The best varieties of early tomatoes

Tomatoes with confidence can be called the most popular vegetables. You can meet them in almost any garden! By the way, experienced gardeners can treat them with fragrant fresh fruits in May. What's the secret? They choose to grow early varieties of tomatoes. We offer to talk about them today!

Tomatoes in the greenhouse

This method of cultivation has a number of advantages, the main of which is that you can harvest all year long. Most often this is why growers with great responsibility relate to the selection of varieties. Many of them purposefully opt for early varieties of tomatoes. In greenhouses, they ripen quickly and make good profits, because, as you know, the first tomatoes that appear on the markets are very expensive. From the emergence of seedlings to harvesting, no more than 3 months will pass, which makes cultivation more profitable. We offer a small overview of the most popular varieties.

Blagovest F1

A well-proven variety, it is especially popular among vegetable growers. This type of tomato is characterized by a high degree of yield. It is declared as one of the best varieties of early ripening. The fruit has a beautiful and regular shape, rich red color and excellent taste. The period from the appearance of sprouts and to the start of ripening is on average 95 days. With one bush, with proper care, the yield will be about six kilograms. Requires careful care. The gospel of F1 can grow up to 170 cm, and the weight of one vegetable varies from 110 to 120 grams. Sowing of seeds is carried out in mid-March, and the grown seedlings are planted in the greenhouse after a month and a half. Among the many advantages of this variety, no doubt, one can note a stable immunity to various diseases and pests.

Early tomato variety "Blagovest F1"

Volgograd precocious 323

One of the early varieties of tomatoes, offered for cultivation in a greenhouse. Refers to determinant cultures. The plant is compact in size and, unlike Blagovest F1, is unpretentious to growing conditions. The fruits are ribbed, flat-round in shape, cumaceous in color, weighing up to one hundred grams. On each brush about 5-9 tomatoes are tied. Productivity - 8 kg of fruits from the bush. Tomatoes perfectly tolerate transportation. Suitable for various harvestings for the winter, but especially good when fresh.

Friend F1

It belongs to the early variety of tomatoes, it is ideal for greenhouses. It grows up to 70 cm high. Ripening of fruits begins on 95-100 days. Tomatoes are flat-round, characterized by a small ribbing, red in color, with a weight not exceeding 100 grams. They are characterized by high yield indicators: from one bush they receive up to 7 kg of strong healthy fruits. It is resistant to temperature extremes, and also has a high immunity to pests and diseases. Due to the fact that the fruit has an exquisite taste, it is used for the preparation of salads. Tomatoes of this variety are also suitable for winter harvesting.

Hurricane F1

An early tomato variety (in the photo below you can see how ripe tomatoes look), which is characterized by the early appearance of the fruit - only 90-110 days after the seeds sown. The variety is indeterminate, most often the bush grows to one and a half meters, therefore, it needs to be tied. It should be noted that the plant needs pinching, the number of inflorescences on one plant should not exceed 6-8 pieces. Tomatoes of red color, inside can be either two- or three-chambered, weigh 45-90 g. Productivity from 1 m 2 of area is from 8 to 10 kg.

Early tomato variety "Hurricane F1"

Varieties for polycarbonate greenhouses

For the cultivation of tomatoes in closed ground, it is necessary to choose such varieties that have the ability to self-pollination. Only in this case can high yields be achieved. In polycarbonate greenhouses for tomatoes of early varieties, the most favorable, optimal conditions are created: there is no overheating during daylight hours, moderate humidity is maintained, and there are no too sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures. Consider the varieties most suitable for this type of cultivation.

Judging by the reviews, tall tomatoes are considered one of the best, because they enter the fruiting period rather early, form inflorescences every two leaves. An experienced gardener will be able to create up to 14 fruit-bearing brushes on one bush.

Sweet sadness

An early-grade tomato, according to experienced gardeners, is one of the best for growing. Harvesting can be done already on 85-90 days. Sweet sadness is grown only in greenhouse conditions. The bush grows to 200 cm in height, so you need to tie it to the trellis. Up to 50 medium sized and 40 g tomatoes are formed on one brush. It is noteworthy that throughout the growing season the variety is not susceptible to any, even the most common, diseases. Vegetables can be used for preserving or making tomato juice.


One of the earliest varieties, its fruits have a beautiful amber color. Due to the high content of carotene in it, it is considered the most useful. It grows to a height of 75 cm, the weight of one tomato is 100 grams. The variety has strong immunity, but can rot. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control watering.

Early tomato variety "Dina"


This variety belongs to early ripening. Harvest can be harvested on the hundredth day. Since the height of the plant is small, it does not require tying. Tomatoes of large size, round shape, red color. The weight of one fruit is not more than 60 g. On 1 m 2 should be placed no more than 5 bushes. The most favorable month for planting plants in the greenhouse is April. When planting under each bush, nitrogen fertilizers must be applied, but in small quantities. Harvesting is done when the tomatoes turn pink.

