The city of Ivanovo: a monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905

What sights can you see in Ivanovo? The monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905 was erected in the city on one of the central squares. It was thanks to this monument that it was called the square of the Revolution.

Ivanovo monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905

Memory of the Independence Fighters

This monument is a tribute to the fighters of the 1905 revolution. Ivanovo belongs to those Russian cities that sacredly honor the memory of those who did not spare their own lives, who defended the country's independence in those distant and harsh times.

In this sculptural composition there is a monument and a stele with the image of people. This project was developed and implemented under the leadership of Kutyrev, Ryabichev, Milyutin.

monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution of Ivanovo

Features of a unique monument

The monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution consists of two components. Its first fragment is a rectangle that became the personification of the prison. A flame erupts from it, which, as conceived by the author, symbolizes the revolution.

Above them is a stele with a red backlight, which is a symbol of a beating revolutionary heart.

What else includes a monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution? Ivanovo, whose history is connected with those events, has always been proud of its involvement in the revolution.

The composition, located in the city center, also includes a pedestal, consisting of two figures of people. One of them lies, and the second takes the banner from him. If you come closer to the sculptural composition, you can see that the faces of these people are distorted by severe pain.

All residents of Ivanovo are proud of this composition . The monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution is striking in its realism. If you look closely at the faces of revolutionaries, it becomes clear that these people were ready to defend their truth and fight enemies to the last drop of blood.

monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution

Interesting Facts

Should this composition have become the pride of the city of Ivanovo? A monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution, according to some historical sources, was to be erected in Odessa, since the revolutionaries are represented on it without shoes.

But this point of view is not supported by local historians, who note the contribution to the revolutionary cause made by the Ivanovo weavers.

It was they who were at the epicenter of those events when revolutionary fire flashed across the country. At that time, they suffered from an occupational disease - consumption. A terrible disease claimed hundreds of Ivanovo workers of heavy weaving.

The time of the appearance of the architectural ensemble

When did this composition appear in Ivanovo? The monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905 was erected in the "textile capital" in 1975. The creators of this unique composition were awarded State Prizes of the Soviet Union. During its existence, the composition gradually lost its original appearance, therefore, in 2005 restoration work was organized.

In all sightseeing bus excursions conducted for domestic and foreign guests in the city of Ivanovo, they necessarily include a stop at this sculptural composition.

Tour guides tell the legendary monument about the difficulties that real fighters for freedom and justice had to face, note the difficult life of Ivanovo weavers.

The monument to the fighters of the revolution, created in the center of Ivanovo, is a unique building. It attracts the views of everyone who ended up in this beautiful city of the Golden Ring of Russia.

monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905


You can admire the unique composition, the authors of which thought out every detail, once in the Ivanovo Square of the Revolution.

This building is a monumental large composition, which became a reminder of the events that took place in May 1905 during the revolutionary period. The ceremonial demonstration of the monument took place in Ivanovo in the spring of 1975.

An interesting fact is the location of the crystal crystal with special lighting, which, as conceived by the authors of this composition, has become a symbol of the warm heart of the Russian revolutionary.

Material for the manufacture of a unique architectural object was selected high-quality bronze, emphasizing (according to the authors' ideas) the monumentality of the created composition.

In order to see with your own eyes a unique image created in the center of Ivanovo, caring and curious people from different parts of our world come here.


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