Eric Larsen: biography, basic books, ideas, concepts

E. B. Larsen is one of the most famous personal growth trainers in the world, the author of the books “Without Self-Pity” and “On the Limit”. His works help readers learn to perceive the world in a different way, adjust their behavior strategies so as to become happier and more successful in work and personal life.

Eric Bertnar Larsen

Larsen's method. Author's concept

Eric Larsen is the author of his own personal growth methodology, which is popular all over the world. The key point in it is the idea that even minor changes can lead to global transformations in life and a whole series of success. A business coach believes that everything in life can be achieved, and is much more possible than the average person imagines. The coach called his author's approach the Bertrand method, since his full name is Eric Bertrand Larsen.


Larsen was born and raised in Norway. Since he was the youngest in his class by age, this was the subject of ridicule from other students. When Eric Larsen was 12 years old, the children put snow under his jacket. On this day, he decided that he had enough and decided to become a paratrooper.

Six years later, he enters the service as an officer in the Norwegian forces, where hell week is held for the first time. When Eric Larsen passed it a second time, he was enlisted in the army. He served in different countries - Afghanistan, Kosovo, Macedonia.

Civic life

Larsen received a master's degree in economics. After completing military service, he worked in various fields: telecommunications and HR, and then in the field of coaching. Currently, Eric Larsen is one of the leading trainers working with top managers of various companies and with Olympic champions.

Eric Larsen and his bride Louise

Larsen has become one of the most popular authors of personal growth books in Norway and beyond. Larsen is officially married to Louise Larsen, a happy couple with four children.

The most famous books

The following books by Eric Larsen will help to embark on the path of personal development, achieve great results:

  • "On the limit. A week without self-pity ”;
  • “Without self-pity. Push the boundaries of your capabilities ”;
  • "Now! Do not miss the moment - that’s all you have. ”

Eric Larsen: “No self-pity”

One of the most famous works written by Larsen. In it, he talks about how you can achieve significant changes in life, how to set great goals and achieve them, how to push the boundaries of your own abilities, go beyond stereotyped thinking and comfort zones.

goal achievement

One of the most difficult tasks at the beginning of the path is to make a firm decision to go this path to the end. Few people are ready to admit mistakes and change, since for personal transformations it is necessary to use feelings and reason. For example, you want to tidy up your body. To do this, you need to end bad habits, get rid of accumulated kilograms, eat healthy foods and begin to train.

Of course, everyone knows that smoking harms, that you need to play sports to maintain your health, but this awareness affects the mind, not the emotions. To believe in the goal with all my heart, you should ask yourself several questions that activate emotional experiences: “If I continue to eat as I do today, who will I look like in five years?”, “If I live without physical exertion today, is it possible will count on a painless old age? ” Such questions allow us to look differently at the consequences of our actions or, conversely, inaction.

beginning of the path to the goal

Larsen writes that the problem of most people is to reassess their own plans for the year. It seems to a person that he can achieve a lot - after all, there are 365 days ahead of him. Although in reality the results are always lower than we would like. On the other hand, people underestimate what they can accomplish in ten years. This question and many other Larsen is covered in detail in his book.

With its help, readers will have the opportunity to set themselves global goals, to train willpower to achieve the desired results. Larsen's work allows you to get a powerful charge of motivation.

Hell Week

One of the most famous concepts proposed by Eric Larsen is “Week at the Limit”. In fact, it is a seven-day program that everyone will remember forever. All that is needed for its passage is desire and iron self-discipline.

work on the goal

“Hell Week” makes it clear that taking action every day to achieve a result is not so difficult as it might seem at first. The week starts at 5:00 on Monday and ends at 22:00 on Sunday. Throughout this time, you need to get up early, go to bed in time, work hard, play sports, refrain from watching TV and social networks. One of the most important conditions for passing this week is a complete immersion in activities without distractions.

At the end of Hell Week, an indescribable feeling of inner satisfaction should appear. Turning back, the person who tested this program realizes how much useful he managed to do over the past week.

Readers note that overcoming oneself about which Larsen writes is not so scary. To a greater extent in his works, he describes not the experience of service in the airborne troops, but those skills and tools that will be useful to an ordinary person in everyday life. Self-discipline, about which Larsen writes, concerns the most ordinary little things, but this is what allows us to achieve impressive results.


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