Andromeda F1

The variety should be attributed to the early hybrids. The period until the fruit fully ripens is 90 days. The bush grows no more than 0.7 m in height. From one bush, the crop is about 10 kg of tomato, with a mass of one tomato 120 g. When planting plants, the following planting rate should be observed: no more than 4 bushes are placed on 1 m 2 . Sowing of seeds is carried out closer to mid-March or early April.


Compact bush, has a very early maturity. The stalk is strong, reaches a height of 55 cm. It is perfectly grown in greenhouses without heating. The color of the tomatoes is orange-red, the pulp is of medium density, it has a minimal amount of seeds. Fruits of tomatoes fully manage to ripen before the spread of various diseases.

Early grade of tomatoes "Alpha"

Undersized varieties

Such varieties of tomatoes are considered leaders in vegetable gardens and summer cottages. The popularity is due to the fact that they do not need any special devices when landing. Low-growing early varieties of tomatoes are less demanding to care for, however, they are characterized by high productivity. The pluses can also be attributed to the fact that they do not need pinching, they quickly bear fruit, and the fruits ripen at the same time. An equally important factor can be considered that the main part of the crop is removed before the onset of the active phase of late blight. Among the undersized early varieties of tomatoes for open ground, we note the following.


Unpretentious and very productive variety with universal fruits. Belongs to determinant varieties, the height of the bush most often does not exceed 50 cm. It grows quite compact. By the way, neither the weather nor the growing region affects the productivity of the Watercolor. The fruits of tomatoes in their shape resemble elongated plums of a bright red hue. The tomatoes themselves are small - from 40 to 120 g, have a dense pulp and skin. Great for winter harvesting. The average yield of the bush is up to eight kg per running meter.

Benito F1

Extra-determinant hybrid: fruit ripening begins 70 days after sowing. Ideal for growing in open ground and for planting under film shelters. Small plants - only 40-50 cm. On average, one tomato weighs 140 g, plum-shaped fruits, fleshy, crimson. They have a universal purpose. The plant is resistant to verticillosis wilt, as well as to fusarium.

Early tomato variety "Benito F1"

Cupid F1

A determinant hybrid differs in early maturity: 90 days elapse from seedling emergence to fruit removal. It features large yields. The growth point ends at 60 cm, the bush requires moderate pinching. Fruits of red color, very dense, flat-rounded, weighing 75-100 grams. They tolerate transportation perfectly, have high keeping quality. It is recommended to use tomatoes for canning and in commercial production.


This hybrid is considered very popular. Early ripening grade for open ground. Fruits have the correct rounded shape and are painted in bright red color. The ripening period is very early, after sowing the seed before the harvest takes only two and a half months. The mass of one fruit is 150 g. The height of the plant is 45 cm, the bush is very leafy. Due to the fact that the stems of the plant are quite thick, it does not need to be tied. But stepsoning is necessary for him, this is due to a large number of lateral processes. If you neglect this advice and do not remove the stepsons, the fruits of the tomatoes will be smaller. By the way, if these shoots are rooted, they can quickly take root. In this case, it is possible to get another additional tomato crop, the fruits of which will ripen a little later than on the main plant.

Golden stream

An ultra- ripe variety of tomatoes, from the appearance of seedlings to ripening, takes no more than 86 days. One of the undersized early varieties. Tomatoes of medium size - from 50 to 70 cm. The bush does not need to be stalked. Tying to the trellis is at the request of the owner. On one brush, about 8 fruits ripen, having a mass of 65-80 grams. Tomatoes of a beautiful dense golden hue, oval, with a sweet rich taste. The pulp is quite dense, almost without seeds. Productivity is high - 8-10 kg with 1 m 2 .

Early variety of tomatoes "Golden Stream"


The earliest tomato variety, the ripening period begins on the 90th day after germination. A bush up to 60 cm high. The weight of one tomato is 88 g. Planting plants in open ridges is not recommended for pinching - this will significantly reduce yield. The appearance of the leaves is similar to potato tops. The variety is resistant to drought, transportable, has a strong immunity to diseases, and is appreciated by vegetable growers for resistance to cracking.

Don Juan

An early variety of tomatoes for open ground. The fruiting period falls on about the 100th day from germination. The fruits are quite unusual in shape: slightly elongated, and at their tip is a small nose. Tomatoes are beautiful raspberry-colored, each weighing 60-90 g. Of the advantages include long-term storage, the ability to easily tolerate transportation. For conservation, it is better to use whole fruits, which, even after heat treatment, will retain their original shape and taste.

