Cable channel "Elekor": features, specifications, classification and installation

The operation of buildings of public, residential or industrial use is not possible without electricity. But it is not always advisable that the wires pass over any surface of the room - walls, floor, under the ceiling. This violates the aesthetics of the appearance and is not always safe. This question can be solved with the help of specially created cable channels "Elekor" specially for this purpose.

Cable Channel Elecor

Material Features

For the manufacture of channels for electrical wiring, suspension PVC is used. Thanks to the use of special additives, the products remain flexible during installation and operation. In addition, PVC with additives does not burn, therefore, with a short circuit, the possibility of fire is excluded. It was checked by the manufacturer of the Elekor cable channel in tests.

Depending on the size range, the wall thickness is from 0.7 mm to 0.24 cm. The length of the channels is 2 m. To remove the cable channel cover, you do not need to use additional equipment. The product can be operated at temperatures from + 60 to - 32 Β° C (regardless of temperature, the structure will maintain its integrity during impacts).

The sectional profile of the product is U-shaped. At the highest point of each wall there is a groove equipped with a double lock, where the lid is inserted. Thanks to this, it is possible to mount products even on the ceiling surface and place hard objects in the inside - the lid is held tightly in the lock. It can be opened only from the front side. The element is made of the same material as the main part, has a white color.

Advantages and disadvantages of products

cable channel Elecor manufacturer
The Elekor cable channel has many indicators important for operation. Its use allows you to:

  1. Protect wiring from damage.
  2. Limit unauthorized access to electrical wires. This is very important if there are children in the house or cats, dogs live.
  3. In an emergency, provide quick access to wires.
  4. To simplify the installation of electrical wiring during construction or repair work.
  5. Quickly upgrade or complement wiring.
  6. Hide wires in order to improve the appearance of the room.
  7. Perform work at any time of the year and at any temperature.
  8. When using a partition, separate different types of wiring.

In addition, the products have such important indicators as practicality, affordable price, durability, wear resistance, ergonomics. They are easy to install, dismantle, move to another place, increase to the desired length.

The disadvantages include a painstaking installation process. It’s easy to carry out the work, but you will have to be patient - it will take time to install. But it will pay off with the attractive appearance of the room, especially if there are a lot of wires in it and they resemble lianas hanging in the jungle.

Scope of application

cable channel Elecor specifications
It is possible to install the Elekor installation cable channel in rooms of any purpose. It can be:

  1. Entertainment centers.
  2. Medical institutions.
  3. Schools.
  4. Administrative complexes.
  5. Production facilities.
  6. Offices
  7. Saunas and baths.
  8. Apartments
  9. Private houses.
  10. Cottages, etc.

Designed profile for arrangement:

  1. Television cables.
  2. Telephone wires.
  3. Computer wires.
  4. Power wiring.
  5. Low-current networks (fire and video surveillance).

Conclusion: the box is a universal electrical device, suitable for use wherever necessary.


cable channel Elecor specifications
The main technical characteristics of the Elekor cable channel, important during operation, are:

  1. Impact strength
  2. Heat resistance.
  3. Resistance to ignition from heated wire.
  4. Resistance to fire from open fire.
  5. Fire resistance. Products do not burn or spread fire. When one of the wires ignites from it, the next one laid next to it will not burn if it is separated by a special partition.
  6. Resistance to aggressive environmental conditions, ultraviolet, artificially controlled climatic environment.
  7. The insulation has an electrical strength of about 100 megohms.

Classification and types

Today, various companies produce a large number of such products, which allows the use of boxes in the interiors of any style - from minimalism to baroque. The cable channel "Elekor" is classified by characteristics:

  1. The material of manufacture. Steel is an expensive but durable material. Aluminum has an attractive appearance, is expensive and also costs a lot. PVC products are safe, durable, durable and affordable items.
  2. Configuration. Products have different shapes for installation on the floor, wall, baseboard, ceiling and corner.
  3. Design. Products can be decorated in wood, metal, marble, have a plain or color.
  4. Structure. It is rigid (for mounting on flat surfaces) and flexible, designed for mounting on surfaces with bumps.

The manufactured cable channels have a standard length of 2 m, and a cross section from 12 x 12 to 60 x 100 mm. The most popular countries producers of cable channel "Elekor":

  1. Poland - E.NEXT.
  2. Russia - "IEK".
  3. France - Legrand.
  4. Russia - EKF.

Of course, products from well-known manufacturers cost a little more, but this is the case when it is better to overpay so as not to buy twice: cheap products are too inconvenient to use because of the too soft case, they can open spontaneously, and lose color over time.

Mounting Features

cable channel Elecor country producer
To install the Elekor cable channel, you do not need to have special skills, but still there are several important points that you need to know about:

  1. You can fix the Elekor cable channel to the surface with self-tapping screws, double-sided tape, mounting adhesive.
  2. When installing SCS, the useful area of ​​the box should be filled no more than 2/3.
  3. Before starting work, it is required to take measurements in advance and purchase the necessary number of boxes with a small margin.
  4. Determine the location of the laying route, clean the work surface.


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