Thuja western Golden Globe: description, features of cultivation

Thuja western or any other plant for our landscapes is still not typical. Representatives of the Cypress family were brought to us from America and Asia. However, they adapted well and became very popular in garden design. Under the name thuja western, a large number of decorative forms and varieties are combined - these are perennial shrubs of various types, slender and tall trees. For central Russia with frosty and snowy winters, it is recommended to use certain hybrids that do not require additional shelter. One of them is the thuja Golden Globe, caring for it is simple, and the plant itself is unpretentious.

Plant description

perennial shrubs

Thuja western Golden Globe is an evergreen low-growing spherical shrub . The height and diameter of the crown are approximately the same - about 1 m the bark is brown in color, sometimes with a reddish tint, peeling with narrow stripes occurs with age. Needles bright yellow-green hue. When completely coated, the surface forms a golden ball with saturated greens inside. By autumn, the color changes to copper. Due to this feature, the plant is very popular among gardeners and landscape designers. A small yellow ball is able to revive the site even on the most cloudy and rainy days. The plant develops slowly, over a year the growth is only up to 8-10 cm, and the shrub reaches its final size in diameter (1-1.2 m) only by 20 years of growth. Enough winter-hardy grade, small size allows you to easily make shelter. Among experienced gardeners and designers, the plant is known as the "yellow ball."

Location and soil

The thuja western Golden Globe is not as required to the soil as some of its relatives, but ideally prefers light loamy soil, so complex mineral fertilizers are required in the prepared planting soil. It is best to choose the illuminated places, in the shadow of the needles it becomes thin and pale, losing its characteristic golden hue. Dry air tolerates poorly enough. The climatic zone is defined as 5A, that is, in central Russia, it does not require shelter, as a rule, due to its low altitude, it is completely covered by snow. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the frame so that heavy rainfall during melting and during the winter does not break the crown.

Landing and care

dwarf shrub

Experts recommend buying plants with a closed root system, that is, in containers. Such specimens are easier to tolerate transplantation and better adapt to new conditions. Before landing, be sure to carefully spill an earthen lump. The landing pit should be 1.5-2 times the size of the container. Make sure that the root neck is not submerged in the ground and remains at the level of the soil. The width of the pit should be larger than the pot so that the growing roots have enough space around. Subsequent care consists of regular watering in hot and dry weather, as well as sprinkling, as the thuja western Golden Globe does not like dry air. Spraying is carried out in the early morning hours or in the evening after sunset. It is necessary to loosen the soil carefully, the bush has a root system of a superficial appearance with several powerful roots that go deep into. The best option is mulching. It will protect the roots from overheating, slow down the evaporation of moisture, prevent cracking of the soil and give a decorative appearance to the trunk area. As mulch, you can use dry grass, peat, crumbled tree bark. In late autumn, it should be removed and replaced with coniferous spruce branches - this step will prevent the appearance of mice.

thuja western golden glob

Thuja does not require the formation of a crown as such, but for the density of the “ball” in early spring along the way with sanitary pruning, slightly trim the tips of young shoots.

Diseases and Pests

The bright and unusual thuja western Golden Globe is most often affected by a bark beetle, a spider mite, a thuja aphid and a false scutellum. In recent years, it has been noticed that garden plants in May chrysanthemum began to be affected more often . To protect the plants, it is best to carry out preventive treatments in early spring with insecticidal preparations such as Actellic, Aktara or Angio. To prevent the onset or treatment of fungal diseases, use the fungicides “Skor”, “Quadris”, “Maxim”, “OxyHom”, etc.

Thuja western Golden Globe: use

golden globe

A shrubby shrub would be an ideal choice for small-sized gardens where taller varieties, such as Smaragd, will clutter up space, create a shadow. Forming a small ball with a golden tint of needles, thuja contrasts emphasize the emerald green lawn, along which it can be used as a tapeworm. Or create a decorative low hedge, decorate rock gardens. Thuja perfectly complements other perennial shrubs, especially with decorative foliage or an unusual shape, for example, Japanese maple. Designers love to use it for contrasting landscape groups with different architecture. Separately, it is worth noting the possibility of creating compositions on the balcony or loggia, terraces, since this dwarf shrub develops well in containers.


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