Tomato Early: characteristics and description of the variety

The determinant variety is grown in open ground. Belongs to the nightshade family. Early ripening - from the appearance to the beginning of fruiting, it takes from 95-100 days. The height of the bush is about 65 cm. According to the description of the variety, the tomato Early fruit has large, with a high juice content, smooth, bright red saturated color. They have high palatability. The variety has a universal purpose - it is used for salting, canning, making pasta and tomato juice. Resistant to a number of diseases inherent in this culture. Sowing seedlings is recommended in the second decade of March, the optimal depth when sowing is considered seeding of no more than one centimeter. In the open ground, the crop lands from May 10 to 20. The proposed planting scheme is 70 by 40 cm. When grown by this method, fruiting will begin in the twentieth of July and will continue until the end of August. The feedback on this early tomato variety is as follows: it is really super-early, unpretentious in leaving, has excellent tastes. Plus to the above, it is necessary to add the resistance of the bush to small frosts.

Early grade of tomatoes "Early-83"

King of the early

We offer another wonderful variety of tomatoes for growing on our site, which will delight the first crop after 80-90 days. A hybrid variety of tomatoes King of the earliest received by domestic scientists, breeders. It was registered in 2005. Such "youth" does not at all affect the popularity of the variety among both experienced vegetable growers and beginners in this matter. The king of the early is a medium-sized, bole, semi-determinant plant. It shows equally stable high yields when grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. With improper care, a tomato can be susceptible to various diseases that are characteristic of this type of plant. When using greenhouses during cultivation, the crop is suitable for the central and northern regions of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Far North. For outdoor cultivation, climatic conditions of the Kursk, Astrakhan region and Krasnodar Territory are most suitable. What else can be said about the tomato King of the early? The variety is striking in its productivity: from 1 m 2 they receive up to 15 kg of delicious aromatic fruits. When planting seedlings per 1 m 2 place no more than four bushes. About 5 kg of tomato is subsequently removed from each of them.


  • high yielding capacity;
  • universality of use;
  • disease resistance;
  • excellent taste;
  • long shelf life;
  • precocity.

The disadvantages include the fact that plants require enhanced measures for the prevention of diseases. A feature of this variety is that the very first fruits reach a weight of 500 g, and the subsequent ones already weigh 150-250 g. When caring for plants, it is especially important to carefully monitor the proper watering and ensure proper lighting, as they are very sensitive to these indicators.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • upon reaching varietal maturity, the fruits turn red;
  • the shape of the fruit is round;
  • the average weight of a vegetable is 150-250 g;
  • rather fleshy flesh;
  • inside the tomato 5-7 chambers;
  • the dry matter content is 4-6%.
Early tomato variety "King of the early"

Diseases and Pests

Some gardeners, especially beginners, are concerned that many of the early tomato varieties mentioned above are easily susceptible to disease. This is fundamentally wrong, it is only enough to carry out preventive measures in time. If the regime of watering, lighting, timely cultivation and fertilizing is observed, the disease will not affect your plant.

The main pests to which nightshade crops are susceptible are whiteflies, spider mites, slugs. You can fight them using insecticides or folk remedies.

Tall varieties

Those who chose tall plants for planting on their site should be aware that such tomatoes need a garter, in addition, it is necessary to remove the stepsons and pinch the crown. Among the best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground, the following can be distinguished.


An early tomato variety, for open ground, is great, as it tolerates adverse weather conditions and the associated stresses. Srednerosly, bushes grow to one meter. They need stepsoning and garter. Shrub formation is best done in three stems. Fruits are large, each up to 400 g, are flat-round, bright red in color. Extremely tasty fresh.

A la la

Super-yielding variety of early ripening, refers to tall hybrids, on average, bushes grow to 0.8-1 m in height. Tomatoes O-la-la pink saturated color, round, even, reach a mass of 180-200 g each, differ in excellent taste. Fruit ripening occurs on the 90-100th day after germination. From one bush, even in a lean year, you can remove up to 8 kg of tomatoes. By the way, this variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses.

Early variety of tomatoes "O la la"


Top grade tomato. The bush grows tall, so it must be formed into one or two stems. This variety has quite a few fruits, because every 1-2 leaves tassels are tied, on which 6-7 fruits are located. Each tomato has a mass of about 200 g. The average yield from one bush is 10-12 kg. Tomatoes are beautiful red, original shape, slightly tapering to the tip.

Miracle of the earth

Tomatoes of this variety have another name - Wonder of the World. Received them as a result of amateur selection. Today is one of the best early varieties of tomatoes. Speaking about him, one cannot but note his positive qualities:

  • the fruits of the tomatoes on the bushes do not crack;
  • has a high yield;
  • the variety is resistant to weather changes;
  • , .

The height of the bush reaches 150 cm. The fruits are bright pink in color, do not have a green spot near the stalk. The skin is very dense, which significantly increases the shelf life. A feature of the variety is the shape of the fetus in the form of a heart. Tomatoes grow in clusters; on one bush their number can be from 10 to 14 pieces. At the same time, 6-8 fruits grow on each cluster. Tomatoes have the right shape and size. In order for the bush to withstand the heavy weight of the crop, it needs timely tying. Ripening of fruits begins on the 90th day.


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