Rules of conduct in public transport

Modern society is increasingly trying to make its financial situation as safe and stable as possible and, it must be said, quite successfully. Many are engaged in decent business and can afford to buy houses, apartments, cars and others, emphasizing the high level of wealth, things. The road space is clogged with private cars, but, nevertheless, there are people who actively use public transport, making daily trips to work and home. In order to avoid conflict situations, certain rules of behavior in public transport were invented, the knowledge and implementation of which also indicates that a person has elementary education.

The rules of conduct in public transport suggest that a man should give way to a woman. Fortunately, modern representatives of the stronger sex still remember decency, so a young man giving way to a girl is not uncommon. It is considered unacceptable not to offer pregnant women, women with children, the elderly and the disabled to take a seat. Although, watching an elderly grandmother, who hardly holds onto the handrail, and at the same time pretending to be something a very enthusiastic person, the guy is also a fairly common occurrence.

According to etiquette, the rules of conduct in public transport are no exception, when entering a bus, trolleybus, tram or subway car, you need to say hello to your comrades in the cabin. You can also greet passengers who are not familiar, but have become quite frequent travel companions. Of course, one should not shout out greetings to the entire salon, it is enough just to nod your head or smile, but at the same time a visual contact must be established. As for conversations in general, the rules of conduct in transport imply silence. It is considered indecent to discuss your problems loudly, especially if they are personal.

At the entrance and exit, you should also follow the rules of conduct in public transport. According to them, when entering a bus, trolley, tram or subway car salon, a man must let a woman forward. The first to have entry are citizens with young children, the elderly, the disabled, and women in the situation.

If husband and wife will use public transport, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the husband, in addition to his wife, will let a few more people go forward. At the same time, going inside, he should not push everyone with his elbows in order to get to his wife. If, however, the spouses were next to each other, then when leaving, the husband should go ahead, thereby freeing the path for a companion. To do this, of course, it is necessary to carefully and politely, asking surrounding passengers for permission to pass, rather than pushing them. Stepping out of the vehicle, the man gives his lady his hand , helping her get out. The younger ones should do the same in relation to the elders. A manifestation of a good upbringing will also be assistance with entry or exit for those who need it, i.e. elderly people, people with disabilities, people with heavy bags, even if they are not familiar.

The rules of conduct for water transport are not particularly different from any other rules of conduct for other modes of transport. The main difference is safety. It is only necessary to enter the board on the ramp, no other options are allowed. If the cabins involve the placement of not one, but several people, then in the case of proximity with a stranger, you need to introduce yourself to him. Also in this case, it is better to adhere to basic hygiene rules and not leave a sink and toilet dirty, and also not litter. You should not initially spoil relations with others, and even more so do it intentionally, because no one knows how life will turn out further.


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