Freezing rain in Russian cities

Freezing rain is a rare occurrence. But thousands of people living in different parts of Russia managed to become its witnesses. What are the causes of the freezing rain? What are its consequences? Let's figure it out together.

Ice rain

Features of the natural phenomenon

Rain can be different: cold and warm, with small rains and large drops, direct and slanting. Sometimes from heaven literally rain falls on the earth. Scientists are still arguing about the process of the occurrence of this natural phenomenon. But they all agree on one thing: freezing rain is a weather anomaly.

After years of research and observation, specialists were able to identify some patterns. Freezing rain, the photo of which is attached to the article, occurs at air temperatures from 0 to -10 ° C. This happens when cold and warm air masses collide. Being in the upper layer, the snowflakes melt, but upon transition to the lower layer they immediately turn into ice. If after freezing rain go outside and carefully consider the rainfall, then you can see hollow balls of water. When they fall to the ground, they break. Water spills from them and immediately freezes, as a result of which the surface (soil, lawns, roads) is covered with an ice crust.

Freezing rain in Moscow

Freezing rain in Moscow

In December 2010, residents and guests of the capital witnessed an unusual natural phenomenon. It's about freezing rain. It started abruptly. In weather forecasts compiled and voiced by weather forecasters, not a word was said about this. People were taken aback by the freezing night rain. Photos of icy roads, buildings, power lines, cars and trees were published in the print media and on Internet portals the next day.

An unusual natural phenomenon literally paralyzed the transport system of the city. The airports lost electricity. Several dozen flights were delayed. It took the public utilities more than a day to resolve the problems that arose. The damage amounted to millions of rubles. Owners of cars and buildings with advertising signs were affected. Dozens of trees were also damaged.

Freezing rain in Krasnodar

Icy rain in Krasnodar

We observed an unusual natural phenomenon in one of the warmest regions of Russia. We are talking about the Krasnodar Territory. On the night of January 21, 2014, the services of Kubanenergo OJSC were raised by alarm. For several hours it rained icy. At night, experts began to eliminate its consequences.

The southwest of the Krasnodar Territory suffered more than others. These include Anapa and the Crimean region. Thousands of local residents were left without electricity. Repair crews worked in emergency mode and in bad weather conditions. Some consumers all this time managed to "feed" backup schemes.

In the daytime, the situation in the Krasnodar Territory improved slightly. But in places there was severe ice. The Ministry of Emergencies in the region declares no casualties and injuries. The effects of freezing rain were scratched cars and fallen trees. The operation of the transport was paralyzed for several hours, due to which the municipal carrier companies and ordinary taxi drivers suffered considerable damage.

After freezing rain

Consequences of freezing rain

Many underestimate the seriousness and danger of this natural phenomenon. The ice layer formed on wires and tree branches occupies a large area. Therefore, it is not surprising that the power line breaks off, and cars and plantations are damaged.

No less dangerous for people are roads covered with ice crust. In this situation, the number of accidents increases and injuries increase.


Most of the effects of freezing rain are plating aircraft and ships. Loss of this type of precipitation in large quantities can lead to trouble - loss of control of the aircraft or flooding of the ship.

Do not blame meteorologists. They argue that it is almost impossible to predict this natural phenomenon.

Safety regulations

Each of us knows that during the ice should be extremely careful and attentive. Moving along the slippery surface of the road you need to look under your feet. One wrong step - and the injury is guaranteed. After freezing rain, wear ribbed soled shoes. Try to get around the frozen trees. Cases when branches under the weight of an ice crust broke and fell on passers-by.

Ice rain photo

Tips for car owners

To free your car from snow captivity, we perform the following actions:

1. Carefully open the door and get inside. Many in this situation begin to pour boiling water on the doors. But this is a huge mistake. Due to the effects of boiling water, the paint will crack and after some time corrosion will begin. If you do not want to get a similar result, then listen to the advice of specialists. They recommend using a hot water bottle. We apply it to the castle for a couple of minutes. Then swing the door slightly. The ice at the junction should crack. And then the door will open unobstructed.

2. If you managed to get into the salon, then immediately start the engine, turn on the stove and headlights. All this will contribute to the heating of the car.

3. When the glass becomes warmer, try to clear it of ice using a scraper. Up to this point, wipers should not be included.

4. When the machine is more or less thawing, you can go to the nearest sink, where professionals will blow the remaining ice with the pressure of water.


Now you know what the freezing rain is. Features of its appearance and consequences, we also examined in detail.


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