How to crochet mitts: schemes with description, photo

Mittens, i.e. fingerless mittens, are very convenient for use in cool weather. They will not save from frost, but they will help to warm palms in the off-season. Also, such accessories connected by openwork patterns can decorate the bride’s outfit or become a real highlight of the autumn wardrobe.

decorative mittens

Crochet them does not seem to be a difficult task, however, for a satisfactory result, you need to adhere to certain rules.

Types of mitts

Despite the fact that often all accessories are knitted, there are ways to make crocheted mitts. Schemes with a description for beginners greatly facilitate the process. This article will discuss the main types of mitts, methods of knitting and other recommendations.

Conventionally, all existing models can be divided into several main types:

  • Simple, without a thumb attached.
  • With a thumb.
  • Mittens mittens.

The latter view consists of two parts: the main one, which covers the palm, leaving the fingers free, and the upper, which can be worn on top to protect from the cold. Such a model is rather complicated. Since this article is intended for beginners, the first two species will be discussed in detail.

Crochet Features

Any of these types can be connected with a dense or openwork pattern.

openwork crochet mitt circuits with a description
If you decide to crochet the mitts (the schemes with the description are presented below), note that they have some differences from such products made using knitting needles. It:

  • Lower degree of elasticity.
  • Large web thickness.
  • Relatively high rigidity.

All these factors must be considered when selecting yarn and hook. If you decide to knit a dense product, it is better to choose a thinner thread so as not to get too thick a fabric. The pattern also should not be too voluminous, otherwise the mitts will turn into boxing gloves. The density of knitting should be regulated and adhere to the "golden mean". Thus, the mitts will be soft, and the canvas moderately tight.

Given that the cuff of the crocheted mitts does not stretch very well, it can be made detachable with a button closure.

Crochet warm mitts: schemes with description

These accessories can be connected by one flat part or round. When choosing the first option, it is very convenient to place the clasp on your wrist. The cloth of the mitten consists of a cuff and the main part.

crochet mittens for beginners

The cuff can be tied with a tight elastic pattern that allows the product to better fit on the arm and warm it. However, you can do without this, connecting it with the same pattern as the main canvas.

Mittens look very attractive, the cuff of which acts as their main decoration and reaches almost to the elbow. It is knitted with some kind of longitudinal pattern or decorated with embroidery, beads and other decor. Many solid or conditionally solid patterns are great for crocheting warm mitts. Schemes with a description are proposed in this article.

crochet mitts with a description

Fingerless Mitts

These accessories can be simply tied with a hole for the thumb. This method of doing the work is very simple, and many knitters love it because there is practically nowhere to make a mistake.

Start knitting, usually from the bottom. After knitting and measuring the control sample, calculate the number of loops for the manufacture of the canvas. In the future, you need to constantly try on knitting to the hand.

Having decided on the type of knitting (even part or in circular rows), they begin to work:

  • Knit the cuff. The minimum height is 5 cm.
  • Then knit the distance from the base of the wrist to the hole for the thumb - 3-5 cm (depending on the size of the palm).
  • Finger hole: a chain of air loops (2-3 cm) is knitted into the column of the previous row, leaving a hole sufficient for threading the finger.
  • Continue knitting the main fabric, knitting the chain's air loops in columns in a pattern.
  • When the height of the canvas reaches the lower phalanges of the fingers, the mitten is ready.

The length of the product can be made a little less, so that it only covers the bones of the fingers. All open edges must be neatly tied.

Knitted Thumb

A variety of mitts, which include knitting the thumb, is knitted almost the same way as the previous model. The differences begin after the manufacturing of the main part is completed.

To knit the thumb, you need to perform several circular rows around the perimeter of the hole left. It is necessary to ensure that the resulting fabric is not too wide and does not puff in the form of ruffles. To do this, try on hand.

warm crochet mitts with a description

It is also worth avoiding tightening the canvas. The height of the finger should be small, about 1-2 cm. Its upper edge should be tied in the same way as all other edges of the mitts.

Crocheted openwork mittens: schemes with description

To complement evening and wedding dresses, as well as in the process of making costumes for little women of fashion, lightweight accessories made of cotton are knitted. Openwork patterns are used to crochet decorative mittens. Schemes describing such patterns are proposed in the photographs below. They are great for this kind of work. Ornaments can be used to make both the cuff and the main part.

knitting patterns
openwork pattern for elegant mitts

Keep in mind that too large a pattern is not suitable for mitts. An exception are products made of very thin threads. Like crocheted warm mitts (many Internet resources also offer schemes with a description), lace accessories can only have a hole or a connected part of the thumb.


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