Friendship Chainsaws: History and Present

Soviet instruments is a special topic that can be talked about for hours. For some, they are a symbol of inconvenience and a complete lack of ergonomics, but many will recall their quality and durability. Remembering the history of logging in our country, you can not ignore the Friendship chainsaw.

chainsaw friendship
Their mass production was established in 1955. Note that after three years, Friendship received a gold medal at the exhibition of technical innovations, which was held in Brussels. By the way, the saw got its memorable name due to the celebration of the next anniversary of the entry of Ukraine into Russia.

Since the 1990s, even private enterprises have begun to produce spare parts for these saws. Despite the fact that years have passed since the last original model was released, to this day the Druzhba chainsaws remain in operation.

The design includes a single-cylinder carburetor two-stroke engine. Cooling - air, the working volume is 94 cubic meters. see. Note that the digital index in the name means horsepower. So, the Druzhba-4 chainsaw is equipped with an engine of 4 l / s, and models with the ā€œEā€ index are equipped with the most modern electronic ignition at that time. The piston group is lubricated with oil previously dissolved in the fuel mixture. Thanks to the convenient engine mount, replacing it if necessary is not particularly difficult.

friendship chainsaw 4

Despite the antediluvian lubrication system of the power unit, it was on these saws that the technology of independent lubrication of the saw bar was first applied, which sharply increased the tool life. In addition, finally, it was possible to use saw chains with different tooth pitch. All Friendship chainsaws are equipped with a reliable and simple inertial clutch.

Because of this, when overloading a saw or biting a tire in a tree, when the engine speed drops sharply, its connection with the chain instantly breaks, which avoids stopping it and damaging the tool itself. Largely because of simplicity and maintainability, millions of people continue to use them all over the territory of the former USSR. Moreover, the very name of the Druzhba chainsaw has become a household name, and in some republics of the former CIS, any gasoline saw is so called.

friendship chainsaw 4m
Unfortunately, the weight of the instrument is truly epic at 12 kg. But when working in not very difficult conditions, you can fill in it with almost any oil and gasoline of poor quality. So, the power unit is able to work quietly even on fuel with a low octane rating. For the first time an inertial brake was used, greatly increasing the safety of its use. That is why the Druzhba-4m chainsaw has become so widespread among professional loggers.

The arrangement of governing bodies also contributed to this. Despite the unusual nature of such an arrangement, today it will allow even large trunks to be cut while standing, while with many modern saws, one has to kneel down for this. If you look after the saw at least a little, then it can work up to 30 years without any special problems. With it, you can not only cut down the forest, but also harvest lumber of quite decent quality.


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