leaves are not a guarantee of good seedlings. It is advisable to grow it yourself.

You can just plant tomato seeds in the ground, but this option is not recommended. Seeds must be carefully prepared. As a rule, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for fifteen minutes. It is undesirable to overexert the seeds in the solution so that they do not lose their ability to grow and bear fruit. The main principle of growing tomatoes from seeds is not to overdo it.

Here's how to plant tomato seeds correctly : tomato seeds are poured into a small bag, poured with melt clear water and put on the battery, watering them every day. Seeds germinate in about two weeks. Rainwater is very useful for seedlings. There are also several other methods for treating tomato seeds before planting.

One of these methods is the heat treatment of seeds (approximately 50C) for twenty-five minutes. Then the swollen seeds are planted in the ground. Here's how to plant tomato seeds and get a good crop from them.

You should not save on the earth, it is necessary to plant tomatoes at an optimum distance from each other for future growth. You need to plant the seeds in special containers, one grade in a separate container. Weak, slightly grown seeds are thrown away. Do not waste time and space on them. Before diving, plants are not recommended to be watered so that they do not begin to grow rapidly, but gradually, receiving all the substances necessary for growth, take root and grow stronger, before future planting in open ground. Watering begins after the appearance of several leaves.

Be sure to provide seedlings with the right amount of light and heat. And after planting tomatoes in the ground, you can cover them with halves of plastic bottles or other devices to keep the heat inside. This stimulates plant growth. Here are some basic tips for planting tomatoes.


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